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When you were a child translate Spanish

294 parallel translation
Do you remember when you were a child?
¿ Recuerdas cuando eras niño?
I remember when you were a child, you broke your best toy. A little wagon.
Cuando eras pequeño rompiste tu mejor juguete, una pequeña carreta.
The kind you probably made yourself when you were a child.
Como los que haría usted cuando era niña.
Someone probably told you weird stories about the curse... when you were a child.
Alguien te habló de la maldición de los Allenby... cuando eras niña.
You know, Stephen, you always did smirk even when you were a child.
Siempre te pasaste de risueño. Desde pequeño.
No. I don't care what she meant to you when you were a child...
No importa lo que significara para ti, me refiero a lo que es ahora.
Did your mother hurt you, Mark, when you were a child?
¿ Te hizo sufrir por algo cuando eras niño?
Things that you pushed into the lower part When you were a child because they frightened you. So what?
Cosas que hiciste bajar a la parte de abajo cuando eras un niño porque ellas te asustaban.
Even when you were a child?
¿ Incluso cuando eras un niño?
That happened when you were a child, Something you're ashamed of.
Que pasó cuando eras niño,
I want to find out what happen when you were a child. There was nothing!
Quiero descubrir lo que pasó cuando Ud era un niño.
You told me yesterday that once when you were a child... your father was angry at you, quite unjustly.
Ayer me dijo que una vez, cuando era niña su padre se enojó con Ud. injustamente.
Tell me, Dowd. When you were a child, didn't you have a playmate?
Dígame, Dowd, cuando era pequeño, ¿ tenía algún compañero de juegos?
She sent you to Rome when you were a child.
Ella te envió a Roma cuando eras una niña.
When you were a child, didn't you have a mother and a father, and a house and a street in a town?
Pero, cuando era pequeño... ¿ no tenía madre, ni padre, ni casa, ni calle, ni pueblo?
When you were a child, you understood as a child.
Cuando Vd. era niño, lo entendía todo como un niño.
When you were a child, You always came here to play.
De pequeño siempre venías a jugar aquí.
Back to when you were a child.
Regresar a cuando usted era una niña.
I don't know you as well as I did when you were a child.
Ya no te conozco tan bien como te conocía de pequeña.
Your father said that when you were a child, you were over-imaginative and inclined to be frightened of your own shadow.
Tu padre dijo que de niña tu imaginación era desbordante, y que tenías miedo de tu propia sombra.
And when you were a child, did you tell your parents everything?
Cuando eras una niña, ¿ se lo contabas todo a tus padres?
Tell me, when you were a child did you know any Negroes or Jews?
Dígame, cuando usted era niño ¿ conocía a algún negro o judío?
You felt persecuted as you did when you were a child.
Se sintió molesto igual que cuando era niño.
And when you were a child Did your mommy tell you
Y sabremos dónde buscar si tu mamá te lo dice.
Did you ever have an imaginary friend when you were a child?
¿ Alguna vez tuvo una amiga imaginaria siendo niña?
- Maybe when you were a child?
- ¿ Tal vez de pequeño?
It was all right when you were a child and made funny faces.
Eso, de niña, nos hacía reír.
Did you have a home when you were a child?
¿ Tuvo un hogar de niño?
When you were a child, you killed seven men with that gun.
Cuando eras niño, mataste a 7 hombres con esa arma.
Your look just like you did when you were a child.
Se te vuelve a poner la cara de cuando eras pequeño.
Remember how you liked them when you were a child?
¿ Te acuerdas cómo te gustaban los atlas de niño?
Look, it's like the cakes you had when you were a child.
Mira, la dulzura de ser un niño.
"Did you enjoy life when you were a child?"
"¿ Disfrutaste la vida cuando eras pequeño?"
When you were a child, my son... did you ever have impure thoughts?
Cuando eras pequeño, hijo mío... ¿ tenías pensamientos impuros?
The times I held you on my lap when you were a child.
Las veces que te sostuve en mis rodillas, cuando eras un niño.
Didn't you learn how to eat when you were a child?
¿ No te enseñaron a comer cuando eras niño?
You know, Olga Nikolayevna, it's like when you were a child...
Sabes, Olga Nikolayevna, es como cuando eras chica...
When I found out that you were going to have a child I somehow felt bigger, taller.
Cuando supe que ibas a tener un niño tú no puedes entenderlo, me sentí más grande, más alto.
Were you lying when you told me you might be going to have a child? Pete's child?
¿ Mentiste cuando dijiste que esperabas un hijo de Pete?
When you were in South America before you were missing Sandra told me she was going to have a child.
Cuando estabas en Suramérica, antes de desaparecer, Sandra me dijo que esperaba un hijo.
When you were a little child... after her death... the evils of this house reached out for you.
Cuando eras una niña pequeña, después de su muerte, los demonios de esta casa salieron a buscarte.
I've left the capital myself when you were still only a child.
Yo mismo dejé la capital cuando todavía eras un niño.
Yes, you were just a child when I last saw you.
Era sólo una niña la última vez que la vi.
Do you remember when you were a little child and you used to tell me that you were tired, I would stroke your hair ever so gently?
¿ No se acuerda, cuando era una niña y me decía que estaba cansada, yo le acariciaba suavemente el pelo?
When I was a child, you were the world and I adored you.
Cuando era niña, tú eras el mundo y yo te adoraba.
When you adopted me, raising me as if I were your own child, you gave me all that a man could desire in life.
Cuando me adoptaste, criándome como si fuera tu propio hijo, me diste todo lo que un hombre puede desear en la vida.
You were a motherless child of seven when I first knew you
Eras un niño de siete años sin madre la primera vez que te vi.
When I met you, you were a spoiled child.
Cuando te conocí eras una niña mimada.
You know, I remember when I was a child, there were other similar Legends.
Lo oí cuando era pequeña, junto con otras leyendas.
Have I ever told you how sweet you were to me when I was a child?
¿ Alguna vez te dije qué bueno fuiste conmigo de niña?
I saw the expression on your face when you were gonna kiss that lost child.
Vi la expresión de tu cara cuando ibas a besar a esa chica perdida.

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