You'd think translate Spanish
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I'd like to give you two a little something to think about.
Quiero daros a ambos algo en qué pensar.
I think you'd have a different attitude about this If i was the one constantly making unilateral decisions.
Creo que tendrías una actitud diferente sobre esto si fuera yo el que constantemente tomara decisiones de forma unilateral.
Look, you'd think his robe would trip him up.
Mira, uno creería que la túnica lo haría tropezar.
You've interviewed here so many times, I'd think that you'd know the place like the back of your hand by now.
Has venido a tantas entrevistas que pensé que ya lo conocerías.
What'd you think of the speech?
¿ Qué te pareció el discurso?
You think I'd quit before payday?
¿ Crees que renunciaría antes del día de paga?
And yet at the moment, you'd think Atlanta might have more important issues to contend with.
Y aún en este momento, usted pensaría que Atlanta podría tener problemas más importantes de qué encargarse.
Did you think you'd actually be able to breach the Cordon?
¿ Creías que serías capaz de romper el cordón?
What you think they'd do if they knew we were letting just one person out?
¿ Qué cree que harán si se enteran de que dejaremos salir a una persona?
If I didn't know better, I'd think you were finally on my side.
Si no lo conociera bien, pensaría que al fin está usted de mi lado.
Didn't think you'd make it.
No pensé que lo lograrías.
I promised your mom I'd get you out, and... and I think this is the way.
Le prometí a tu madre que te sacaría de aquí, y... y creo que esta es la manera.
- Didn't think you'd sound so...
- ¿ No piensa que le suena tan...
I didn't think you'd be home.
No pensé que estarías en casa.
No, they just think you'd benefit from the attention.
No, creen que la atención te sentaría bien.
You'd think the sea air would blow the smuts away.
Pensarías que el aire marino se llevaría las carbonillas.
I was. You think I'd come all the way up here just to bring medical files?
Lo hice, crees que he venido hasta aquí sólo por los archivos médicos?
To think... you said you'd never be a miner's lass.
Pensaba que... habías dicho que nunca serías una chica de un minero.
Well, I'd like to think you'll apologise but I'll not hold my breath.
Bueno, me gustaría pensar que pedirá disculpas pero no pondré la mano en el fuego.
Larry's at death's door, you'd think. Mm.
Pensarías que Larry está a las puertas de la muerte.
I'd like to think that if I had a problem, I could come talk to you.
Me gustaría pensar que si tuviera un problema, podría hablarlo contigo.
They'd think you lost your mind.
Pensarían que perdió la cabeza.
And I want you to think... what you'd do if you were me.
Y quiero que pienses... qué harías vos si fueses yo.
If I had, don't you think I'd have bloody told you by now?
Si supiera algo, ¿ no crees que te lo diría, joder?
They're fake plates. I think you'd better get that wee one home, and thanks very much for coming in.
Creo que es mejor que se lleve al pequeñín a casa y muchas gracias por venir.
And you... I think you'd jump at a chance to get a better deal for Jason.
Y usted... creo que saltaría a la oportunidad de obtener un mejor trato para Jason.
- Do you think she'd hire me?
- ¿ Crees que me contrataría?
I think they'd rather you were out of jail.
Creo que hubiera preferido que estaban fuera de la cárcel.
Do you think I'd like it?
¿ Crees que me gustaría?
Not as close as you'd think.
No tan cercano como tú crees.
You see it more often than you'd think in a place like this.
Lo ves más de lo que piensas en un lugar así.
Did you really think you'd be able to convince me by making this call, Mr. President?
¿ En serio creyó que iba a convencerme con esta llamada?
But if we didn't, I think you'd make a wonderful vice president.
Pero si no, será una vicepresidenta maravillosa.
You actually think you'd make a great president.
Realmente cree que será un gran presidente.
How do you think I'd look in a man bun?
¿ Cómo crees que me vería en un hombre panecillo?
Why do you think I'd get anywhere close to her, anyway?
¿ Por qué crees que podría acercarme a ella, de todos modos?
Not as unusual as you'd think.
No tanto como piensas.
Feel free to check it out if you like, but I think you'd be wasting your time.
Siéntete libre de comprobarlo si quieres, pero creo que estarías perdiendo tu tiempo.
You really think she'd understand?
¿ Crees que ella lo entendería?
I think... I'd rather vote for you right now.
Creo... que prefiero votar por ti ahora mismo.
I didn't think you'd actually show.
En realidad no esperaba que aparecieses.
Just occasionally, there'd be someone come along, and you'd think,
Alguna vez venía alguien y cualquiera pensaría :
So, not what you'd think of as a typical prostitute lifestyle?
Por lo tanto, no es lo que se podría pensar en como un estilo de vida típico prostituta?
D'you think it's good for her?
¿ Crees que es bueno para ella?
I don't think you'd like prison.
No creo que te gustara la cárcel.
- I think they very probably would - but at least you'll have done something. At least we'd have seen something of the world, had an adventure, wouldn't we?
Al menos habremos visto algo de mundo, tendremos una aventura, ¿ no?
In prison. I don't think you'd like prison.
No creo que le gustaría prisión.
Can you think of anyone who'd want to harm Peter?
¿ Puedes pensar en alguien que quisiera hacer daño a Peter?
I'd never seen anything like them, but I think you should come and have a look.
Nunca había visto nada igual, pero creo que deberías venir y echar un vistazo.
You honestly think it'd be better if we leave?
¿ Sinceramente crees que sería mejor si nos marchamos?
You still think it'd be better to leave?
¿ Sigues pensando que es mejor marcharse?
you'd think so 54
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think 1581
thinking 451
thinks 21
think positive 41
thinking of you 30
think about it 2390
thinking about you 18
think fast 106
thinking about it 70
think about this 117
think it over 186
think about that 140
think it through 42
think about something else 16
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40
think of something else 28
think it over 186
think about that 140
think it through 42
think about something else 16
think carefully 51
think of something 72
think nothing of it 57
think about what 40
think of something else 28