You're in control translate Spanish
637 parallel translation
You're wanted in the control room immediately.
Quieren verlo ahora en la sala de control.
But if you feel like a wolf nothing can go wrong, you're in control.
Si te sientes como un lobo... nada puede ir mal, tienes el control.
You would be watching them all day, in control of them, not allowing them to do anything. You wouldn't let them go, so they're the same as prisoners.
Porque los futuros criminales pueden ser detectados, vigilados cuidados e incluso a veces, curados y, en todo caso, volverlos inofensivos.
You're in charge of control, administration and payrolls.
Usted se encargará del control, administración y planillas.
You're doing just about everything to aid and abet them in grabbing control, after Big Daddy...
Y todo lo que haces... es dejarles el campo libre para hacerse con el control, cuando tu padre...
Because you're no longer in control.
Es que por primera vez el fin de la historia se escapa a tu control.
They're waiting for you in the control room, Dr. No. No hurry.
Lo esperan en la sala de control.
If only you could see the change in him when you're under his control, Ernest.
Si sólo pudieras ver el cambio en él... cuando estás bajo su control, Ernest.
Your wife's pretty, you're in love but you ought to control yourself, my boy
Es cierto que tu mujer es bella y la quieres, ¡ pero hijo mío, te debes controlar!
Even if you're dragged through... every court in the British Isles.
Pero en tanto yo tenga el control del dinero no tendrás un penique más. Aunque seas arrastrado a través de cada corte en las islas Británicas.
I know that. Of course you're in control.
Lo sé, claro que tienes el control.
You're always in control.
Siempre lo tienes.
You're trying to tell me that Control was personally directing and operating the head of counter-espionage in the Abteilung without the knowledge of the Berlin station?
¿ Me está diciendo que Control dirigía y operaba personalmente... el contraespionaje en el Abteilung... sin que lo supiera la sede de Berlín?
Now look, Walters, as the number-two man in CONTROL, you're not acting very rational.
Mira, Walters, eres el número dos en CONTROL y no te estás comportando de forma racional.
You're in control of the space platform?
¿ Tienen controlada la estación espacial?
Because you think you're in control and it becomes unmanageable.
Uno piensa que lo controla, pero en realidad es incontrolable.
The man you're looking at is Helmut Cherlotov, the Iron Curtain's expert in rocket control.
El hombre que está viendo es Helmut Cherlotov, experto en control de misiles del Telón de Acero.
You're to meet me in an hour at CONTROL's secret laboratory.
En una hora en el laboratorio secreto de CONTROL.
Spock, you're in a black box tied in with light rays into a complex control panel.
Spock, usted está en una caja negra apresado entre rayos de luz en un complejo tablero de mandos.
If anything happens to the payroll that you're carrying in that truck, CONTROL is out of operation.
Si algo le pasara al dinero que hay en ese camión CONTROL dejaría de funcionar.
Launch Control, if you're reading me, come in, please.
Control de lanzamiento, si me reciben, respondan por favor.
As soon as we're within viewing range of Memory Alpha, you and Romaine will go to your positions in the emergency manual monitor.
Cuando entremos en contacto visual con Memory Alpha usted y la teniente tomarán sus puestos en el Control manual de emergencia.
When she's not talking to you, you can be pretty certain you're in control.
Cuando no te habla, puedes estar seguro de que tú tienes el control.
You're lucky I'm in control.
Agradece que me sujetan.
My dear Miss Williams, much as I value your services, I must remind you that you're not in control of the... ( HIGH-PITCHED WHINING )
Mi querida Srta. Williams, por mucho que valore tus servicios,... debo recordarte que no tienes el control del...
You politicians think you're in control but you'll be swept away like the rest of us.
Uds., los políticos, piensan tener el control pero los barrerán igual que a nosotros.
Don't you realize you're being exploited? How those who control the money are diminishing your existence to working in a fucking dirty factory which puts smoke up in the air, which pollutes the world and you're working your ass off for pennies while they're making hundreds of dollars?
