You're with them translate Spanish
2,029 parallel translation
.. thank them with all your heart. Your brother is an idiot like you. You're coming with me.
.. agradéceles con todo tu corazón tu hermano es un idiota como tú tú vienes conmigo vamos, ¡ levántalo!
Whatever dreams or feelings you're having, deal with them.
Los sentimientos o sueños que tengas lidia con ellos.
It's a beautiful house right on the beach.I'm going to select some art pieces- - look, I don't care if you're painting them yourself with finger paints, lisa, you can't kidnap our daughter.
Es una hermosa casa junto a la playa. Y voy a escoger algunas piezas de arte. Mira, no me importa si estás pintando con los dedos, Lisa, no puedes secuestrar a nuestra hija.
I bought him out when I got my advance, but while we're on the subject of credibility, don't you think it's a little difficult to trust a man defending the Darlings, when he's, in fact, in love with one of them?
Le compré su parte cuando me pagaron pero ya que hablamos de credibilidad ¿ no cuesta confiar en un hombre que defiende a los Darling y que está enamorado de alguien de la familia?
Jim, you're pretty close with them.
Jim, tú eres... tú tienes mucha confianza con él.
You're the one with the favor to repay, not them.
Tu eres la que debe el favor, no ellos.
Hmm. When you leave your children, do you really know whom you're leaving them with?
hmmm cuando dejas a tus niños, de verdad sabes con quien los estas dejando?
You know when you meet eyes with someone, it's like you're looking at just them?
Que cuando lo miras a los ojos, es como mirar solo eso.
When you're with somebody that you like, don't you wanna know what makes them feel good?
Cuando estás con alguien que te gusta, ¿ no quieres saber qué lo hace sentir bien?
After they're dead I want you to take photos, some proof, show them to me along with anything else you discover, their associates, their contacts, things of that nature and you will be further compensated.
Después de que estén muertos. Quiero que les tomes fotos.. Como prueba.
If they've somehow found a site that gives them both... you're dealing with somebody who really knows what he's doing.
Si de alguna forma encuentran un lugar que les de ambas... Estás tratando con alguien que sabe lo que está haciendo.
- You just wait till you get people - no, you just wait till you get people to love you, and then you're done with them.
¿ Por qué estás tan enojada? Sólo esperan hasta tener a la gente... Sólo esperan hasta tener gente a la que aman y luego terminan con ellos.
Even though there's obviously no words spoken, you really feel like you're on some level communicating with them, like there's an understanding between the two of you.
Aunque obviamente no hay un diálogo con ellos sientes muy claramente que estableces una comunicación con ellos...
They're always trying to communicate with us, and that's hard to explain, but when you live with them like I did on the Flipper TV show day and night, I could read that body language.
Siempre tratan de comunicarse con nosotros y eso es difícil de explicar pero cuando vives con ellos día y noche como en mi caso durante el programa Flipper puedes interpretar su lenguaje corporal.
Now that you've made up with them, you're moving out!
Ahora que todo está bien, te vas con ellos.
When you meet somebody and you just get that feeling like you'd known them forever and they're definitely a part of your life and you can't imagine life without them and you want to be with them every minute of every day and share everything with them, that's love.
CASADOS 50 AÑOS Cuando conoces a alguien y te da esa sensación de que lo conoces desde siempre y de que definitivamente son parte de tu vida y no puedes imaginarte la vida sin él y quieres estar con él cada minuto del día y compartirlo todo con él, eso es amor.
Wait, you're not gonna let them go away with that, are you?
Pero no los vas a dejar salirse con la suya, ¿ no?
Look, well, if you're done with them, I'd love to have them back.
Bueno si has acabado con ellos, me gustaría recuperarlos.
No, you don't want them to look at it because they're going to tell you there's nothing wrong with you.
¡ Sí! No, no quieres que te vea porque no hay nada malo contigo.
You forgot how much fun we're gonna have filling them up with kids.
Te olvidas de lo mucho que disfrutaremos llenándolas de niños.
" I don't quite know what they're for or what you're meant to do with them,
" No se muy bien que son o lo que estamos destinados a hacer con ellas,
I bet you're great with them.
Apuesto que eres genial con ellos.
You're familiar with these bullets, you've seen them before.
- Vd. conoce estos proyectiles. Los ha visto antes.
