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What you did was wrong translate Spanish

270 parallel translation
What you did was wrong, Eddie, and I'm ashamed of you.
Lo que hiciste estuvo mal y deberías avergonzarte.
What you did was wrong.
Hiciste algo malo.
Hopefully, you will realize that what you did was wrong.
Esperemos que se den cuenta de que lo que hicieron fue malo.
Alex, what you did was wrong.
Alex, lo que hiciste estuvo mal.
What you did was wrong.
Lo que has hecho estuvo mal.
What you did was wrong. And all I did was call you on it.
Cometiste un error y yo sólo te visité.
You realize what you did was wrong.
¿ Te das cuenta de que lo que hiciste estuvo mal?
What you did was wrong!
No es justo lo que has hecho.
"Son, what you did was wrong," and then, "Attaboy." I don't want to see that.
"Hijo, lo que hiciste estuvo mal", y luego, "Eso es." No quiero ver eso.
What you did was wrong, and I was wrong to support you but I was too young and too stupid to realize it.
Lo que hizo estuvo mal, pero yo era demasiado estúpido para verlo.
Look, I know you know what you did was wrong... or else you wouldn't be calling.
Sé que sabes que está mal lo que has hecho sino, no habrías llamado.
Forgiveness means that when you did something really wrong, you want somebody to tell you... that it wasn't really, really wrong, when you know what you did was wrong because you did it!
"Perdón" significa que cuando has hecho algo malo, quieres que alguien te diga que no fue tan, tan malo, aunque tú sabes que lo fue, ¡ porque lo hiciste tú!
What you did was wrong.
Lo que hiciste estuvo mal.
Tom. Now... I think what you did was wrong.
Tom, escuche... creo que lo que hizo fue algo equivocado.
What you did was wrong.
Lo que hicieron estuvo mal.
You think what you did was wrong?
¿ Crees que lo que hiciste estuvo mal?
What you did was wrong.
Lo que hice estuvo mal.
/ Because you knew what you did was wrong.
Porque sabía que había hecho algo malo.
Tell me just what did you think was wrong with my acting?
Dime solo ¿ qué te pareció mal de mi forma de actuar?
Did you find out what was wrong with the wheel?
¿ Encontraron el problema de la rueda?
Look, what he did was wrong, but you going along with it, then shooting him down, that was all right?
Oiga, lo que hizo no estuvo bien, pero estar de acuerdo con él y luego dispararle, ¿ eso está bien?
Aron, your last season with me you did nothing but tell me what was wrong with our cars.
Aron, tu última temporada conmigo no hiciste nada más que decirme qué tenían de malo nuestros autos.
And what was the one wrong thing you did?
¿ Y qué es lo que has hecho mal?
What you did was very wrong, Rocío, and I don't want it to happen again.
Lo que hicieron está muy mal, Rocío, y no quiero que vuelva a suceder.
But what you did tonight was very wrong.
Pero lo que has hecho esta noche estuvo mal.
What we did was wrong but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
"Me Como la Cabeza" un sábado en detención... por lo que sea que hayamos hecho, y lo que hicimos estuvo mal... pero creemos que está loco... "No me Gustan los Lunes" al pedirnos una redacción contándole... quiénes creemos que somos.
Father, around what time did you notice something was wrong?
Padre, ¿ hacia que hora notaste algo extraño?
Kelly, what you did was wrong.
¿ Para qué?
But you see everything only as black and white, right or wrong. But what I did in Danzel's class was not a black-and-white issue.
¿ Así lo llamas cuando te humillas delante de toda la escuela?
What you did to that donkey was wrong.
Lo que le hiciste a ese burro estuvo mal.
How did you work out what was wrong?
- ¿ Cómo supiste Io que era?
Estaba equivocado.
What you did tonight was wrong.
Lo que hiciste esta noche estaba equivocado.
- Huh? Do you not think we should tell the girls... what Sharon did was wrong?
¿ No deberíamos decir a las niñas que eso está mal?
What the military did to you was wrong.
Lo que le hizo el Ejército no estuvo bien.
Cleo, you know you was wrong for what you did to Stony.
Cleo, estuvo mal lo que hiciste a Stony.
Did I say there was anything wrong with what you had on?
¿ Dije que había algo malo con lo que tenías puesto?
Are you saying that what I did was wrong?
¿ Está usted diciendo que lo que hice fue un error?
I don't know yet if it was wrong, what you did.
No se aún... si estuvo mal, lo que hiciste.
What we did was wrong. But in our trespasses, we gave you a loving son.
Lo que hicimos estuvo mal, pero en esas incursiones, te dimos un hijo al que amar.
What we did to you was wrong.
Lo que les hicimos fue un error.
- I admit what I did was wrong, but Joey you lied to me.
- Admito que lo que hice estuvo mal. Joey, me mentiste.
Look, what I did was deadly wrong and I could stand here and try to explain to you my hopelessly troubled state of mind because you do deserve an explanation for my behavior but instead of feeding you 1 0 years of therapy I was hoping that maybe I could get by with a simple apology and hope that I haven't left any permanent scars.
Mira lo que hice estuvo muy mal. Y podría parame aquí y tratar de explicar mi problemático estado mental Porque mereces una explicación por mi conducta
Andie, everything that I've worked for, everything that you've helped me to become, is somebody who believes in himself and his instincts and every instinct in me tells me that what that man did in that classroom was wrong.
Andie, todo lo que he hecho... Me ayudaste a ser alguien que cree en sí y sus instintos. Y cada uno de esos instintos me dice que lo que ese hombre hizo en clase está mal.
You know, I guess it was wrong, what I did with Laurie.
Sabes, Creo que estaba equivocado, cuando lo hice con Laurie.
What he did to you was wrong.
Lo que te hizo estuvo mal.
What you did was dead wrong.
Lo que has hecho ha sido un absoluto error.
i was wrong to do what i did, ok although... you've got to give them time laurent you're unbearable, you, Cedric and the others like you.
Estuvo mal en hacer lo que hice, ok aunque... tienes que darles tiempo Laurent eres insoportable, tú, Cedric y los otros como tú.
The only reason I changed my mind about what you did is that I was wrong and I acted like a clod.
No te engrías. La única razón por la que cambió de opinión acerca de lo que hiciste es que me equivoqué y me comporté como una tonta.
Dr. Skoda, you say the defendant knows what he did was wrong by our standards.
Dr. Skoda, usted dice que el acusado sabe que lo que hizo está mal según las normas. - Doctor, si yo me despierto de noche oigo un ruido, busco mi arma y le disparo a alguien que entró en mi casa sé que lo que hice está mal, pero lo hice para salvar a mi familia. - Sí.
You're upset, and what I did was so wrong.
Estás desquiciado, lo que hice estaba mal.

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