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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You're afraid of him

You're afraid of him translate Spanish

150 parallel translation
You " re still afraid of him because he used to roar at you like a brass bull.
Aún le temes porque solía gritarte como un toro enfurecido.
You're not afraid of him?
¿ No le tendrás miedo?
- You're not afraid of him?
- Subir.
Because you're afraid of him.
Porque le tienen miedo.
You're not afraid of him at all, are you, Peter?
No le tienes ningún miedo, ¿ verdad, Peter?
- You're not afraid of him, are you?
- No le tienes miedo, ¿ verdad?
The thing about a dog is... you must never let him know you ´ re afraid of him.
El asunto con el perro es... que nunca debe darse cuenta de que le tienes miedo.
Show the horse you're not afraid of him.
Enséñele al caballo que no le teme.
Let him know you're not afraid of him.
Muéstrale que no le temes.
You're not afraid of him, are you?
No me conoce. No le dará miedo, ¿ verdad?
The police want him but you're all afraid of him but I'm not.
La policía lo busca. Y todos tenéis miedo de él y de sus amigos. Pero yo no.
Jeff, I'm glad you're not afraid of him.
Me alegro de que no le tengas miedo.
- You're afraid of him.
- Le tenéis miedo.
I believe you're afraid of him.
Stanley, sospecho que le tienes miedo.
If you're so sure, what are you afraid of? Give him a chance to prove it.
Si estás tan seguro, dales la oportunidad de demostrarlo.
If you're afraid of him, I'm not.
Si tú le temes, yo no.
I think you're just afraid of him.
Creo que le tienen miedo, nada más.
You're not afraid of him.
Tú no le tienes miedo.
You're afraid of him.
¿ Te da miedo?
You're afraid of him?
¿ Le tienes miedo?
You're afraid of him.
Le tienes miedo.
If you're afraid of him, of what he might do.
Si tienes miedo de ese hombre o de sus represalias...
What're you going to do to him? On the strength of what we've learned, I'm afraid he'll get the limit.
Por los datos que hemos obtenido sufriría la máxima pena.
You're afraid of him, aren't you?
Le tenéis miedo, ¿ verdad?
You " re still afraid of him because he used to roar at you like a brass bull.
Sigues teniéndole miedo porque te vociferaba como un toro furioso.
You don't think of him, you're afraid of him.
No pienses en él, le temes.
Looks like you're all afraid of him!
Es ridículo, parece que todos le tenéis miedo.
I'm just afraid that sooner or later you're going to tell him, simply out of vanity.
Un día u otro se lo ibas a decir, así, por vanidad.
I'm afraid you're out of luck, old boy. That's him up there.
No está usted de suerte, Está allí.
You're afraid of him.
Tienes miedo de él.
- Because you're afraid of him.
- Porque le tienes miedo.
- Is it him you're afraid of?
- ¿ Es que le tienes miedo?
But you're afraid of him.
- Pero le tienes miedo.
You're not afraid of him?
¿ no le temes?
Because you're only afraid of him.
Sólo tienes miedo de él.
More afraid of you than of him... you're young... and you'll get tired out quickly.
Más miedo de ti que de él... Tú eres joven... te cansarás pronto.
don't ever let a dragon know you're... you're afraid of him.
jamás dejes... que un dragón sepa que le tienes miedo.
You're not afraid to do it in front of him?
No tienes miedo de hacerlo delante de él? Aunque no puede ver.
Then what made you? If you're so afraid of him...
¿ Por qué lo hiciste si le tienes tanto miedo?
You're afraid of him, aren't you?
Le temes, ¿ no?
He knows you're not afraid of him and he's worried.
Él no sabe que se encuentra miedo de él y la preocupación.
You're not afraid of him.
No debes temerle.
There's nothing to be afraid of now. You're rid of him.
No tienes nada que temer, te has deshecho de él.
You're afraid of him?
¿ Le tenés miedo?
Carla, Eddie's afraid that you're ashamed of him.
Carla, Eddie tiene miedo de que estás avergonzado de él.
You're a little afraid of him. How very exciting.
Qué excitante!
You're not afraid of HIM, you're afraid of YOU.
No es él el que te da miedo, eres tú misma.
You're afraid of the bogeyman, but you can't live without him.
Tienes miedo del Coco, pero no puedes vivir sin él.
Him, you're afraid of the goddamn oven.
Tienes miedo del maldiro horno.
You're not afraid of becoming like him?
¿ No temes volverte como él?
Is that why you're afraid of him?
¿ Es por eso que tienes miedo de él?

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