You'll get through it translate Spanish
209 parallel translation
When you get that through your head. drop over and I'll show you how to make more like it.
Cuando lo acepte... venga y le enseñaré a hacer otros similares.
When I get through with you, you'll go back to your packing case on the city dump and relish it.
Cuando acabe con usted, volverá a su caja del vertedero y le parecerá maravillosa.
You're going through a rough time, but you'll get over it.
Te entiendo, sé que es duro. Pero pasará.
Sure, and you'll get it, right through your skull.
Seguro, y lo tendrá, justo en su cráneo.
Maybe when I get through, you'll... you'll understand why I decided to do it last night...
Quizá así comprenda por qué decidí hacer lo de anoche.
You'll get it soon enough... right through your head just before we knock it off.
Pronto lo entenderá Con esa cabecita antes de que se la cortemos.
- Then you'll both starve. - It doesn't matter We'll get through it, won't we, Hans.
Ay, Papá, vamos a ser escritores.
Come on, now, or you'll get it through a tube. - I don't want any.
Come o lo harás mediante un tubo.
Someday I'll get it through my head you always get back.
Algun dia me convencere de que Ud. sjempre vuelve con vjda.
You help us get these supplies to the settlement, I'll see to it that each one of you gets a grubstake worth 200, 300, 400 dollars - enough food to send you through the winter.
Si nos ayudáis a llevar las provisiones a la colonia, me encargaré de que tengáis avíos por valor de 200, 300 o 400 dólares y bastante comida para pasar el invierno.
These convoys have got to be found, and if you run into trouble with enemy fighters through talking to base in finding them, then you'll just have to run into it and get out of it the best way you can.
Hay que encontrar esos convoyes, y si tienen problemas con aviones enemigos por hablar por radio, deberán arriesgarse y salvarse como puedan.
It'll get you through a month.
Te daré algo.
It'll get you through in about 45 seconds.
La avisaré en unos 45 segundos.
You won't know the old wine cellar when we get through with it. We'll have it filled with equipment.
No reconocerás la vieja bodega cuando la llenemos de máquinas.
You'll get through it, Miss Alma.
Claro que lo ve, señorita Alma.
And you'll never get it through the mails.
Y jamás lo podrá editar.
If you can only get through to Second Minister Hashimoto, he'll give it to you.
Si podéis llegar hasta el Segundo Ministro Hashimoto, él os la dará.
You better hope they'll get through it and spot us.
Es mejor tener esperanzas de que lleguen y nos encuentren.
You'll have to slip past the KAOS guards, work your way through a network of land mines there, get to the computer and destroy it.
Deberán pasar los guardias de KAOS pasar una red de minas terrestres ahí llegar al computador y destruirlo.
You'll have, at the most, a minute to get through it.
Como mucho tendrás un minuto para atravesarlo.
Harmon, if I get you through this, it'll be for the department, not for you.
Harmon, si te saco de ésta, será por el departamento, no por ti.
I hope I can get through it, if I don't, Hy, you'll have to go on.
Espero lograr leerla, si no, continuará Hy.
And I tell you if you try to take it you're gonna wind up dead or in prison and that's the closest you'll ever get to it, through six inches of steel.
Y te digo que si lo intentas, acabarás muerto o en la cárcel. Y eso es lo más cerca que vas a estar del oro, a quince centímetros.
You'll get two packets so you can make it through the day.
Tendrás dos paquetes, para que pases tu día.
On Sunday you'll get four packets so you can make it through Tuesday.
Los domingos tendrás cuatro paquetes, para que puedas llegar al mar...
I'll get through it and so will you.
Pasaré de eso y también usted.
It'll help you get through the night.
Seguro que aceptará.
Just hang in. You'll get through it.
Aguante, lo superará.
But if it begins to heat up, it'll turn volatile. You'll get a great cloud of smoke that'll eat through anything.
Pero si sube más de los 80 grados el humo que produzca lo corroerá todo.
I'll get you through it. We'll drill it till you know it backwards.
Lo repetiremos hasta que te lo sepas hasta del revés.
It'll take me a few minutes to get through, and congratulations. Seems you passed the test.
Por favor protéjase de la lluvia tardare poco y felicitaciones por lo visto ha superado la prueba.
It'll get you through the day.
Te sacará del paso.
I know you're nervous, but I'll get you through it.
Sé que estás nerviosa, pero yo te ayudaré.
Execute these orders, you'll get through it without a snag.
Ejecuten estas órdenes, y llegarán sin ningún obstáculo.
And I'll get you through it.
Yo te ayudaré.
- We'll do it. - You can't get through that.
No puedes salir por ahí.
I'll get you through it.
Yo te ayudaré a superarlo.
You'll get through this. You'll move past it.
Esto lo vas a superar un día.
You know, if we get through to just that one little girl... it'll all be worth it.
Si logramos llegar a esa niñita, habrá valido la pena. Sí.
- Okay. I'll get you through it.
- Bien, te acompañaré.
Jan, whatever it is, we'll get you through it.
Jan, lo que sea, lo superaremos.
I'll walk you through it once I get it straightened out.
Te consultaré cuando lo tenga preparado.
I've been through it. I'll get you through it.
Ya he pasado por esto y te ayudaré a superarlo.
Look, I'll do anything to help you through it but we cannot do this anymore. You get it?
Haré lo que sea por ayudarte, pero no podemos seguir así. ¿ Entiendes?
I'll get you through this, Nikita, but we can't do it now.
Te ayudaré con esto, Nikita. Pero no ahora.
Just breathe deep, don't talk too fast and you'll get through it.
Sólo respira profundo e intenta hablar más despacio.Y todo saldrá bien. ¿ De acuerdo?
Well, you'll get through it.
Ni un sonido.
You gotta- - You gotta just wait it out, just get through it. And someday a long time from now you'll see the way you saw before.
Esperaré, saldremos de eso, y algún día... dentro de mucho tiempo... verás como veías antes.
No matter who broke your heart or how long it takes to heal you'll never get through it without your friends.
No importa quién rompió tu corazón o cuanto tarde en curarse nunca lo superarás sin tus amigos.
Well, your Mom and I don't get out much, so you'll just have to bear through it!
Tu madre y yo no salimos mucho así que tendrás que aguantarte.
I know that looks massive but you'll get through it.
Sé que parece demasiado pero podrás con ello.
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get yours 23
you'll get it 131
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get yours 23
you'll get it 131
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
you'll get it back 37
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll pay 35
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
you'll get it back 37
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll pay 35
you'll never understand 17
you'll regret it 106
you'll figure it out 157
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377
you'll regret this 34
you'll regret it 106
you'll figure it out 157
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377
you'll regret this 34