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Yellen translate Spanish

20 parallel translation
Well, honey, what are you waiting for? I mean, come on, call that Mo and Mary and Blob and Yellen and get'em over to your place!
Que estás esperando, llama a Mo, Mary, el baboso y la chillona, y diles que vayan a tu casa.
A man named, uh, Darrell Yellen, convicted child molester, grabbed her as she was cutting through a convenience store parking lot two blocks from her house.
Un hombre llamado, Darrell Yellen, un abusador de niños, la agarró cuando tomaba un atajo por un estacionamiento a dos calles de su casa.
Yellen's serving a life sentence in Springville.
Yellen esta cumpliendo cadena perpetua en Springville.
Again, as part of his confession, Darrell Yellen told the police where to find the bodies.
De nuevo, Darrel Yellen le dijo a la policía donde encontrar los cuerpos.
Darrell Yellen is already in prison for the rest of his life.
Darrel Yellen ya está en prisión por el resto de su vida.
Or Darrell Yellen chose not to use his trump card because whoever he gave that little girl to was more important to him than the dim possibility of parole.
O Darren Yellen eligió no usar su carta ganadora porque a quienquiera que le haya dado esta niña era mas importante para él que la posibilidad de la libertad condicional.
Henry Yellen is Darrell Yellen's older brother.
Henry Yellen es el hermano mayor de Darrell Yellen.
Henry Yellen is untraceable.
Henry Yellen es imposible de encontrar.
Henry Yellen.
Henry Yellen.
Mr. Yellen, I'm with the Phoenix Police.
Sr. Yellen, estoy con la Policía de Phoenix.
Mr. Yellen, we haven't got all day!
¡ Sr. Yellen, no tenemos todo el día!
Mr. Yellen?
¿ Sr. Yellen?
- You Henry Yellen?
- ¿ Es usted Henry Yellen?
Mr. Yellen, I don't think you're understanding me.
Sr. Yellen, creo que no me entiende.
Meet Eleanor Yellen, 4.5 GPA.
Conoce a Eleanor Yellen, 4.5 GPA.
Yesterday, four of those inmates broke into Yellen Shipyard, kidnapped seven workers, then dropped them off the roof of the Gotham Gazette.
Ayer, cuatro de estos reclusos entraron en Yellen Shipyard, secuestraron a siete trabajadores, y luego los lanzaron desde el techo del Gotham Gazette.
Yellen Shipyard, yeah.
Sí, astillero Yellen.
Everyone from Janet Yellen to Jay Z.
Todo el mundo desde Janet Yellen a Jay Z.

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