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Woodward translate Spanish

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Jim Woodward.
- Jim Woodward.
You remember Mr. Woodward.
¿ Recuerdas al Sr. Woodward?
Meet me, Mr. Woodward.
Conózcame a mí, Sr. Woodward. Tony Blake.
Have a drink, Woodward?
- ¿ Quiere una copa, Sr. Woodward?
Why didn't you tell me we weren't going to the Woodwards... before I got all dressed up?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que no íbamos a casa de los Woodward antes de vestirme?
Joan has no business. And from what you tell me of that Jim Woodward... Even I wouldn't be safe with him.
Joan no tiene nada que hacer allí y, por lo que me has contado de Jim Woodward, ni siquiera yo estaría a salvo de él.
That's why I want you to believe me when I say Jim Woodward isn't the sort of man you should marry.
Por eso quiero que me creas si te digo que Jim Woodward no es la clase de hombre con quien deberías casarte.
Just give that Jim Woodward time. He'll open her eyes himself.
Dale un poco de tiempo y ella abrirá los ojos.
I can't go to the Woodwards.
No puedo ira a casa de los Woodward.
When I met you today, Mr. Woodward, I don't think you remembered me.
Sr. Woodward, no creo que se acuerde mí.
I came in here to ask you, Mr. Woodward... if you knew that Jim intended to marry Joan Trent.
He venido a preguntarle, Sr. Woodward, si sabía que Jim tenía intención de casarse con Joan Trent.
I don't think there will be any Woodwards marrying any Trents.
No creo que ningún Woodward vaya a casarse con ninguna Trent.
Mr. Woodward and you... Buffalo Bill.
El Sr. Woodward conoció a Buffalo Bill.
Jim Woodward the winner!
Tú ganas. Ganador :
Hurrah for Jim Woodward!
¡ Jim Woodward!
I'd have to transfer Woodward because I'm afraid he's too well on in years for an active command.
transferí a Woodward temo que ya esta muy avanzado en años para ser un comandante activo.
- Woodward is leaving.
- Woodward se marcha.
I'll bet that's about taking over Woodward's house.
Será para encargarse de la casa de Woodward.
Mr. Woodward's retirement leaves a housemastership vacant.
- Gracias. La jubilación de Woodward deja vacante la plaza de jefe de pensionado.
In Detroit at the main library on Woodward Avenue... agents O'Brien and Genaro started the first phase of their investigation.
En la Biblioteca Municipal de Detroit, los agentes O'Brien y Genaro... comenzaron la primera fase de su investigación.
Oh, listen, you're not going. What about the data on that Woodward case?
No se vaya aún. ¿ Tiene la información del caso Woodoard?
- Woodward. - Yo!
Captain Woodward, move!
Capitán Woodward, vamos.
It's my brother woodward... standing by the door. Yeah.
Es mi hermano Woodward,... parado junto a la puerta.
Nobody looks like woodward.
- Nadie se parece a Woodward. ¡ Mira!
Woodward isn't here.
Woodward no está aquí.
Woodward couldn't possibly be here.
Woodward no podría estar aquí.
Woodward's not going to be here.
Woodward no estará aquí. Está cumpliendo su condena.
Whoever is in this picture, it is not woodward.
Quien sea que esté en esta fotografía, no es Woodward.
- ¡ Woodward!
Don't forget woodward. Yeah.
No olvides a Woodward.
And you, too, woodward.
- Sí, y tuyo también, Woodward.
And woodward.
- Y Woodward.
We getting through to you, woodward?
¿ Captas, Woodward?
Woodward, you got money?
Woodward, ¿ tienes dinero? - Sí, tengo 10.
That must be the waiter. Are you finished with your snack, woodward, dear? Yeah.
Ese debe ser el camarero. ¿ Terminaste tu tentempié, Woodward, querido?
One of woodward.
- Fue una tuya.
How many we take at the track?
- Y una de Woodward. - ¿ Cuántas tomamos en la pista?
Here, woodward, take a drink.
Toma, Woodward, toma.
My husband... woodward.
Mi esposo. Woodward.
Poor woodward.
Pobre Woodward.
Good old Woodward.
El bueno de Woodward.
Let's see now : Kentucky pulp, rag content zero, 12-pound weight, produced for Woolworth's, 39 a box.
Pulpa de Kentucky, contenido de trapo cero promedio 12 libras, producida por Woodward a 39 la caja, que interesante.
Jim Woodward.
Jim Woodward.
Victor : "It is difficult now"
Es difícil ahora traspasar las tinieblas del tiempo, ya que ocultan lo que Charles Woodward pensó cuando le pegó a su amante el golpe fatal.
to pierce the mists of time that obscure what Charles Woodward was thinking when he struck his light of love that fateful blow, but if we may conjecture, it is not too much to assume that his thoughts may have turned back to that lovely Spring day when first they met,
Pero,... si queremos hacer conjeturas, es fácil asumir que en su pensamiento volvió a recordar sin duda, aquel bello día de primavera, cuando se conocieron, y su adolescente pasión se encendió con breve esplendor.
Maybe it's somebody who just looks like woodward.
- Quizás sea alguien parecido a Woodward.
Why do you think she's screaming, woodward? I'll tell you why she's screaming.
¿ Por qué crees que esté gritando, Woodward?
That's interesting. Do you really believe that paper came from Woolworth's?
¿ Realmente piensa que ese papel es de Woodward?

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