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Why don't i believe you translate Spanish

240 parallel translation
Why aunt Vera, I don't believe you trust me.
- ¿ No confías en mi, tía Vera?
You. I don't believe that. Why do you want me to lose?
No te creo, ¿ por qué quieres que pierda?
You don't believe what Jim told me? No, Why should I?
- ¿ No crees lo que me ha dicho Jim?
I don't believe you you know why I don't believe you,. because there isn't any gate...
No te creo. ¿ Sabes por qué? Porque no hay puerta.
- Why don't you do that Mr. Wilson? Although I don't believe it's for sale...
Aunque no creo que esté en venta.
You believe it I don't know why have a wash.
¿ Cree que no sé por qué se lava?
Why, Mrs. Teleton, I don't believe you trust me.
¿ Por qué Sra Teleton? , yo no creo que confie en mí.
I don't know why you want me to believe you, but I believe you.
No sé por qué quieres que te crea, pero te creo.
I don't know whether you'll believe me or not - I don't know why you should.
- TRIBUNAL EN sesión No sé si me creas o no... y no sé por qué deberías.
Why have you come to me, when you really don't believe... that I can help you?
¿ Por qué acude a mí si realmente no cree que pueda ayudarlo?
If you don ´ t explain to me why, I ´ ll believe that it ´ s an excuse.
Si no me explicas por qué, creeré que es una excusa.
Why don't you believe I love you?
¿ Por qué no crees que te quiero?
Why don't... you believe I'm under arrest?
¿ Por qué no lo cree?
You know why I don't believe your story, priest?
¿ Sabe por qué no creo su historia, cura?
Do you wonder why I don't believe you?
¿ Te preguntas por qué no te creo?
Why don't you ever believe that I love you?
¿ Por qué nunca crees que te quiero?
Everything you've told me- - I'm not saying I believe you, I'm not saying I don't, but why Grady?
Eso que me cuenta, no sé si creerlo.
Why, I don't believe you!
¡ No le creo!
I don't know why, but I believe you.
No sé porqué, pero te creo.
Why, now, you don't believe I really killed him, do you?
¿ Y por qué ahora dices que he sido yo el que le ha matado?
- Why don't I believe you?
- ¿ Por qué no le creo?
Hey, honey. I know you don't believe it, but that's why I'm here.
Cariño, sé que no me crees, pero por eso estoy aquí.
I don't know why, but I believe you.
No sé por qué, pero te creo.
I didn't believe your story for a second. I don't know who you're all working for or why you don't want me to find the girl. But you can tell your employer that I'm not about to give up.
No creo tu historia ni por un segundo. pero puedes decir a quien te ha empleado que no voy a rendirme.
You don't really believe that's why I'm here, do you?
¿ Realmente piensa que por eso estoy aquí, eso cree?
I don't believe this. Did you tell them who you are or why we are here?
No puedo creer esto. ¿ Les dijiste quienes somos y por qué estamos aquí?
I don't know why a driver as good as you are... is willing to settle for a little two-bit operation like ours, but believe me, Lisa, Mark and me... really, really appreciate what you've been doing for us.
- No sé por qué un gran conductor... se conforma con un negocio insignificante como el nuestro... pero créeme, Lisa, Mark y yo... en verdad agradecemos lo que haces por nosotros.
I don't know why you won't believe me.
No sé por qué no me crees.
And I know why you don't want to believe it.
Y ya sé por qué no quieres creerlo.
I didn't know they were doing a story, or why you don't believe me.
No sabía lo del artículo ni por qué no me crees.
Why don't I believe you?
¿ Por qué no te creo?
I don't believe you. Why wasn't I told?
No le creo. ¿ Por qué no fui informado?
And why don't I believe you, then?
¿ Y por qué no te creo, entonces?
I mean that's the difference between me and you that's why you're down there and I'm up here you see Vic you believe in people and I don't that's why I'm gonna stick...
Quiero decir, ahí está la diferencia entre tú y yo. Por eso estás ahí. Y yo aquí arriba, ves Vic.
And I believe I know why you don't want me around.
Y creo saber por qué usted no me quiere alrededor.
Why don't I believe you?
¿ Por qué será que no te creo?
And if you asked, I don't believe any of us could tell you why.
Si lo preguntaras, nadie podría aclararte por qué.
- Why worry you with any minor details? - I don't believe you.
No quise preocuparte con los detalles.
I've not much faith in doctors, and don't believe you can help. Why?
"No me fío de los médicos y no creo que puedan ayudarme".
Why don't I believe you?
- ¿ Por qué no te creo? - ¿ Para qué empezar ahora?
Sounds nice, Brian, but why don't I believe you?
Suena bien, Brian, Pero por que no te creo?
I don't believe you.... why should they tell me if it wasn't definite?
No te creo... ¿ Por que nos iban a decir algo si no fuera cierto?
- Then why don't I believe you?
- ¿ Y por qué no te creo?
So why don't I believe a word that you're saying here?
¿ Y por qué no creo una sola palabra de lo que dices ahora?
Miss! I told you I didn't take the drug Why don't you believe me?
despierta te digo que no tomé el opio por qué no me crees
I'm a totally ruthless, amoral killing machine, so why, in the name of all that's putrid, don't you believe I'm serious?
Soy una amoral y despiadada máquina de matar, por lo tanto, ¿ por qué demonios no podéis creer que vaya en serio?
I don't know why I believe you, but I do.
No sé por qué, pero te creo.
I said, "Why don't you prove it, scumbag? Give me one good reason why I should believe your bullshit." And he had nothing to say.
Entonces le dije : "Demuéstralo basura... dame un motivo para creerte".
- Now, why don't I believe you?
- ¿ Por qué será que no le creo?
Why don't I believe you?
¿ Por qué no les creo?
I don't believe this. Is that why you're doing this?
No lo puedo creer. ¿ Por eso haces esto?

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