You've grown translate Spanish
1,490 parallel translation
That my loyalties aren't just to you, but to a man you've grown to despise.
Mi lealtad no es sólo hacia ti, sino hacia un hombre que odias.
I know you've grown accustomed to the new ways, the authenticity and the relationship with nature, but it's a lie.
Se que se han acostumbrado al nuevo modo la autenticidad y la relación con la naturaleza pero es una mentira.
Look how much you've grown!
¡ Mira todo lo que crecí!
You've grown almost 2 inches.
Has crecido casi cinco centímetros.
Creo que nos hemos distanciado y que tú ya no eres feliz.
I am seeing you after so many years and just look at how you've really grown.
¡ Te estoy viendo después de tantos años! ¡ Y mira cómo has crecido! Ven, sentémonos. ¡ Ven!
You know, I've grown to like Barbazac.
Ya sabes, cada vez me gusta más Barbazac.
You've grown.
Has crecido.
But this- - You've really grown
Pero ahora- - te has convertido en una mujer bellísima.
How you've grown.
Cuánto has crecido.
It's always been a treat to come back home... when you've grown up here and you go out and become a man on your own.
Siempre es un regalo regresar a casa... Cuando uno crece aquí sale y regresa como un hombre.
You've grown up!
¡ Cuánto creciste!
You've even grown a beard
Hasta tienes barba.
You've grown so feeble!
¡ Estás tan débil!
You've grown so feeble! Shall I get you something to eat?
¿ Te doy algo de comer?
All these problems begin once you've grown up
Todos estos problemas comienzan cuando uno crece.
My, how you've grown, Rosinha!
¡ Mi.., Como has crecido, Rosinha!
You've grown old, General.
Te has hecho mayor, General.
You've obviously grown tired of me.
Te has cansado de mí.
You've evolved, you've grown.
Has evolucionado, has crecido.
I mean, you've grown up a lot, and I'm sorry if I don't treat you like you have
Has madurado mucho, y perdona si no te trato siempre...
is it possible you've actually grown more obnoxious over time?
¿ Es posible que cada día estés más detestable?
Just looking at it reminds me how much you've grown up.
Al mirarlo recordé lo mucho que has crecido.
I see you've grown yourself a crumb catcher.
Veo que se ha dejado crecer un recolector de migajas.
- So, what, you've grown?
- ¿ Qué? ¿ Maduraste?
You've... grown.
Has... crecido.
You've grown attached to the crew on that ship, haven't you?
Estás estrechamente atado a la tripulación de esa nave ¿ no es así?
Only because you've grown too dependent on me.
Todo porque eres dependiente de mí.
Not only do I not want to risk losing what you still carry of Jolinar, but I've grown quite fond of you as well, Sam.
Corro el riesgo de perder lo que aún conservas de Jolinar, pero... también estoy absolutamente encariñado contigo, Sam.
- I'm impressed how much you've grown.
- Me impresiona cuánto has madurado.
It makes me sick to see you've grown so soft.
Me enferma ver que te has vuelto tan blanda.
It seems that you ´ ve grown weary... that you ´ re bored with me, that you want to end it.
Parece que estás fastidiada, que estás molesta... que quieres terminar.
You've grown old and Gauri here doesn't care for me.
Te has hecho viejo y a Gauri no le importo.
I've grown tired of you guys.
Me he hartado de Uds.
You've grown tall and beautiful.
Entonces pensé que me tomaríais por esposa e hija en vuestra casa
To tell you I've grown up.
Vine para decirte que he crecido.
How big you've grown up to be.
Qué mayor te has hecho
Lo que uno ve es un grupo de tíos con una pose de hombres maduros, con la corbata, los gemelos, las plumas estilográficas y las tarjetas de crédito.
You've grown soft.
Te has vuelto blando.
You've grown.
My, how you've grown!
¡ Cuánto has crecido!
Either you're lying or you've grown an ovary.
O estás mintiendo o te salió un ovario.
You've grown up. Where's Marmota?
Estás grande, Marmota chico.
You've grown up.
Has crecido.
You've grown old and our Gauri here doesn't care for me.
Envejeciste y nuestra Gauri no viene a cuidarme.
You've grown so beautiful, Mads.
Te has vuelto muy guapo, Mads.
You've grown older.
Has envejecido un poco.
You've grown up which makes us practically the same age
Has crecido, lo que nos hace casi de la misma edad
How you've grown.
Cómo han crecido!
My, how you've grown!
Niña, ¡ cómo has crecido!
You've grown into a fine man.
Te has convertido en un hombre distinguido.
you've grown up 38
grown 185
grown up 17
you've 257
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've been served 82
grown 185
grown up 17
you've 257
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've been served 82
you've earned it 130
you've done enough 157
you've done it now 22
you've been there before 25
you've got a deal 21
you've got the wrong guy 51
you've got a lot of nerve 17
you've done well 111
you've got a choice 16
you've been 70
you've done enough 157
you've done it now 22
you've been there before 25
you've got a deal 21
you've got the wrong guy 51
you've got a lot of nerve 17
you've done well 111
you've got a choice 16
you've been 70