You're not fine translate Spanish
677 parallel translation
You're not gonna fine me.
Tú no vas a multarme.
She cries a little when you're not here, but otherwise fine.
Sí, aunque llora un poco, cuando Vd. no está. Pero se encuentra bien.
Miss Warburton, I'm sure you'll understand that it's not my wish to disturb you... in the fine work you're doing.
Srta. Warburton, sé que entenderá que no deseo molestarla... con la buena obra que está haciendo.
You're a fine pal, not to look her up.
Qué buen amigo eres, ni siquiera pasaste a verla.
- Fine, you're not the mother. But as you go from place to place, looking for employment, you will discover that no department store in the Merchants of America Association will hire you.
Y no encontrará trabajo... en ningunos grandes almacenes de la asociación.
You're a fine boy, but I'm just not in love with you.
Eres buen chico, pero no estoy enamorada.
You're not leaving with all these fine pickings?
¿ Te vas con todas tus preciosas ganancias?
You won't sleep and eat because your home's not fine enough. You won't be happy because we're not fine enough. - That's not true!
No duermes ni comes porque tu casa no te basta, y nosotros no somos bastante para ti.
You're not fine, Tommaso?
¿ Estás mal, Tommaso?
I see you're not. That's fine.
Veo que no es el caso.Tanto mejor.
You're a fine lawyer... but that's not the only reason why I chose you.
Usted es un buen abogado, Don Gaeta, pero no os he elegido solo por eso.
Fine! So, you're not mad at me for what I said?
¿ Así que no está molesto por lo que le he dicho?
You're not getting off with a fine this time!
Y esta vez no se librará con una simple multa, señor Smith.
- Lf you're not dying, you're doing fine.
- Dice eso porque no le quieren matar.
Fine, I don't know in two hours, but you're not until for another half hour!
¡ Si llegas media hora antes!
Do not panic, you're fine.
No te asustes, estás bien.
- Fine, but... you're not supposed to talk now, so...
- Bien, pero... se supone que no debes hablar, ahora...
Fine operation or not, Bill, you're walking on thin ice.
La operación acabó bien, Bill pero andas sobre hielo delgado.
You're not going to get turned in and that's fine with me.
Usted no va a volverse y eso está bien para mí.
- You're not fine.
- No estás bien.
Well, that sounds just fine. Come in, come in, we're not going to put you in jail.
He venido a ver si ya me lo podía llevar, como no es de nadie.
Your thigh is fine, because you're not suffering any leg lag.
Aunque el muslo esté bien, porque no hay desfase de pierna.
You're a typical soldier, soldier. Fine for the army, but not fit to be drafted.
Estás bien para el ejército, pero no para que te llamen a filas.
Yeah, well, you say you're fine, but me, I'd like another opinion because I'm not too anxious to move to Eastbridge and after four months there, be told by my sweet wife we got to move again
Sí, bueno, tú dices que estás bien pero a mí me gustaría tener otra opinión porque no estoy ansioso por mudarme a Eastbridge y después de dos meses aquí, mi dulce mujer me dice que debemos mudarnos de nuevo
They're not what you're used to hearing, you know, but they're really fine.
No son lo que estás acostumbrado a oír, pero son muy buenas.
It's not so fine as what you're used to.
Más modesta que la suya.
Fine for you, maybe Probably not much worse than what you're used to
Bien por ti, quizás. Probablemente no mucho peor que lo que estamos acostumbrados.
I like you just fine when you're not around.
Me gustas cuando no estás cerca.
The teacher must be fine where he is... even if you're not able to understand.
El maestro debe estar bien donde está, aunque usted no sea capaz de comprenderlo.
Well, that's fine, because we're not interested in parlor tricks here. What are you interested in?
Qué bien, ya que aquí no nos interesan los trucos de fiestas. - ¿ Y qué les interesa?
But I don't know why you guys bought a house with nine rooms... if you're not gonna use them. Fine, fine.
Está bien.
You're not fine.
No estás bien.
You're not upset? - I'm fine. - Get out of here, you knucklehead.
Estoy bien. ¡ Vete, cabeza dura!
Look, if you're not interested, fine. Okay? I'll leave right now.
Si no te interesa, me marcho y no volverás a verme.
- Well, you're not fine.
No estás bien.
I said you look fine. We're not going back for your purse.
Dije que te ves bien y que no volveremos por tu bolso.
If you're fine and I'm not, there's nothing I can do.
Tú estas bien y yo no, No hay nada que pueda hacer.
Bernadette it's not that simple! But, you're doing fine.
Bernadette también ha progresado mucho... es formidable.
You're a damn fine chap, not a pen-pushing, desk-sucking blotter-jotter like Darling here.
Ud. Sí que es un hombre magnífico, no como el envidioso y chupatintas de Cariño.
It's not you. You're fine.
Tú estás bien.
I'm fine. - Honey, you're not destructive or hostile.
No eres negativo ni hostil.
- I'm not squashing you, am I? - No, no, you're fine.
¿ Te refieres a Manuel y a Pepe?
News at 5. All right, fine, you're not mad, but there's an epidemic of multiple gunshot wounds following this chick around.
Bueno, no estás enojado pero donde ella va hay heridos de bala.
It's fine that you're not a eunuch.
Es bueno que no seas un eunuco.
And although you're not as interesting as Mr. MacLeod, you... You'll do fine.
Se que aunque no sea tan interesante como el señor MacLeod usted estará bien.
You're not in the fine kingdom of France now.
Usted no está en la refinada corte de Francia ahora,
No, we are not fine! Listen, i understand if you're pissed.
Entiendo que estés cabreado.
Melora, if you're not certain... lt's just some strange form of buyer's remorse. I'll be fine.
Melora, si no estás segura... Solo son dudas de última hora. Voy a estar bien.
You've developed a feeling for this man. Fine, I can accept that. But if you're not comfortable with completing this assignment, I'll find someone else who is.
Se encariñó con ese hombre y puedo comprenderlo,... pero si no se considera capaz de llevar a cabo su tarea,... encontraré a otro que lo haga.
I just wanted to check you're okay. Not busy killing yourself or anything, but... But you're fine, so...
Sólo quería saber si estabas bien si no te estabas suicidando pero estás bien, así que...
You apologise before you go, or you're not coming back here. - Fine!
Pide disculpas, o mejor no regreses.
you're not my type 58
you're not serious 282
you're not listening 211
you're not real 156
you're not going anywhere 673
you're nothing to me 17
you're not 3927
you're not mad at me 38
you're not listening to me 216
you're not alone 369
you're not serious 282
you're not listening 211
you're not real 156
you're not going anywhere 673
you're nothing to me 17
you're not 3927
you're not mad at me 38
you're not listening to me 216
you're not alone 369