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You're all the same translate Spanish

805 parallel translation
I'd remember all the lies you told me each time we made love. The anger I'd feel would just make me want to hurt you. You'd feel the same, we'd be back at square one.
Tengo tantas mentiras, que siempre estuviste ahí para mí,..... no re-inventarse, por último
You're just not the same type at all.
Simplemente no eres de la misma forma en absoluto.
Life or death, insults or boasts. You're all the same, aren't you?
Vivo o muerto, despreciado o alabado, siempre serías el mismo.
You're the best head keeper of a big house in the country. But if it's all the same to you, I wish we'd never met.
Eres casi seguro el mejor director de prisión del país, pero hubiera preferido no encontrarte nunca.
I fancy, all the same, you'll need some help from me before you're done.
Pero va a necesitar mi ayuda antes de haber acabado.
Sometimes I wouldn't mind dying l feel the same ; we're so alike I'll paint you as the Virgin, Salome, Eve, Joan of Arc... I shall paint you all my life
No me importaría morir. - A mí tampoco. - Somos iguales.
But you're very nice all the same
Pero es muy simpático, de todos modos.
but you're a she-goat all the same if we hadn't found you
¡ Pero eres una cabra de todos modos! ¡ Si no te hubiera encontrado...!
All the same, you're amazingly beautiful.
Desde luego, es usted súper bella.
You're all the same.
Tú eres como los demás.
You're all the same!
¡ Eres siempre el mismo!
But all the same. You're not attached to anyone?
En fin,.. ¿ no tiene compromisos con nadie?
I thought so. Even if we're five minutes late, he'll still wait for you all the same.
Creo que, aunque lleguemos 5 minutos tarde, él todavía estará esperándote.
No, they're all the same, beautiful when you leave them.
No, son todos iguales, hermosos cuando los dejas.
You, you, you and you, we're all on the same team. We've all got the same goal, victory!
Tú, tú, tú y tú estamos en el mismo barco y tenemos la misma meta :
But, dear, don't you think it's odd that they're all living in the same apartment house? - I've got that all figured out.
¿ Pero no es extraño que vivan todos en el mismo edificio?
You know what she's afraid of, the same thing we're all afraid of.
Sabes de qué. De los mismo que los demás.
It's all the same to me if you're the Pope!
¡ Ni que fuera el Papa!
From what I've heard of musicians, you're all the same.
Por lo que escuché de los músicos, son todos iguales.
But you're reckless all the same
Pero es Ud. muy imprudente.
Just because you're content to stick in the same place all your life... and do your bit of gardening on Saturday afternoon in your shirt sleeves.
Sólo porque te conformas en quedarte aquí y dedicarte a la jardinería.
Whether you're playing Liszt or Chopin or Schumann, it's all the same.
Toques lo que toques, Liszt, Chopin o Schumann, ¡ da igual!
All the same, just because you say you're sorry... Oh, no, it's not going to be that easy.
Pero aunque me pidas perdón, no te será tan fácil.
You're very kind, both of you. But this business of dancing the same way all the time, I can't...
Sois muy amables, las dos, pero eso de bailar siempre lo mismo...
Women are all the same once you're married to'em.
Debes consolarte mientras no está.
All the same, Emily. I think you're behaving abominably.
De todos modos, pienso que tu conducta es abominable, Emily.
All the same, you're still my little girl.
¡ Eres mi hija!
All the same, I've noticed you're very pleased to see him, yourself.
A pesar de todo, ¡ he notado a Ud. también le complace mucho verlo!
And the people, well, maybe they dress a little differently or talk a little differently here but underneath they're the same as your next-door neighbor, and you probably know them all, the cop on the beat, the kid selling papers,
Y quizá las personas vistan de forma diferente... o hablen de forma diferente aquí... pero en el fondo son iguales que sus vecinos... y seguramente ya los conocen ;
Yes, and every time you look up, they're all the same.
No te has perdido nada. Son todos iguales.
You're neither bad nor responsible, you inflict pain without knowing it. You're all the same.
No eres mala, ni responsable, haces daño sin darte cuenta.
But you're all the same!
Todos igual. - ¡ Esas manos!
You're all the same.
Sigues igual.
I know, you're all the same.
- Lo sé. Sois todos iguales.
They're all the same to you.
Para ti, todas son iguales.
You're all the same.
- Todas quereis lo mismo.
You're not bad-looking, all the same.
Aunque es un placer mirarte.
Nothing, if you're not married to them all at the same time, like I was.
Nada, si no te casas con todos al mismo tiempo, como hice yo.
You're all the same.
Todos ustedes son iguales.
You're all the same!
Sois toda una raza de...
You're all the same!
Todos sois iguales...
You're all in the same house and you're all wearing matching suits.
Todos en la misma casa y todos llevando trajes a juego.
We're all in the same boat, you know.
Todas estamos en el mismo bote.
You're so tired that you'll sleep all the same.
Están tan cansados que dormirán igualmente.
They're all the same to you. They're all creditors.
para ti son todos acreedores.
You're all the same!
¡ Sois iguales!
But, you're beautiful all the same, just how you are!
¡ Oh, Dios mío! Pero si estás muy guapa, tal y como eres.
You're all the same!
¡ Sois todas iguales!
And you're all the same
Y todos sois iguales
You would be watching them all day, in control of them, not allowing them to do anything. You wouldn't let them go, so they're the same as prisoners.
Porque los futuros criminales pueden ser detectados, vigilados cuidados e incluso a veces, curados y, en todo caso, volverlos inofensivos.
You're all the same. You think a receiver is dishonest.
Crees que un encubridor es un bribón.

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