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You're going to need it translate Spanish

332 parallel translation
You're going to need it.
La necesitará.
─ You're going to need it today.
- Lo podrías necesitar hoy.
But you're going to need brains to get it.
Pero debe ser inteligente para atraparlo.
Here, have a drink because you're going to need it.
Ten, toma un trago, lo vas a necesitar.
You're going to need it.
La necesitarás.
- You're going to need it.
- La necesitarás.
I'm gonna leave you one, just one because you're going to need it, pal.
Te dejaré uno, sólo uno porque lo necesitarás, amigo.
If I'm any judge of men, you don't need it. You're going to your family and to a job.
Soy buen juez y no le harán falta, Encontrará un trabajo.
You're going to need it.
Nos vendrá bien.
Créeme, Jim, tu vas a tomarlo también con los japos en Malasia, necesitamos caucho... y más caucho
You're going to need it.
Va a necesitarla.
You're sure going to need it Major.
Vas a necesitarla, comandante.
You're going to need it.
Lo vas a necesitar.
You're going to need it.
Vas a necesitarlo.
Good luck, Read. You're sure going to need it.
Buena suerte, Read.
You're going to need it, all of it, when we find him.
Lo va a necesitar, por completo, cuando lo encontremos.
You're going off to college now, and you won't need me. That's the way it should be.
Vais a ir a la universidad y no me necesitaréis.
If we're not going to make love, why do you need to give me it?
Si no hacemos el amor, ¿ por qué tienes que dármelo?
And save your strength,'cause you're going to need it.
Y ahórrate las fuerzas porque vas a necesitarlas.
She'll need money and you're going to provide it.
Necesita dinero y tú se lo vas a proporcionar.
You're going to need it.
La va a necesitar.
You're going to need it!
¡ Van a necesitarla!
I'm afraid you're going to need it.
La necesitará.
You're going to need someone to run it for you.
Alguien tendrá que ayudarte.
Just a pick-me-up... ... I think you're going to need it.
Solo como ayuda... creo que vas a necesitarlo.
I've a terrible feeling you're going to need it.
Tengo la sensación de que vas a necesitarla.
Because, God knows, you're going to need it!
¡ Dios sabe que vas a necesitarla!
You're going to need it.
Lo va a necesitar.
You will need help if you're going to make it to Tucson in that.
Necesitarán ayuda si quieren llegar en eso.
You're going to need it.
Lo necesitarás.
Come on, Jimmy, it's not going to be that bad. we're going to get you everything you need.
Vamos a conseguir todo lo que necesites.
Because if we're going to Rex's Bar, you're gonna need it.
Porque si vamos al bar de Rex, puedes necesitarlo.
But you're going to need to stay off of it as much as possible.
Necesitaras moverlo lo menos posible.
You never know when you're going to need it.
Uno nunca sabe cuándo lo va a necesitar.
If you're going to L.A. for money, you may not need it.
Si vas a L.A. a por dinero, puede que no lo vayas a necesitar.
You three get some rest. You're going to need it, especially you.
Descansen, que lo van a necesitar.
It's eight to five you're going to need root canal.
Te apuesto a que necesitas endodoncia.
And believe me, you're going to need it.
Te aseguro que lo vas a necesitar.
If you two are here, it probably means that something has gone wrong, in which case you're going to need all the help you can get if you want to continue the fight against evil.
- Pero, Uds. Están aquí. Entonces, algo debe haber salido mal. En ese caso, necesitarán mucha ayuda para continuar la lucha contra el mal.
I was making it for Holling, but as you're going to the camp you need it more than him.
La estaba haciendo para Holling, pero, como te vas al campamento, la necesitarás más que él.
Because you're going to need it when we hunt this girl down, And watch her, and weight for her to become heavy with child,
Porque la necesitaras para localizar a esta chica, vigilarla y cuidarla hasta que quede embarazada.
It was already badly damaged by the lightning. You're fast approaching cardiac arrest, Dannion. I'm afraid you're going to need surgery.
ya estaba dañado por el rayo estuviste cerca de un paro cardiaco me temo que necesitaras una cirugia
You think we're going to blow it because you two need to butt heads?
Creen que vamos a seguirlos porque tienen mierda en la cabeza?
You're going to need it.
Vas a necesitarla.
Good luck, Mayor. You're going to need it.
Que tenga suerte, señor alcalde... la va a necesitar.
But that dragon is so bloody enormous, if we're going to lift it out of here, we need you healthy.
El dragón es muy sangriento... si sales de aquí, te necesitamos sano. Bien, déjame serte franco.
The... If you're going to live in the Wheatley garage, you... you need to know it's not going to be easy.
Si vas a vivir en el garaje de los Wheatley tienes que saber que no será fácil.
They're telling me it's going to take six hours, but I need to make a rendezvous with a Tholian freighter in nine hours and you know how they are about punctuality.
Dicen que tardarán seis horas pero tengo una cita con una nave toliana dentro de nueve. Esperan que seamos puntuales.
Believe me, you're going to need it, if you intend to stand up and tell the world you believe in fairies.
Creame, Va a necesitarlas, si usted intenta hacerles creer y contar al mundo que cree en las hadas.
I think you're going to need it.
Creo que vas a necesitarla.
Even if we do give you the technology now, you're still going to need time to develop it.
Aunque les entregue la tecnología ahora, aun necesitarán tiempo para desarrollarla.

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