No te das cuenta de que te están explotando, como aquellos que controlan el dinero reducen tu existencia a la esclavitud trabajando en asquerosas fábricas contaminando el aire, contaminando el mundo entero, sudando la gota gorda intentando ahorrar algo para tus hijos,
They're trained to go around that track but then you've got to sort of hold them in because, if you let the reins out, they'll just run round around without any control at all.
Están entrenados para dar una vuelta a la pista, pero hace falta contenerlos, porque si soltamos las riendas, correrán sin control.
You're not in control.
No lo controla.
You're the one in control!
Tú eres quien tiene el control!
If you're not in here every five minutes with a lot of bugle oil... about how you can't control them, they're here complaining you're Hermann Goering in drag.
Si no vienes cada cinco minutos a quejarte... de que no puedes controlarlas, ellas vienen... y dicen que eres Hermann Goering vestido de mujer.
I suggest, captain, captain Von schoenvorts... that you tell your men that we're in control, and if you don't... You'll find you and your crew where you found us... in the water.
Y le sugiero, capitán Von Schoenvorts, que diga que están a nuestras órdenes, si no... usted y su tripulación acabarán en el agua.
For this, you're given a control key, inserted in the niche.
Para ello, tienen una llave de control insertada en el nicho.
I'm sorry to disturb you now... but we're going with the story that Haldeman was the fifth man... in control of the fund and they're hassling us here.
Lamento molestarlo ahora. publicaremos que Haldeman es el quinto hombre... en controlar el fondo y nos están jodiendo.
We're protesting Duke Power's control over these men... that voted in the U.M. W. contract... and Duke Power says, "No, you can't have that contract".
Estamos protestando el control que tiene el duque Power sobre estos hombres... que votaron en el contrato de U.T.M... y el duque Power dice, "No, no podéis tener ese contrato."
Oh, you're up in that control place.
Oh, está arriba en el control
You're needed in Control.
Te necesitan en Control.
But other than that, you're in complete control.
Pero aparte de eso, tendrás control absoluto.
If they're sticking that many million in it, if they wanna test you do control it.
Con tanto dinero en juego, quizás quieran comprobarlo.
I can understand why you're upset, but I assure you that reliable sources say the situation in the country is under control and things are gradually returning to normal.
Entiendo su preocupación, pero Les puedo asegurar que nuestras fuentes... decir que la situación en el país es gradualmente bajo control.
You're not in control here.
No está al mando aquí.
As long as you're in this house with me, representing this family, you will control that neurosis or whatever the hell it is you think you've got.
Mientras estés en esta casa conmigo, representando a esta familia, controlarás tu neurosis, o lo que sea que tengas.
As long as you're in control.
Mientras usted está en control.
You can't broadcast socially sensitive information unless you're in control of the facts!
No se puede difundir información socialmente sensible... - si no se controlan los hechos.
Unidentified craft, You're in direct violation of controlled airspace,
Nave no identificada. Está violando el control del espacio aéreo.
I may not be able to bring him in on manual. You're gonna have to bring him in on remote control.
No puedo pasarlo a manual, debo pasarlo a control remoto.
You're in control.
Tienes el control.
You're a man in control of your destiny!
lun hombre que controla su destino!
You realize that most of the Right to Lifers are in favor of the death penalty and they support the South American Death Squads and they're against gun control and they're against nuclear weapons control.
¿ Os dais cuenta de que la mayoría de los que están por el derecho a la vida, están a favor de la pena de muerte? ¿ Y apoyan los escuadrones de la muerte de Sudamérica! ?
I know you're upset, but get in line we have everything under control.
- Entiendo que esté molesto. Regrese a la fila. Tenemos la situación bajo control.
You're going on TV tomorrow to show you're all right... and that the government is in control... and that the murderers will be caught and dealt with.
- Mañana hablarás por TV... para confirmar que estás bien... que el gobierno tiene el control... y que los asesinos serán detenidos y procesados.
you're invited 50
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103