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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Would you like to join me

Would you like to join me translate Spanish

211 parallel translation
¿ Le gustaría acompañarme?
Would you like to join me for some wine?
¿ Quieres beber un poco de vino?
How would you like to join me tonight?
¿ Te vienes esta noche conmigo?
Now, lieutenant, how would you like to join me in my quarters?
¿ Qué le parece si viene a mis dependencias?
How would you like to join me there?
- Le gustaría acompañarme?
Would you like to join me in a cup of coffee?
¿ Quiere tomar una taza de café?
Would you like to join me?
¿ Desea acompañarme?
Would you like to join me?
¿ Querrá acompañarme?
-... would you like to join me?
-... le gustará asistir.
Would you like to join me?
¿ Quieres acompañarme?
Would you like to join me?
¿ Quieres venir aquí conmigo?
Would you like to join me for dinner?
¿ Quiere acompañarme a cenar?
Well, would you like to join me?
Bueno, ¿ te gustaría acompañarme?
Excuse me, would you like to join me for a cocktail? - No.
- Perdona, ¿ Te apetece un cóctel?
Would you like to join me on a tour of my kingdom tomorrow?
¿ Quieres ir de excursión?
Would you like to join me for a drink?
¿ Bebes un trago conmigo?
Listen I'm going rock climbing this weekend. Would you like to join me?
Oye voy a ir a escalar rocas este fin de semana. ¿ Vienes?
Would you like to join me for coffee and a snack?
¿ Le apetece venir a tomar un café y algo de comer?
Would you like to join me upstairs?
¿ Le gustaría unirse a mí arriba?
Would you like to join me and Allison and Quince for a nightcap?
¿ Nos acompañas a tomar una copa antes de acostarte?
Hey, would you like to join me?
Oye, ¿ querrías acompañarme?
Would you like to join me for lunch?
¿ Quieres almorzar conmigo?
Would you like to join me for dinner?
¿ Quieres acompañarme a cenar?
Would you like to join me?
¿ Le gustaría acompañarme?
Would you like to join me?
¿ Les gustaría venir?
Would you like to join me?
¿ Te gustaría acompañarme?
Would you and your husband like to join me for some smooth licks?
¿ Vendríais tu marido y tú a ver cómo aprovechan la lengüeta?
Would you ask Mr. Leyton if he would like to join me in a cup of coffee?
Pregúntale al Sr. Leyton si me acompaña con una taza de café.
The memory of it will warm me in my old age. Oh, hello Paul. Would you like to join us?
Hola, Paul, ¿ quieres acompañarnos?
How would you like me to fly down and join you there one night?
¿ Te gustaría que cogiera un avión y me reuniera allí contigo?
I thought maybe you and your girlfriend would like to join me.
Pensé que quizás a ti y a tu amiga os gustaría acompañarme.
Well, now as to breakfast, Miss Sherman, perhaps you would like to join me in the dining room?
Bien, es hora de desayunar. ¿ Le apeteceria bajar al comedor?
I'd like to have that hog and it eat it, too, for dinner. Perhaps you and Mr. Baskin would join me?
- Tráigame el cerdo y prepararé una buena cena.
I would like you to join me in business.
Me gustaría que usted formara parte del negocio.
My new, dear friends of Anderson Valley... I would like to invite you... to join us in worldwide fellowship.
Mis nuevos y queridos amigos de Valle Anderson... me gustaría invitarles... a unirse a nosotros en una hermandad mundial.
I would like you to join me in welcoming a new member of our family : - Mr.
Demos la bienvenida al nuevo miembro de la familia.
I would like to join you.
Me gustaría ir con usted.
I would like you to join me in honoring Commendatore Michael Corleone.
Quiero que os unáis al homenaje del Commendatore Michael Corleone.
Tomorrow afternoon, those of you who would like to join me... in the reeds... the cranes and I will be sharing the last crumbs in the peyote sack.
Mañana aquellas de ustedes que se quieran unir a mí... en los cañaverales... las grullas y yo estaremos compartiendo las últimas migajas de peyote.
Would the two of you like to join me?
¿ Les gustaría unirse a mí?
Perhaps you fellows would like to join... the Future Cartographers of America Club with me.
Tal vez a ustedes amigos le gustaría unirse a... al Club de Futuros Cartógrafos de América conmigo.
Would you two like to join me? Huh.
¿ Les gustaría acompañarme?
Would you like to join Maris and me Friday night?
¿ Te gustaría acompañarnos a Maris y a mi el viernes?
And I would like you to join our family.
Me gustaría que te unieras a nuestra familia.
I was gonna go up for the weekend, leaving tomorrow after work and I was wondering if you would like to join me?
Pasaré el fin de semana allí. Salgo mañana y me preguntaba si quisieras acompañarme.
Seriously, Beth, I was wondering if you would like to join me as my guest.
En serio me preguntaba ¿ Si quieres venir conmigo?
- Would you like to join us?
- Si. - Si, me gustaría.
- Would you like me to join you? - No!
- ¿ Quieres que te acompañe?
How about a magazine subscription? Would you like to join a CD or cassette club?
No me impidas esto.
If you decide you would like to join the human race, meet me there.
Si decides unirte a la raza humana, encuéntrame allí.
Would you like to join us? Me?
- ¿ Quieres hacerlo con nosotros?

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