You'll be sorry translate Spanish
981 parallel translation
But don't do something you'll be sorry for, for the rest of your life.
Pero, por favor... No hagas nada de lo que te puedas arrepentir después.
Yeah, you do and you'll be sorry.
Sí, hazlo y lo lamentarás.
You'll be sorry!
¡ Lo lamentarás!
¶ You'll be sorry just too late
¶ Lo lamentarás demasiado tarde
You'll never be sorry for this.
Nunca se arrepentirá.
You'll never be sorry or anything, honest you won't.
Jamás te arrepentirás, de veras que no.
You'll only be sorry once and that'll be all your life.
Lo lamentará el resto de su vida.
I hardly think I can be of any further use to you, so if you don't mind, I'm very, very sorry, but I'll say good night.
No creo que pueda ayudarles más así que, si no les importa, lo siento, pero les daré las buenas noches.
You'll be sorry you said that!
¡ Lamentarás haber dicho eso!
But you'll see. You'll be sorry.
Pero verá, lo lamentará.
He'll be sorry to miss you.
Seguro que lamentará mucho no recibirle...
You'll be sorry for this.
Te arrepentirás de esto.
You do as I tell you, you'll never be sorry.
Haz lo que te digo y nunca te arrepentirás.
If you don't, you'll be sorry as long as you live.
Si no lo haces, lo lamentarás mientras vivas.
You'll be sorry.
Lo vas a lamentar.
To the devil, and I hope you'll be sorry.
Al infierno, y espero que lo lamentes.
Keep your mouth shut or you'll be sorry.
No digas nada o te lamentarás.
You'll be sorry.
Lo lamentará.
I guess you'll be sorry to get back to your little joint in Newark?
Deberá regresar a su agujero con pena.
But I'll be sorry to lose you, dear.
Pero me apenará perderte, querida.
If you don't, you'll be sorry. And I'll feel like a heel.
Si no, te arrepentirás y yo me sentiré como un canalla.
I hope you'll be very sorry.
Me da placer
I'll be as sorry as you are, but I don't think she'll make the grade.
Lo sentiré tanto como tú, pero no resultará.
He might say something he'll be sorry for, and you'll be sorry to have heard.
Podría decir algo de lo que se arrepienta, y no quiere oírlo.
You'll be sorry when I'm champion!
Lo lamentará cuando sea campeón.
When Monseigneur learns of your mockery, you'll be sorry
¡ Avisaré ahora mismo a Monseñor de que lo están engañando!
Some day a front page is going to walk right up and bite you, and you'll be sorry.
Un día, una de tus portadas te hará daño y la aborrecerás.
Get hold of your nerves before you say something you'll be sorry for.
Refrena tus nervios antes que digas algo que luego lamentes.
You'll be sorry for this.
Te arrepentirás de lo que has dicho.
Before I'm through, you'll all be sorry you ever saw me.
Y antes de irme, habréis lamentado todos haberme visto.
You'll be sorry to hear my feelings haven't changed.
Aunque no te guste oírlo, mis sentimientos no han cambiado.
- You'll be sorry!
Lo va a lamentar.
You'll be sorry!
Lo va a lamentar.
You'll be sorry, putting us to all this trouble.
Ya te pesará tratarnos de esta manera.
And I hope you'll never be sorry, Miss Blake.
Y espero que nunca se arrepienta, Srta. Blake.
Pay up or you'll be sorry.
O me paga o verá lo que le pasa.
I'll be sorry to leave you.
Me dará tristeza dejarte.
Shinza, you'll be sorry!
Shinza, ¡ te arrepentirás!
Now, see here, don't you do anything that you'll be sorry for.
No hagas nada de lo que puedas arrepentirte.
Say, what is this? I'm sorry, commodore. Your butler told us that nobody was allowed through the front door, so we came - when a final settlement is made, boys, you'll be in.
Cuantos estén a favor del acuerdo enunciado por el general, coronel o lo que sea el Sr. Fisk que digan "sí".
You'll be sorry you interfered.
Lamentaréis haberos entrometido.
Now, there's gonna be a lot of people stepped on, Rocky... ... and if you happen to get in the way... ... I'll be sorry, but you'll be stepped on just as hard.
Caerá mucha gente en el proceso, Rocky y si te pones en el camino lo siento, pero también te pisotearé.
All right, but you'll be sorry.
Está bien, lo haré.
I'm sorry, I have to leave you, but if you'll make yourself comfortable I'll be back, and we can have a nice visit.
Disculpe, debo salir un instante, pero póngase cómoda enseguida regreso y tendremos una linda charla.
Beat it or you'll be sorry!
Vete o te irá mal...
You'll be sorry For this.
Te arrepentirás de esto.
You'll never be sorry, Helen.
- No te arrepentirás nunca, Helen.
You'll be sorry for that.
Se arrepentirá.
Yeah, you'll be sorry for yourself in half a minute.
Sí, se lamentará dentro de medio minuto.
And if you don't stop screamin'at him, it's liable to happen right here... and then you'll be sorry.
Y si no dejan de gritarle, sucederá aquí mismo. - Entonces lo lamentarán.
You'll be sorry.
Te arrepentirás.
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