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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / Yeargin

Yeargin translate Spanish

5 parallel translation
Ms. Yeargin, what was the basis for the investigation into Justice Ludwig?
- Sí. Sra. Yeargin, ¿ cuáles fueron las bases para la investigación del juez Ludwig?
YEARGIN : Yes and no.
Sí y no.
Ms. Yeargin, during your investigation of Justice Ludwig, would you say that the combination of this attention, along with his obviously precarious finances, was making him depressed? Depressed enough, in fact, to do something desperate, something like suicide?
Sra. Yeargin, durante su investigación al juez Ludwig, ¿ diría que la combinación de esta atención junto con sus precarias finanzas le estaban deprimiendo- - Deprimiendo bastante, de hecho...
Ms. Yeargin, how many judges does the attorney general's office investigate - every year?
Sra. Yeargin, ¿ cuántos jueces investiga la oficina del fiscal general cada año?
Christie Yeargin.
Christie Yeargin.

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