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You're good at it translate Spanish

829 parallel translation
Reba : Step up and give your all, Because you're only gonna have one good shot at it
Sube y da todo... porque solamente vas a tener un chance para esto.
Yes, it's very good. Honey, you're good at drawing. - Hi.
muy bonito pintar mi amor, para hablar un poco con la mamá?
You're good at it.
¿ Sabes que lo haces estupendamente?
You might as well pick out a good one while you're at it.
Si a eso viniste, mejor escógela bien.
Haha, you're really good at it!
¡ Ud. sí que lo hace bien!
- You're good at it, ain't ya?
- Bueno- - - Lo hace bien, ¿ no?
It's good that you're here so that I can tell at least one person how often I think about him
Para que al menos pueda contárselo a alguien cuánto pienso en él.
It looks as if you're pretty good at it.
Parece que se le da bien.
You're so good at this, I'll get you a job at it after the war.
Eres muy buena, te conseguiré un trabajo después de la guerra.
Apparently you're very good at it.
Aparentemente eres muy bueno.
You're good at it, though.
No obstante, eres buena en eso.
And take a good look at the face because you're never going to see it again
Y míreme bien la cara porque ya no volverá a verla.
You're not much good at it anyway.
Además, no se te da muy bien.
It's no use lying to me. You're no good at it.
No sirve de nada mentir, no se te da bien.
Of course, if you're anxious to find out just how good you are at taking it, we'll accommodate you.
Claro, si quiere averiguarlo... Si quiere comprobar su aguante, le complaceremos.
Here, have a little drink on my son later, and then while you're at it, have a drink to your own good fortune.
Aquí, tenga un poco de bebida En mi hijo más tarde Y entonces mientras usted queda a eso, tenga Una bebida para su buenaventura.
You're so good at it.
Lo haces muy bien.
- I'll bet. It's an old act, you're good at it, but you don't fool me.
Eres una actriz buena, pero no me engañas.
I'll leave the talking to you. You're good at it.
Dejaré que os encarguéis de las reuniones, se os dan bien.
- You're getting quite good at it.
Lo estaba haciendo muy bien.
You're pretty good at it.
Se te da muy bien.
You're good at it. aren't you?
- Ya sabes cómo hacerlo, ¿ no?
It's just so hard to be a good sport at 5 A.M., especially when you're 9 months pregnant.
Es tan difícil despedirse a las 5 de la mañana, especialmente cuando estás embarazada de 9 meses.
You're very good at it.
Pero tú sabes tragarlas.
You fly well and you're good at games. But it's not enough.
Puede ser un buen piloto y es hábil para los deportes.
If you stay poor, it means you're no good at it!
Quien muere pobre es porque no lo hecho bien.
And you're pretty good at it.
- Claro, es una buena profesión.
The rifle's for shooting buffalo and your brother Ben will be proud you're getting so good at it.
Para dispararle a los búfalos, y tu hermano Ben estará orgulloso de que estés cazando tan bien.
You're very good at it.
Pues se te da muy bien.
With the potatoes, they're heavy. I'm afraid that this stuff, you.. might be good at eating it, but not at carrying it.
Con las papas, está pesado, tengo miedo que... le haga bien comérselo, pero llevárselo no.
Take this, so we'll see if you're good at it!
¡ Toma esta, así veremos que sabes hacer!
Surely, you're good at it.
- Usted naturalmente será buenísimo.
You're not very good at anything... are you, Mr. Gillie, unless it's bungling. Get up!
Usted no es bueno haciendo nada menos equivocándose. ¡ Suba!
That's all you're good at, but it won't get you anywhere
- Eso es lo que saben hacer sólo gestos obscenos y amenazas.
Isn't it, Rocco that you're almost as good at me?
¿ Verdad que casi lo eres?
Come on, give it to me! You're good at nothing!
¡ Venga, dámela, no sirves para nada!
- It happens if you're good at it.
- Eso pasa cuando uno es bueno.
You're good at it.
Aprende pronto, ¿ eh?
I hear you're good at it.
Me han dicho que se le da muy bien.
I think it may be a good idea if you take a wee peek... at some of these prospective brides... you're figuring to match up with that Hereford of yours.
Creo que sería buena idea que echara un vistazo... a las pretendientes... de ese Hereford suyo.
I hope you're good at it.
Espero que sea buena.
You tell them, you're good at it.
¡ Hazlo tú! Lo haces muy bien.
You're so good at it, you sit in the back seat.
Si eres tan bueno, siéntate tú atrás.
Well, it makes you feel good that you're doing a little something from even at the time you don't think you're helping them because they have such a problem. But when you get a letter like this, it makes you feel as if- - well, you at least tried.
Bueno, te sientes bien por haber hecho algo pequeño aunque en un primer momento, no creas que les estas ayudando, porque su problema es tan grave, pero cuando recibes una carta así, te sientes como - bueno, por lo menos, se intentó.
You're no good at it.
No se te da bien.
If you're any good at small talk, it always manages to bore me to sleep.
Si te gusta hablar tonterías, habla, que yo me duermo del aburrimiento.
You're young, good looking. You'll get another crack at it.
Es joven y atractiva, volverá a casarse.
You're very good at it!
Lo hace muy bien.
and curiosity, and you're too good at it.
y interés. y eres muy bueno.
You're not very good at it.
A ti no se te da muy bien.
You're very good at it.
Lo haces muy bien.

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