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Where were you that night translate Spanish

218 parallel translation
Where were you that night, really?
¿ Dónde estuviste esa noche realmente?
Where were you that night? Do you remember?
¿ Recuerda Ud. dónde estuvo?
We checked where were you that night.
Comprobamos dónde estabas esa noche.
Where were you that night?
¿ Qué hizo aquella tarde?
Where were you that night?
¿ Qué hizo Ud. Esa noche?
Okay, so, where were you that night?
- ¿ Dónde estaba esa noche? - Aquí.
Not before, OK? Where were you that night?
La noche del "Narcissus" ¿ dónde estabas?
Where were you that night?
¿ Dónde estuvo esa anoche?
Where were you that night?
¿ Dónde estabas tu esa noche?
- Where were you that night?
- ¿ Dónde estabas esa noche?
- Where were you that night?
¿ Dónde estuviste esa noche?
- Where were you that night?
. - ¿ Dónde estuviste?
Then where were you that night, Patrick?
Entonces, ¿ dónde estabas esa noche, Patrick?
where were you that night?
¿ Dónde estabas esa noche?
And that you'll find it very difficult to explain Where you were the night George Lane was murdered.
¿ Dónde estabas cuando mataron a Lane?
He said there were 3 or 4 people who could prove where he was that night. Have you tried them all?
Tres o cuatro personas pueden decir dónde estuvo aquella noche, ¿ ha hablado con ellas?
Where were you on that night?
Onde você passou esta noite de natal?
The night of February the 3rd Louis Remington disappeared. Can you tell... us where you were that night? It was Monday night.
La noche del 3 de febrero Louis Remington desapareció. ¿ Puede decirme donde estaba aquella noche?
Where were you bound that night?
¿ A dónde ibas destinado esa noche?
Where were you, that night?
¿ Dónde estabas aquella noche?
Well, I want you to investigate in and around that neighbourhood where we were last night in that club.
Bueno, quiero que investigue aquí y en los alrededores, dónde estábamos ayer noche en ese club.
Mom, you remember, when that thing happened that night, you were in the movie, comrades want to know where was I.
Mamá, recuerda la noche que sucedió aquello. Tú estabas en el cine. Los camaradas quieren saber dónde estaba yo.
You wouldn't even be in that chair if you could prove where were you the night between May 7th and 8th.
pero sigue sin poder demostrar dónde y con quién pasó la noche del 7 de mayo.
Then how did you know, sir, that there were only four people who knew where Claire Daley was going to be that night and how did you know that you were one of them?
Entonces como llego a la conclusión de solo había 4 personas que supierán donde iba a estar Claire Daley por la noche y como sabía que usted era una de ellas?
Where were you standing on the night that it happened?
¿ Dónde estabais la noche que pasó todo?
Where were you between midnight and 12 : 30 on the night that Carrie died?
¿ Dónde estaba entre las 24 : 00 y las 24 : 30 la noche que murió?
I can't remember where you were on that night.
No puedo recordar adónde estaba usted esa noche en particular, Tony.
Where you were the night of the murder, sir, I think that's important.
Dónde estaba la noche del asesinato, señor, pienso que es importante.
Where were you, sir, on the night that Freddy died?
¿ Dónde estaba usted, señor, la noche en que murió Freddie?
In that night, you were not where you said. You were always here.
No estabas donde me dijiste que habías estado esa noche, estuviste aquí todo el rato.
Is this the house where you were dropped off that night?
Esta es la casa donde lo dejaron esa noche?
This is just a formality and I ´ m sorry to have to ask you this, but could you tell me where you were on the night that Denis was murdered, that is, between about 7 : 00 and 9 : 00?
Esto es sólo una formalidad y siento tener que preguntarle esto pero podría decirme dónde estaba la noche en que Denis fue asesinado. ¿ Eso sería, más o menos, entre las 7 : 00 y las 9 : 00?
i just don't really want to spend where's that watch you were wearing the other night?
Solo que no quiero pasar todo el verano haciendo esto. ¿ Qué pasó con el reloj que estabas usando el otro día?
Where were you that night, Jack?
¿ Donde estabas esa noche, Jack?
So that's where you were all night!
Asi que, ahi estuviste toda la noche!
The questions that I want to ask you... and we're gonna be asking everybody that saw Miss Chandler yesterday the same questions... and the question is where were you from about eight o'clock last night until seven this morning?
- Sí. ¿ De qué se trata? La pregunta que quiero hacerle... y a todos los que vieron ayer a la señorita
That detective asked where you were the night of Naomi's murder.
Me preguntaron donde estabas Ia noche del asesinato.
So would that mean that the part where you were rude and insensitive and sent me off into the cold, dark night unescorted...
¿ Así que fue en vano que fueras insensible y maleducado conmigo...
You know, they come back and we had no idea where they'd gone, what they'd done, until that night, you know, they were like
Regresaron y no teníamos idea de a dónde habían ido o qué habían hecho. Hasta que anoche, alguien dijo "Bueno, vamos a tener un juego nocturno"
Where you were that night and what you did.
¿ Dónde estabas aquella noche y lo que hizo.
Now that we have all agreed to tell the truth... where were you sleeping last night?
Ahora que todos hemos acordado en decir la verdad... ¿ Donde dormiste anoche?
Well, Dr. Lynch, would you mind telling us where you were the night that Jansen was murdered?
Dr. Lynch, ¿ podría decirnos dónde se encontraba la noche que asesinaron a Jansen?
Is that where you were all night?
¿ Ahí estuviste toda la noche?
Er, we checked the phone that you called us from. And that night, there were six calls made to the hospital where Samira ´ s sister worked and then five calls were made to the communal phone where Samira and her sister lived, from your phone.
Revisamos el teléfono desde el que nos llamaste y esa noche, se hicieron seis llamados al hospital donde la hermana de Samira trabaja, y cinco llamadas se hicieron al teléfono comunitario del edificio donde Samira y su hermana vivían desde su teléfono.
Where were you the night that MacDonald went overboard.
¿ Dónde estuvo usted la noche en que MacDonald cayó por la borda?
No offense hajji, but where were you last night that your clothes smell so much?
No se ofenda Hajji, pero ¿ dónde estuvo ayer por la noche que su ropa apesta?
Where were you between 10pm that night and 8am the next morning?
¿ Dónde estaba entre las 10 de la noche y las 8 de la mañana?
So, uh, I've been thinking about that, uh... that conversation we were having the other night... about, uh, where Maeby came from, and, uh... I was just wondering if you could finish that thought.
Estuve pensando... en lo que hablamos la otra noche... sobre el origen de Maeby y... quería saber si podemos terminar la conversación.
Refresh my memory, Mr Ross. Where were you the night that april was killed? Say around 12 : 30?
Ayúdeme a recordar, Sr. Ross. ¿ En dónde estaba usted la noche del homicidio alrededor de las 12 : 30?
Because I knew you were coming that night, and I knew where you would be in the field and I have known since I was a child that you would sit here with me as you do now.
Sabía que vendrías aquella noche y sabía dónde estarías y desde que era una niña sabía que estarías aquí sentado conmigo igual que ahora.
Where were you the night that cop was killed3 I was with Brianese.
¿ Dónde estabas la noche que asesinaron al policía?

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