You're thinking translate Spanish
11,201 parallel translation
You're not thinking
No estarás pensando
But I know what you're thinking.
Pero sé lo que estás pensando.
I'm not going back to your dungeon if that's what you're thinking.
No voy a volver a tu mazmorra si es lo que estás pensando.
Gentlemen, I know what you're thinking.
Señores, sé lo que están pensando.
That's the body trying to trick you into thinking it's good, when really, if you don't take care of it, you're gonna be in a world of pain, buddy.
Eso es el cuerpo tratando de engañarte para que pienses que está bien, cuando en realidad, sino no lo cuidas, estarás en un mundo de dolor, amigo.
Or maybe you're thinking of firing me?
¿ O quizá estás pensando en despedirme?
Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?
¿ Estás pensando lo que creo que estás pensando?
I know what you're thinking, papa.
Sé lo que estás pensando, papá.
You're thinking that everything up until now has been a warm-up act.
Estás pensando que todo hasta ahora ha sido un acto de calentamiento.
Yes, it's what you're thinking right now.
Sí, es lo que estás pensando ahora mismo.
I know what you're thinking.
Sé lo que estás pensando.
Dude, you're over-thinking it, okay?
Tío, le estas dando demasiadas vueltas ¿ vale?
No, you're thinking "Red shoe diaries."
No, no puedes evitar pensar en la serie "Red shoe diaries".
I not know what you're thinking by acting... This is not dare to broadcast such a thing? Our superiors have decided.
creo saber por qué haces algo como esto.
You're right. What was I thinking?
Tienes razón. ¿ Cómo se me ocurrió?
Because you're thinking only of yourself.
Porque solo estás pensando en ti misma.
I even know what you're thinking right now.
Incluso sé en qué estás pensando en este momento.
You're thinking it's the same person?
¿ Piensas que es la misma persona?
Look, Peter, I'm glad you're thinking about Chris'future, but he's fine.
Mira, Peter, me alegro de que estés pensando en el futuro de Chris, pero él está bien.
A guy who can look in your heart and know what you're thinking.
Un tío que mire en tu corazón y sepa lo que estás pensando.
I'm not sure what you're thinking, but please stop.
No estoy seguro de lo que estás pensando, pero para, por favor.
Whatever you're thinking, we're not gonna do that.
Sea lo que sea lo que estás pensando, no vamos a hacerlo.
It isn't going against incredible odds and thinking you're going to win.
No va de ir tras probabilidades increíbles y pensar que vas a ganar.
You can only do that if you're living in the present, not the past, which means you need to stop thinking about her and talking about her, ok?
Solo puedes hacer esto si estás viviendo el presente, no el pasado, lo cual significa que tienes que dejar de pensar en ella y hablar sobre ella, ¿ vale?
Come on, Cabe, you're thinking with your heart and not your head.
Vamos, Cabe, estás pensando con tu corazón y no con tu cabeza.
What you're thinking.
Lo que estás pensando.
You're not thinking straight.
No estás pensando correctamente.
I hope you're not thinking about going out there.
Espero que no estés pensando en ir allí.
You're always thinking.
Tu siempre estás pensando.
No. You're cautiously thinking about arming the police now.
Ahora consideran cautelosamente armar a la Policía.
Could you process faster please, because I have no idea what you're thinking.
Podrías procesarlo rápido, por favor, porque no tengo idea de lo que piensas.
What it means is, she asked me about you, and I had to lie to keep her from thinking that you're the same Mike Ross that she knew before.
Lo que quiero decir es, que me preguntó por ti y tuve que mentir para evitar que pensara que eres el mismo Mike Ross con el que ella salió.
Just, like, hurl your bodies at each other and... and you're just, like, thinking about it the whole time, like,
Refregando los cuerpos entre ellos. Y piensas en ello en todo momento.
"Amy, but you're both." Oh, my God, thank you guys for all thinking that.
Muchas gracias por pensar éso,
You sit in there and you're supposed to act like you're not thinking about the popcorn and you're just watching the movie, like,
Te sientas ahí, y debes actuar como si No quieras comer las palomitas. Sólo miras la película, y dices :
Um, I'm back to thinking you're a freak now because it's dirty, man, and not in a good way.
Volví a pensar que eres un rarito porque es sucio, amigo, y no en el buen sentido.
So you're thinking he was pushed?
Así que usted está pensando fue empujado?
You're thinking of Old Faithful, the geyser.
Usted está pensando en Old Faithful, el géiser.
If she's thinking that you're being difficult, then she's not thinking something else is going on.
Si piensa que tienes problemas, no pensará en nada más.
You never have enough medicine or equipment, so you're constantly thinking of ways to create fixes, ways that you probably don't want to know about.
Nunca tienes suficiente medicina o equipo, así que constantemente piensas las maneras de crear arreglos, maneras que probablemente no quieras saber.
You know, people walking around at our school, they're mostly thinking about car pools and play dates and homework, and...
La gente que se mueve por la escuela, básicamente piensa en compartir el coche y en quedar para que jueguen los niños y en los deberes, y...
You're thinking about it aren't you?
Está pensando sobre ello, ¿ verdad?
Yeah, uh, but I was thinking it would be fun to see you sometime when you're not working.
Sí, eh, pero yo estaba pensando que sería divertido verte en algún momento cuando usted no está trabajando.
Your mama knows when you're lying, crying, or dying, and it's not only my job to teach you right from wrong, but to make sure you don't leave here in three years thinking you can do no wrong.
Mamá sabe cuándo ustedes descansan, lloran o mueren, y mi trabajo no es solo enseñarles a hacer todo bien, sino estar seguro que se vayan de aquí en tres años pensando que van a hacer todo bien.
Is that what you're thinking?
¿ Es eso lo que piensas?
And thank you again for what you're thinking.
Y te agradezco de nuevo por lo que estás pensando.
In fact, I can tell you what you're thinking right now.
De hecho, puedo decirte qué estás pensando ahora mismo.
You're thinking two things, actually.
De hecho, estás pensando en dos cosas.
And it's so annoying when someone cards you and they look at the picture, and then they look at me, and you know they're thinking,
Es muy molesto cuando te piden la tarjeta y miran la foto, y luego me miran, y sabes lo que están pensando,
So you're thinking he had some formal art education.
Así que, crees que recibió formación artística.
So, I heard they're giving out mailbox keys downstairs, and I was thinking maybe you could pick up both of ours?
He escuchado que están dando las llaves de los buzones en la planta baja, y estaba pensando que ¿ podrías pillar las nuestras?
you're thinking too much 16
thinking 451
thinking of you 30
thinking about you 18
thinking about it 70
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
thinking 451
thinking of you 30
thinking about you 18
thinking about it 70
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000