- You're playing with them? !
- ¡ ¿ Estás manipulándolos?
The homework you're not going to be able to help with. The tucking in, the kisses good night you're not going to be able to give them.
Los deberes con los que no les podrás ayudar... acostarlas...
Sounds like you're in the room, with them.
Nuena como si estubieses en la habitación, con ellos.
Becky and Stacy are both really into you, and you're blowing it with them.
- Becky y Stacy están interesadas y lo estás arruinando.
Just because you're living with them doesn't mean you can't be one of us.
Solo porque vivas con ellos no significa que no puedas ser uno de nosotros.
In fact, out in the real world, you meet a lot of people that you're gonna disagree with, and you have to learn to work with them.
De hecho, en el mundo real, conocerás a un montón de gente con la que estarás en desacuerdo, y tendrás que aprender a trabajar con ellos.
and just so we're crystal clear... if for any reason... any reason at all... you don't take the stand and testify against your former partners, this time tomorrow, you'll find yourself in the defendant's box with them.
Y que quede claro como el agua... si por alguna razón... por una razón cualquiera... no subes al estrado a testificar contra tus antiguos socios, a esta hora mañana, te encontrarás en el sitio de los acusados junto a ellos.
They still think you're with them.
- Todavía creen que estás con ellos.
So you're saying, your boss called and told them she was out with F4.
Así que estás diciendo que, tu jefe llamó y le dijeron que había salido con el F4.
You're back with them, aren't you?
- Regresaste con ellos, ¿ verdad?
I wanna be honest with you and it's... it's really hard to tell someone that you're jealous of them because it's not that I'm angry with you or that I'm...
Ser honesta contigo y es... Es realmente duro decirle a alguien que estás celosa, porque no es como estar enfadada, o dolida.
The way I look at it, if you're gonna take the danger out of getting to know someone might as well not bother with them at all.
Como yo lo veo si vas a correr el riesgo de conocer a alguien podrías intentar no molestarlos.
I get it with them, but you're... you're different.
lo espero de ellos, pero tú... tú eres diferente.
Every time you see another sunrise or spend some time with your family, you're going to think about them.
Cada vez ves otra salida del sol o pasas tiempo con tu familia, vas a pensar en él.
Can you tell them that you're okay with me going to the Arctic?
Puedes decirles que estareis bien conmigo yéndome al Ártico?
You're just staying there. You're not "with" them.
Estás sola en su casa, no... con ellos.
But you're the first person I've met who consults business with them.
Pero tú eres la primera persona que consulta sus negocios con ellos.
We're four short. I need you to stick with every patient I throw at you and follow up with them as if you are me.
Necesito que tomes cada paciente que te pase y los sigas como si fueras yo.
And he's off on the dance floor trying to get some dick and I'm standing at the end of the bar chatting with a couple of lads I've never met before, and one of them goes, "You're wasted, aren't you?"
Y mi colega se va a la pista de baile a ver si liga con alguno, y yo me quedo en el fondo de la barra hablando con un par de tíos a los que no conocía de nada, y uno de ellos me dice : "Estás muy borracho, ¿ no?"
You're with them?
Estás con ellos?
Grace, if you're going to be in a relationship with someone, You have to trust them.
- Grace, si vas a estar en una relación con alguien, tiene que confiar.
You should probably tell them you're with me.
Deberías de decirles que estás conmigo.
You're gonna have to get in the car and take a ride with them.
Te subirás al auto y darás un paseo con ellos.
So what? So until you're capable of seeing women as anything more than objects, your relationships with them will fail.
Que mientras seas incapaz de ver a las mujeres como algo más que objetos, tus relaciones con ellas estarán condenadas al fracaso.
So, you're mixing uppers and opiates and chasing them with alcohol.
Entonces estás mezclando anfetaminas y opiáceos, y los empujas con alcohol.
Well, you're not gonna go with them?
¿ No vas ir con ellos?
You're going with them, Danielle.
Te vas con ellos, Danielle.
It has nothing to do with them being good, you think they're idiots half the time.
No es porque sean buenos, siempre piensas que son idiotas.
you're with me 366
you're with me now 38
you're with us now 16
you're with us 37
with them 85
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
you're with me now 38
you're with us now 16
you're with us 37
with them 85
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000