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When i was a little boy translate Spanish

283 parallel translation
When I was a little boy, a similar accident happened nearby.
Cuando yo era niño, ocurrió aquí cerca un accidente parecido.
You know, when I was a little boy I was taught to ride and be a gentleman.
De pequeño me enseñaron a montar a caballo y a ser un caballero.
He wants me to get his slippers to him, as I did when I was a little boy.
Que le traiga las pantuflas como cuando era chico. Las pantuflas...
When I was a little boy, I used to kiss little girls.
Cuando yo era jovencito, solía besar a las chicas.
Oh, yes, when I was a little boy, I used to love to whistle and a whistle never forgets.
Sí, cuando era niño, me encantaba pitar y un pito nunca olvida.
Oh. When I was a little boy...
- Cuando era pequeño...
Um, well, when I was a little boy...
- Ve al grano. - Cuando era pequeño...
Well, when I was a little boy, I was sort of puny.
Cuando era pequeño, era un enclenque.
Well, when I was a little boy, I was kind of puny...
Cuando era pequeño, era un chico encIenque.
I saw the great John Cabal with my own eyes when I was a little boy.
Vi al gran John Cabal con mis propios ojos cuando era un niño.
When I was a little boy, I thought soldiers always died in battles.
Cuando yo era niño... creía que los soldados siempre morían en las batallas.
You know, when I was a little boy and the rain came down like that, my mother used to say, "God is angry at someone."
¿ Sabe? Cuando era pequeño y llovía a cántaros... mi madre solía decirme : "Dios está enojado con alguien".
When I was a little boy, you wanted me to believe in fairy tales... and now that one has really happened... -
Cuando era un chico pequeño, y quería que creyese en cuentos de hadas... y ahora que uno ha sucedido realmente...
One time when I was a little boy, I got lost.
Una vez, cuando era niño, me perdí.
Even when I was a little boy, every night she used to...
Incluso cuando era un niño pequeño, todas las noches, ella solía...
Even when I was a little boy.
Sí, se llenan de barro.
Leí un montón de libros sobre bandidos cuando era un chiquillo.
When I was a little boy I was placed in a home.
Cuando era un crío, me llevaron a un lugar.
Yeah... like I did when I was a little boy.
Sí, como entonces.
But I used to sing that when I was a little boy.
- Pero la cantaba cuando era niño.
Yes, you see, when I was a little boy, I was awful.
Sí, verá, de pequeño era terrible.
When I was a little boy, I promised my father l`d kill a Frenchman for him.
De pequeño, le prometí a mi padre que mataría a un francés por él.
When I was a little boy, I wouldn't even let my mother undress me.
De pequeño no permitía que nadie, ni siquiera mi madre, me desnudara.
You had white hair when I was a little boy and now we look like we're about the same age.
Tenía el pelo blanco cuando yo era niño, y ahora nos vemos de la misma edad.
It started when I was a little boy...
Todo empezó cuando era pequeño.
When I was a little boy, I was sure I could fly.
Cuando era pequeño, creía que podía volar.
When I was a little boy there was a priest Father Wilkins.
Cuando yo era pequeño, había un sacerdote el Padre Wilkins.
Cuando yo era niño. No había agua.
- When I was just a little boy, I asked my mother, " What will I be?
Cuando era un niño, le pregunté a mi madre :
- When I was a little boy,
Cuando era pequeño, fingia que era una sirena!
I caught him once smoking corn silk when he was a little boy.
Una vez lo sorprendi fumando barbas de la mazorca del maiz cuando era niño.
Little man, when I was your age, when I was just a little boy, When my parents asked me to do something, then I'd...
Amiguito, cuando yo tenía tu edad, y era tan chiquitín, si mis padres me decían que hiciera algo,
When I was a little tiny boy
Cuandoyo era un niñito pequeñito
I was wondering what you were like when you were a little boy.
Me preguntaba cómo era de pequeño.
This house certainly takes me back to the time when... I was just a little old shirt-tailed boy in Kentucky.
Esta casa me recuerda el tiempo en el que... era un muchacho descamisado de Kentucky.
- I was wrong when I said that a mother never stops thinking of her son as a little boy.
- Estaba equivocada... cuando dije que una madre nunca deja de pensar en su hijo como un niño pequeño.
That was a dozen years ago when I saw a very little boy fight a very big bull.
Eso fue hace unos doce años cuando vi a un niño enfrentar a un toro muy grande.
When I was teaching, I often thought of him..... as of a young boy, little older than the ones I had in my class.
Cuando yo era maestra, solía pensar en él como en un niño un poco más mayor que los que tenía en clase. Pero ahora es diferente.
Do you remember when we took the little Schultz boy to the movies and I was so frightened?
¿ Recuerdas cuando llevamos al pequeño Schultz a esa película... que me dio tanto miedo?
When he was a little boy, I can remember, there were simply no reason for him to run away from home. None at all.
Cuando era pequeño recuerdo que, sin el menor motivo, se escapaba.
" When he was a little boy, I teached him how to catch sunperch.
Cuando era un niño le enseñé a pescar percas doradas.
It was many years ago when my grandfather was dying. I was but a little boy then.
Esto es víbora de bosque en escabeche, una buena medicina contra el miedo.
When you were a little boy, when you first said to me you wanted to be a doctor, I was so happy.
Cuando eras un niño,... cuando me dijiste por primera vez que querías ser médico, fui tan feliz.
He's been working for twenty years in the Girasi's company, I still remember when he was a child. He's a nice boy, maybe a little reserved.
Llevo 30 años trabajando para los Giraci, lo recuerdo de niño, un buen chico, tal vez un poco tímido.
I do remember me... Henry the Sixth did prophesy that Richmond should be king... when Richmond was a little peevish boy.
Recuerdo... que Enrique Vl profetizó que Richmond sería rey, cuando Richmond no era más que un rapazuelo.
When I was just a little boy
# Cuando era un niño pequeño #
What are you helping me for? I was very touched when I heard how you felt about the little boy. I thought you should have a chance to prove yourself.
me conmovio ver como se comporto con el pequeño creo que debe tener la oportunidad de probarse a si mismo... eso, fue antes de que supiera que estaba enamorado de, la Srta Sikita
It's owned by a little boy, and it sees grown-ups as they were when they were children. I was hoping you'd be able to when you were...
Empieza con los niños y observa cómo van creciendo, hasta convertirse en...
When I was a boy, we were very poor but we had a little farm.
Cuando era un niño, éramos muy pobres pero teníamos una pequeña granja.
I bring him from Italy myself when he was just a little boy and now...
Yo mismo lo traje de Italia cuando no era más que un crío, y ahora...
When that I was and a little tiny boy
Hubo un tiempo en que yo era muy niño, un niñito... diga ¡ hey!

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