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Yasuda translate Spanish

87 parallel translation
Santa the Fool. Yasuda Zenichiro.
Santa el Payaso interpretado por Yasuda Zenichiro.
Watanabe and Yasuda.
Watanabe y Yasuda.
Which one is Yasuda?
¿ Dónde está Yasuda?
Yasuda's not going.
Yasuda no irá.
I'll just do whatever Yasuda does.
Seguiré a Yasuda a donde sea.
¿ Yasuda?
Yasuda's leg keeps getting worse.
La pierna de Yasuda está cada vez peor.
Yasuda's leg starts hurting at night.
La pierna de Yasuda empieza a dolerle más por la noche.
Watching the fire is Yasuda's job.
Vigilar el fuego es tarea de Yasuda.
- Yasuda took it.
- Yasuda la cogió.
Yasuda, I got a monkey!
¡ Yasuda, he cazado un mono!
Yasuda Michiyo Higashino Takahiko
Michiyo Yasuda Takahiko Higashino
A Mr. Yasuda.
Un tal Sr. Yasuda.
I don't know anyone named Yasuda.
No conozco a nadie llamado Yasuda.
original Story Shimozawa Kan Screenplay Yasuda Kimiyoshi Yamada Takayuki
Historia original por Shimozawa Kan
Directed by Yasuda Kimiyoshi
Dirigida por Yasuda Kimiyoshi
Michiyo Yasuda as Lady Shiranui Akihiro Tomikawa as the Child
Michiyo Yasuda - Lady Shiranui - Akihiro Tomikawa - El Cachorro -
Yasuda, your guarantor has to take care of many other people besides you.
Yasuda, tu tutor tiene que ocuparse de mucha otra gente aparte de ti.
Has Qiancilang really killed the head of Baotian zaibatsu?
Asahi, es el hombre que acuchilló al magnate Yasuda?
The head of Baotian zaibatsu was killed a few days ago
El otro día, el jefe del grupo Yasuda ha sido atacado
After this person kills Baotian, commit suicide very much on the spot
Después de matar a Mr. Yasuda, Asahi se suicidó.
You've had too much drink. Come on.
Está borracho, Sr. Yasuda.
- You're hurting me, Mr Yasuda.
- Me está haciendo daño.
Are you assistant station master Yasuda?
¿ Es usted el Sr. Yasuda?
- Can you say that in front of Yasuda?
- ¿ Lo niegas? - Por supuesto.
I just felt sorry for Kazuko and I happened to mention it to Yasuda...
Sentía lástima por ella. - Simplemente se lo comenté al Sr. Yasuda.
- Yasuda told me.
- Yasuda me lo ha dicho.
Finishing : ~ ~ ~ ~ Yasuda Michiyo Photography : ~ ~ ~ ~ Takahashi Hiroshi Editting : ~ ~ ~ ~ Seyama Takeshi
Finishing : Yasuda Michiyo Photography : Takahashi Hiroshi Editting :
COLOR STYLIST Michiyo Yasuda
COLORISTAS Michiyo Yasuda
- It's Yasuda.
- Soy Yasuda.
Yasuda's successor.
El sucesor de Yasuda.
What's with Yasuda?
Qué pasa con Yasuda?
Yasuda must have been traced.
Yasuda debe haber sido seguido.
Development Producer YASUDA Masahiro
Masahiro YASUDA Productor :
I'll be making auto parts at Yasuda's
Haré partes de vehiculo en Yasuda
YASUDA Masahiro
YASUDA Masahiro
¡ Yasuda!
Been getting your hands on boss's money, Yasuda?
Conque poniendo tus manos en el dinero del jefe, ¿ eh, Yasuda?
Don't mention it Mr Yasuda
No ha sido nada, Señor Yasuda.
It's me, Yasuda, Can you believe this, Mitsuru?
Yasuda. No vas a creerme esto, Mitsuru.
Yasuda. What's up?
Yasuda. ¿ Qué pasa?
Yasuda, we're gonna take a look around.
Yasuda, vamos a echar un vistazo.
Yasuda told me everything.
Yasuda me lo ha dicho todo.
Yasuda threatened to kill me if I didn't go along with it.
Yasuda me amenazó de muerte si no seguía con esto.
Yasuda, what's wrong with you?
Yasuda, ¿ qué pasa contigo?
I think blood those only Baotian There is Qiancilang too
Entonces, la sangre es de M. Yasuda, pero también de Asahi.
No, Mr Yasuda.
¡ No!
Layοut Υοshiyuki Μοmοse Character Cοlοr Design Μichiyο Υasuda

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