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When i was his age translate Spanish

151 parallel translation
You know, when I was his age, I could lick any kid in the neighborhood. - Ouch.
Cuando tenía su edad, yo daba una paliza a todos los chiquillos.
When I was his age, I ran away to service in Spanish Morocco.
Señora, es un hombre joven. Yo, dejé a mi novia y me marché a luchar a Marruecos.
When I was his age, I went barefoot.
- Cuando yo tenía su edad iba descalzo.
Why, when I was his age I could jump any fence. Run faster than a coyote.
Cuando yo tenía su edad, podía saltar cualquier valla... y correr más rápido que un coyote.
I was like that too when I was his age.
A su edad también hacía que me abrochara mi madre.
Yo era igual a su edad.
When I was his age.
Cuando tenía su edad.
When I was his age, I'd already lost my wife.
Cuando yo tenía su edad, ya había perdido a mi mujer.
When I was his age, I was jumping all the time too.
Yo a su edad, saltaba igual.
They had the same trouble with me when I was his age.
Tuvieron el mismo problema conmigo cuando tenía su edad.
When I was his age, the president ran a poor second to Babe Ruth.
- Es normal, señor. A su edad, para mí el presidente iba por detrás de Babe Ruth.
- When I was his age... -
- Yo a su edad...
I know, but when I was his age, I could fix any car in two seconds.
Lo sé, pero a su edad yo podía arreglar autos en dos segundos.
When I was his age, I couldn't make up my mind whether to become a doctor or a fireman.
su edad, yo no sabía si sería médico o bombero.
- My god, when I was his age...
- Dios mío, cuando tenía su edad...
I did the same kind of thing when I was his age.
Yo hacía lo mismo a su edad.
- When I was his age, I was the guy... zooming the girls like you. - You bet.
- Seguro.
When I was his age, I was a right little rooter.
Cuando tenía su edad... era todo un semental.
I was like him when I was his age.
Yo era como él cuando tenía su edad.
I want what I was when I was his age
Quiero que sea como era yo cuando tenía su edad.
He's like me when I was his age.
Es como yo a su edad.
When I was his age, I worshipped you.
Cuando yo tenía la edad de él, te veneraba.
Boy, when I was his age, I was so girl-crazy... they called me Ricardo Montalban.
Cuando yo tenía su edad, estaba tan loco por las chicas... que me llamaban Ricardo Montalbán.
I was just like him when I was his age.
Yo era como él cuando tenía su edad.
Kitty, when I was his age, I worked in a slaughterhouse.
Kitty, cuando yo tenía su edad trabajaba en un matadero.
You know, Kitty, when I was his age... I could have parachuted onto a deserted island... with nothing but a Swiss army knife, and I would've survived.
Sabes, Kitty, cuando yo tenía su edad, pude haberme tirado en paracaídas en una isla desierta con sólo una navaja suiza y haber sobrevivido.
He reminds me of me when I was his age.
Él me recuerda a mí cuando tenía su edad.
When I was his age, I was crazy for Mad Magazine,
Cuando tenía su edad, estaba loco por la revista Mad.
Wait a minute. I was not like that when I was his age.
Espera un minuto, yo no era así a su edad.
When I was his age, I was in charge of a full regiment. "
"Cuando tenía su edad, tenía a mi cargo un regimiento entero."
When I was his age I would have killed for my father to teach me to drive a boat.
Hubiera deseado que mi padre me enseñara a conducir un bote.
Cuando yo tenía su edad, estaba por ahí follándome a todo lo que se movía.
I didn't even know what girls looked like when I was his age.
A su edad yo ni siquiera sabía cómo eran las chicas.
He reminded me of the way I was when I was his age.
Me hace recordar lo que hacia cuando tenia su edad.
When I was his age, I supported a wife and kid.
Cuando yo tenía su edad, mantenía a una esposa, un hijo...
I did the same when I was his age.
Hice lo mismo cuando tenía su edad.
When I was his age, I was exactly like this.
Cuando tenía su edad, yo era exactamente igual
I stuck tweezers into an electrical socket when I was his age.
Yo metí unas pinzas en un enchufe con su edad.
Well, I expect you dribbled when you was his age.
Tú también lo hacías de pequeño.
When I was your age my father scolded me often to exchange his home for a hotel.
Tenía yo tu edad cuando mi padre decía que tomaba su casa por una pensión.
I thieved for you when I was a child not half his age, and I've thieved for you ever since!
Robé para ti cuando era la mitad de pequeña que él. Y he robado para ti desde entonces.
I know you don't like me to talk about him, but he was just his age - 18 or so - when I married him.
Ya sé que no te gusta que hable de él, pero teníamos 18 años cuando me casé con él.
I was just about his age when you and I started up.
Y pensar que yo casi tenía su edad cuando me lié contigo.
When I was at his age...
Cuando tenía su edad...
If I'd been more wary of his sort when I was your age, it would have spared me much trouble.
Cuando yo tenía tu edad, si hubiera desconfiado de tipos como tu Balla, me hubiese ahorrado algunos desengaños.
I thieved for you when I was half his age.
Robé para ti cuando aún no tenía su edad.
When I was at his age I called my father "Sir", that's right!
Cuando tenía su edad llamaba a mi padre "Señor", así es!
See, when I was about your age, I felt real bad about learning that your grandpa can't do math in his head.
Verás, cuando era de tu edad me sentí muy mal cuando supe que tu abuelo no puede hacer cuentas mentalmente.
When I was younger his age didn't bother me. Now it does.
La diferencia de edad, que antes no me chocaba, ahora sí me choca.
But when he said that, I saw there was... a sort of thread linking the two films, between Jacques'hands, his skin damaged by disease and mine damaged by old age. His white hair, my white hair.
Pero entendí que para él había un hilo, un vínculo entre las dos películas, entre las manos de Jacques su piel afectada por la enfermedad y la mía por la vejez sus canas y las mías...
Abandoned at birth, I was on my own at an early age... fighting for survival on the streets of Beverly Hills... making his way down the boulevard of broken dreams, turning tricks at Hollywood and Vine... yet even when I found a loving mother...
Abandonado al nacer, estuve sólo desde una edad temprana. Luchando por sobrevivir en las duras calles de Beverly Hills. Abriéndose paso por el boulevard de los sueños perdidos.

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