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Witham translate Spanish

136 parallel translation
It's just anna witham and katherine follett.
Son Anna Witham y Katherine Follett.
I can see Witham.
Veo a Witham.
¡ Witham!
"Graham Bathurst did not kill Charley Witham."
"Graham Bathurst no mató Charley Witham."
Charley Witham case files, why didn't you tell me they come up from the collator's office?
El informe Charley Witham. ¿ Cómo no me dijiste que vienen directos de la encuadernadora?
So, who's Charley Witham and who's Graham Bathurst?
y quién es Charley Witham y quién es Graham Bathurst?
Charley Witham was a beautiful fourteen-year-old.
Charley Witham era una preciosidad de catorce años
Worst bit was having to go back to see Charley Witham's parents.
Lo peor fue tener que volver con los padres de Charlie Witman
Annie, sort all these 1972 reports from the Witham case.
Annie, organiza estos informes de 1972 del caso Witham.
That means WDC Cartwright going through all the old case notes, and it means me interviewing you lot about Charley Witham.
Eso significa que Cartwright tiene que repasar todaslas notas y que yo os interrogaré sobre Charley Witham.
Tell me about Charley Witham.
Háblame Charley Witham.
- Mavis Witham.
- Mavis Witham.
I'm sorry to bother you, Mrs Witham.
Siento molestarla, Sra Witham.
Don Witham is a photographer for the local paper!
Don Witham es fotógrafo del periódico local!
Annie's just called in. Don Witham.
A Annie le acaban de llamar por Don Whitman
Don Witham is a photographer on the Town Cryer.
Don Witham es el fotógrado del Town Cryer.
Don Witham is the spot the ball photographer on the Town Cryer.
Don Witham es el fotógrafo del Town Cryer.
Mr Witham, listen to me.
Sr Witham, escúcheme
Mr Witham...
Sr Witham...
Military Airport North Witham, England
Aeropuerto Militar Witham, Norte de Inglaterra.
This is the Witham Army Disposal Yard in Lincolnshire.
Esta es la Witham Army Disposal Yard en Lincolnshire.
Mr. Witham.........
¿ Señor Witham?
Morning Rollie Witham.
Buenos días, Rollie Witham.
Mr. Witham, the floor is strictly regulated there's nails on the soles of your shoes. One spark and the whole...............
Señor Witham, la planta está estrictamente regulada, hay clavos en las suelas de sus zapatos.
Mrs. Witham.
Señora Witham.
What can I do for you Mrs. Witham?
¿ Qué puedo hacer por usted, señora Witham?
We're all on extra shifts to make quota over the holidays Miss Witham
Tenemos turnos extras para terminar la cuota para las fiestas, Señorita Witham.
Trust me, Miss Witham, I have plenty.
Créame, señorita Witham, tengo muchas.
Gladys Witham.
Gladys Witham.
Gladys Witham?
¿ Gladys Witham?
Miss Witham I've seen your files, you've all had the same good training as they have.
Srta. Witham, he visto su ficha.
Head in the game, Miss Witham.
La cabeza en lo importante, Srta. Witham.
Miss Witham, why don't you go and let the soldiers fight Goebbels and Göring.
Srta. Witham, ¿ por qué no se va y deja que sean los soldados los que luchen con los alemanes?
This is Gladys Witham's engagement ring.
Es el anillo de compromiso de Gladys Witham.
God, Witham, Looking swell.
Dios, Witham, estás fenomenal.
Withams Grocery Chain, yes.
La cadena de comestibles Witham, sí.
Do you find Miss Witham here to be one of you? ♪ laughing, sniffles ♪ Oh you can be sure she's up for a roll.
¿ Creéis que la Srta. Witham es una de vosotras? Estoy seguro de que querrá dar una vuelta.
Witham Foods has unparalleled food supply contacts.
Witham Foods suministra comida de una forma sin precedentes.
Is there a problem, Miss Witham?
¿ Hay algún problema, señorita Witham?
I'm afraid Gladys Witham did fine.
Me temo que Gladys Witham lo hizo bien.
What, you got nothing to say for yourself, Witham?
Qué, ¿ no tienes nada para decir por ti, Witham?
Witham Foods has the contacts and reputation to win this contract.
Witham Foods tiene los contactos y la reputación para conseguir este contrato.
Do you find Ms Witham here to be one of you?
¿ Creen que la Srta. Witham aquí presente es como ustedes?
Since Miss Witham was a victim of theft... my only choice is to dock the cost of that perfume from your pay check.
Ya que la señorita Witham ha sido víctima de un robo... mi única opción es restar el coste de ese perfume de vuestras pagas.
It's Gladys Witham.
Soy Gladys Witham.
I tell you Gladys witham's our girl, what, a socialite working the bomb line, it's hollwood perfect, plus she's a stunner.
Gladys Witham es nuestra chica, de alta sociedad y trabajando en la línea, es perfecta para Hollywood, y además es preciosa.
I regret that your stuck behind the camera Miss Witham but the feeling was that you came off supra populi.
Lamento que se quedara detrás de la cámara, señorita Witham, pero tenía la idea de que se sentía supra populi.
You're the face of Witham Foods we have to get it right.
Eres la cara de Witham Foods, tenemos que hacerlo bien.
"At Witham's, we're with'em!"
"En Witham estamos con ellos".
Let's just say they figured out what side the Witham's bread is buttered on.
Digamos que se han dado cuenta de qué lado del pan Witham está la mantequilla.
We don't need to know why, Miss Witham, we just need to do our part.
No necesitamos saber por qué, señorita Witham, solo hacer nuestra parte.

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