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Wouldn't be the first time translate Spanish

573 parallel translation
I'll marry an engine driver any day, it wouldn't be the first time either.
Podría casarme con un conductor de trenes, no sería la primera vez.
It wouldn't be the first time.
No sería la primera vez.
It certainly wouldn't be the first time
Ciertamente no sería la primera vez.
It wouldn't be the first time. Remember. The Berchagny regiment.
Recuerda el regimiento de Becheny el martes pasado.
I wouldn't be afraid if I hadn't, for the first time, sensed you were afraid.
No tendría miedo si no hubiera notado, por primera vez, que tú lo tienes.
- It wouldn't be the first time, Ma.
- No sería la primera vez.
It wouldn't be the first time, Van Dorn.
No sería la primera vez, Van Dorn.
Be careful. You wouldn't lie to me, for the first time, would you?
Cuidado. ¿ No irás a mentirme por primera vez?
Ah, Lieutenant... This wouldn't be the first time the Americans promise and promise, but when comes to keeping it...
Mi teniente, no es la primera vez que los americanos prometen, y cuando hay que cumplir...
It wouldn't be the first time a man does as he likes, and then,... so long.
No es la primera vez que el hombre hace sus cosas y luego... escapa.
Wouldn't be the first time he's had the DTs.
No es la primera vez que tiene un Delirium Tremens
- It wouldn't be the first time.
- No sería la primera vez.
- It wouldn't be the first time.
No sería la primera vez.
Yes, it wouldn't be the first time at that port...
- Sí. La verdad es que en el puerto... - ¿ Lo ve?
It wouldn't be for the first time.
No sería la primera vez.
It wouldn't be the first time. Get a week's stay.
No sería la primera vez.
Wouldn't be the first time I missed something right under my nose.
No sería la primera vez que no veo algo que tengo en mis narices.
It wouldn't be the first time you borrowed some of it?
Esta no es la primera vez que usted ha tomado prestado algo.
There's one there's more. Wouldn't be the first time
- No suelen estar solos.
It wouldn't be the first time in this revolution that somebody forgot to protect a friend, now would it?
¿ verdad?
Well, it wouldn't be the first time it happens to you.
Me has traído aquí para que estudie filosofía o para ponerme en el escaparate? Bueno, no sería la primera vez que esto te sucede.
It wouldn't be the first time we had a defector in our midst.
No sería la primera vez que tenemos un desertor.
It wouldn't be the first time I've been in pursuit of an illusion, Contessa.
No sería la primera vez que andarla en persecución de una ilusión, Condesa.
It wouldn't be the first time.
- ¿ Eh? - No sería la primera vez.
Just remember it wouldn't be the first time you gave us a heads up.
No será la primera vez que me da un nombre.
Wouldn't be the first time.
No era la primera vez.
It wouldn't be the first time I have heard of an original denounced as a forgery, or a forgery taken for an original.
No es la primera vez que un original se revela falso... o una falsificación es tomada por original
It wouldn't be the first time you picked up a hitch-hiker.
No sería la primera vez que coges a un autoestopista.
It wouldn't be the first time that a man came forward, the better to hide.
Eso todavía no se ha probado. No sería la primera vez que un hombre se acerca, para esconderse mejor.
Let's say the plane lands in Algeria, now that wouldn't be the first time a large group of Israelis have been held in an Arab country, right?
Supongamos que el avión aterriza en Argelia, no sería la primera vez que un gran número de israelíes han estado secuestrados en un país árabe, ¿ verdad?
It wouldn't be the first time that they dug up the dead for gold.
No sería la primera vez que desenterraran a los muertos por oro.
For that matter, we could make do with the women of the courtyard, it wouldn't be the first time.
Si es por eso, podemos arreglarnos con las mujeres del patio. Total, no es la primera vez.
Getting back to the clip, wouldn't the idea be to give him those bills first? Give the police as much time as possible?
Volviendo al clip ¿ no le daría esos billetes primero para darle más tiempo a la policía?
Wouldn't be the first time.
No sería la primera vez que pasa.
That wouldn't be the first time that someone prefers to not travel, rather than getting vaccinated.
No es la 1 ª vez que me pasa. Alguno, con tal de no pincharse, ha renunciado a irse.
It sure wouldn't be the first time.
Te aseguro que no sería la primera vez.
This wouldn't be the first time I got sucked into writing about Lazlo, Karl Lazlo esquire, attorney at law, my attorney.
Esta no será la primera vez que termino escribiendo sobre Lazlo. Licenciado Carl Lazlo, abogado. Mi abogado.
- lt wouldn't be the first time.
- No es la primera vez.
Yeah, and what do you mean, "lt wouldn't be the first time"?
Sí. ¿ Y a qué te refieres con "No es la primera vez"?
Wouldn't be the first time that whole generations have known of no other life than a spaceship.
No es la primera vez que generaciones enteras... no han conocido otra vida que una nave espacial.
Wouldn't be the first time in history that a monster was mistaken for a God.
No será la primera vez en la historia que un monstruo es confundido con un dios.
That wouldn't be the first time.
- No sería la primera vez.
It wouldn't be the first time. - But you won't.
No, no lo harás, estoy seguro.
It wouldn't be the first time they were wrong.
No sería la primerza vez.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time that an older woman... had been forced to sell her jewels to maintain a facade of wealth.
Bueno, no sería la primera vez que una mujer mayor... se ve obligada a vender sus joyas para guardar las apariencias.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time we were accused of it.
Bueno, no sería la primera vez que se nos acusa de eso.
- It wouldn ´ t be the first time.
- No sería la primera vez.
- It wouldn't be the first time, would it?
- No sería la primera vez, ¿ no?
It wouldn't be the first time I had a butt-head firing me.
No será la primera vez que un imbécil me despide.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Rains, ese desgraciado.
- This wouldn't be the first time.
- No sería la primera vez.

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