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You're going to lose translate Spanish

477 parallel translation
Which means that you're going to lose in this bet.
Lo que significa que vas a perder esta apuesta.
You're going to lose the bet, buddy.
Vas a perder tu lana, güey.
You're not going to lose control of the line, Mr. Jordan.
No va a perder el control de la línea, Sr. Jordan.
You're not going to lose me.
No vas a perderme.
So you're going to lose 50,000 pounds just to satisfy this girl.
Así que va a perder 50 mil libras sólo por satisfacer a esa mujer.
But when you're hungry, no busboy is going to lose his job trying to feed you.
Pero cuando tenga hambre, nadie perderá su empleo por alimentarle.
Well, it looks as if you're going to lose your star patient, Dr. Ditten.
Parece que va a perder a su paciente estrella, Dr. Ditten.
You're going to lose him, Maggie.
Le perderás, Maggie.
Stop it Ellen. You're going to make me lose my temper.
Me voy a enfadar.
You're going to lose, Yvonne.
Vas a perder, Yvonne.
Look out. You're going to lose.
Cuidado, va a perder.
I'm afraid you're going to lose, my dear. We'll see.
Temo que vas a perder, querida.
If you don't get in there now, you're going to lose him.
Si usted no entra allí ahora, va a perderlo.
You're going to lose one of us.
Vas a perder a uno de los dos.
You're not going to lose him. I'll take full responsibility.
No vas a perderle, me hago totalmente responsable de ello.
You're going to lose the milk money!
¡ Perderás el dinero de la leche!
Well, if you're going to act like that when she gets here, you're going to lose yourself the best wife east of the Allegheny Mountains.
Si va a portarse así cuando llegue, va a perderse la mejor esposa al este de las Montañas Allegheny.
- Es su precio.
You're going to lose, baby! You're going to lose.
Vas a perder, chico.
Unless you do something, we're both going to lose him.
A no ser que usted haga alguna cosa, nosotros vamos a perderlo.
Surely you know you're going to lose, don't you?
Sabes que vais a perder, ¿ verdad?
- But this time, you're going to lose!
¡ Esta vez pierde las elecciones!
Yes, we're going to remain without house and you lose your time with the nuns, who have the best villas of Rome.
Sí, vamos a quedarnos sin casa y tú pierdes el tiempo... con las monjas que tienen las mejores viñas de Roma.
While you idiots are sitting here, you're going to lose a president.
¿ Y este señor que es lo que ha hecho?
You're going to lose.
Que vas a perder.
I don't think there'll be time to take it up because mister, you're going to lose right now.
El hombre más triunfador que jamás he visto.
"You're going to lose that girl".
"Vas a perder a esa chica".
I You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
Vas a perder a esa chica.
I You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
Vas a perderla.
♪ You're going to lose that girl I You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
Vas a perder a esa chica.
I You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
Vas a perderla,
I You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl I
Vas a perder a esa chica.
Yes, I'm afraid you're going to lose your bet, young man.
Este caballero es del siglo XVII, hmm.
You're going to lose your clothes if you keep that up.
Se le rasgará la ropa si sigue forcejeando.
We're going to lose you, man.
Óyeme chico te vamos a... te vamos a perder, chico.
You're going to lose your rook.
Vas a perder tu torre.
You're never going to lose your head.
Tú nunca perderás la cabeza.
You're either going to lose her or the child or maybe lose both.
La perderá a ella o al bebé o quizá a ambos.
But I have learned never to predict whether you're going to win or lose or what the point spread is going to be.
Pero he aprendido a nunca predecir si se va a ganar o a perder, o cuál va a ser el margen.
It's not like you're going to lose anything at all.
No te preocupes que no se os gasta por usarlo.
You keep fooling around and you're going to lose your man.
Continúa haciendo el tonto y vas a perder a tu hombre.
You're going to lose your money.
Vas a perder tu dinero.
I'm putting in $ 1,800, you're putting in 1,100'cause I'm not going to lose.
Voy a poner $ 1,800, tu pones 1,100 porque no voy a perder.
'Cause if you guys lose this game... each and every one of you... you're going to have to live with it.
Porque si perdéis este partido chicos... todos y cada uno de vosotros... tendréis que vivir con ello.
We're going to lose everything you worked for.
Perderemos todo.
You're going to make us lose our theater!
¡ Si sigues así, nos quitarán el teatro!
I think you're going to lose.
Me parece que vas a perder.
I suppose you're going to make up for all the money I lose.
Y el dinero que debo juntar esta noche me lo darás tu.
- All right. - And you're going to lose.
Vas a perder.
Or else you're going to lose it, you have to do more than stand idly by.
Si no lo vas a perder, y ni modo que te quedes cruzado de brazos.
Billy, you're going to lose.
Billy, vas a perder.

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