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You're in charge now translate Spanish

186 parallel translation
- Grazlich, you're in charge from now on.
- Grazlich, tú quedas a cargo.
You're in charge now.
Ahora es usted el que manda.
From now on, you're in charge.
De ahora en adelante, te quedas al cargo.
- Now you're in charge of the potatoes.
- Encárgate de las papas.
You're in charge now.
Ahora usted está a cargo.
Well, now... since you're in charge here, any of them water barrels still whole?
Bien... como ahora tú estás al frente, ¿ queda alguno de los barriles de agua?
Everybody in town feels a heap sight safer now that you're in charge of things.
Todo el mundo se siente mucho más seguro ahora que está al mando.
You're in charge now, Lieutenant.
Usted ahora está a cargo, Teniente.
You're in charge. You're the headmaster now.
Ya que sabes tanto, te dejo el campo libre.
Now that you're in charge, save more money, if you can.
Ahora que estás tú al mando consigue más dinero si puedes.
But you're not in charge now.
Pero tú no estás al mando ahora.
Egan, you're in charge now.
Egan, ahora Ud. Está a cargo.
Now, I see from the newspaper you're in charge of these strangling cases.
Creo que usted se encarga del caso del estrangulador.
I'll look after the PR side, press, TV boys and so on. Now you're in charge,
Yo me ocuparé de las relaciones públicas, de la prensa, los muchachos de la tele y cosas así.
You're in charge now.
Ahora estás al mando.
Starting right now, you're to be in charge.
Empezando ya, vas a ser el jefe de la Barraca 23.
You're in charge now, goddamit!
¡ Tú eres el que decide, por Dios!
From now on, you're in charge.
A partir de ahora, usted está a cargo.
You're in charge, now.
Tú quedas a cargo.
You just take care of everything'now,'cause you're in charge, okay?
estas a cargo.
Now you're in charge.
Ahora eres tú quien esta a cargo.
You're in charge now, boy.
Ahora está al cargo, chico.
Reverend Maier tells me you're in charge now.
El reverendo Maier me ha dicho que ahora Usted está a cargo.
I'm in charge of this safari now, and if I say you're going to... keep it.
Y si yo dijera... Guárdalo! Guardarlo?
Since you're in charge now, Mr Madox, I think you should read it.
Ya que ahora está al cargo, Sr. Madox, creo que debería leerlo.
Jack, you're in charge now.
Jack, te dejo a cargo de todo.
And now you're in charge of setting the table.
Y ahora te encargas de poner la mesa, cariño.
You're in charge now, Telamon.
Tú estás a cargo ahora, Telamon.
You're in charge now.
Estás a cargo ahora.
You're in charge of the world now.
El mundo está en sus manos.
You're the one who's in charge of all this now.
Eres la única oficial al mando disponible.
Kid, from now on, you're in charge of the TV set.
Chico, desde ahora te encargas tú de la tele.
Red, you're in charge now.
Red, estás a cargo ahora.
Zack, as second in command, you're now in charge of security.
Zack, como segundo en el mando quedas a cargo de la seguridad.
- Hal, Biff, you're in charge now.
- Hal, Biff, están a cargo ahora.
Chief, I think that means you're in charge now.
Jefe, creo que eso significa que usted está al mando.
Tou, you're in charge from now on!
Tou, ¡ estás al cargo a partir de ahora!
But now you're not in charge Remember I'm the police
- No mandas tú, soy policía.
From now on, you're gonna be in charge, just as it always was.
Desde ahora tomaréis el mando vosotros. Como ha sido siempre.
So, you're the oldest one here, and you're in charge. For now.
Así que, si eres la mayor aquí, y estás al mando.
I let you pretend you're in charge. Now you need Red's permission to finish the deal?
Creía que estabas al mando, ¿ y necesitas permiso de la pelirroja?
Now, I know you're a smart and capable young woman in charge of her own life.
Sí, ya sé que eres una mujer joven e inteligente que se ocupa de su vida.
Dante Hicks, you're now in complete charge of the Quick Stop.
Dante Hicks, quedas ahora en completo cargo de Quick Stop.
First you're quitting, now you're in charge.
Primero dices que renuncias y ahora mandas tú.
You're the one in charge now.
Tú eres el jefe ahora.
You're in charge now, and you've got a long road ahead.
Ahora estás al cargo, y hay mucho trabajo por hacer.
You're in charge here now.
Ahora está al mando.
And now you tell me you're going to kill Alvarez and I feel this little charge in my belly.
Y ahora me dices que matarás a Alvarez y siento una carga en mi vientre.
- You're in charge now, colonel.
- Coronel, esta usted al mando.
You're in charge, now.
El comandante ya no es mi colega.
Now, have you figured out a way to convince her we're in charge?
¿ Se te ocurrió cómo mostrarle que gobernamos?

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