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You better get used to it translate Spanish

171 parallel translation
Well, you better get used to it.
Pues, acostúmbrate.
You better get used to it.
- Más vale que te acostumbres.
"There's that look again, Mortimer!" You better get used to it.
"¡ Otra vez esa mirada, Mortimer!" Será mejor que te acostumbres.
Because if you are you better get used to it
Porque si es así es mejor que se acostumbre a ella
You better get used to it.
Es mejor que te acostumbres a él.
You better get used to it, my little friend.
Tendrás que acostumbrarte, chata.
And you better get used to it.
Y más vale que te acostumbres.
You better get used to it.
Deberá irse acostumbrando.
Y no les haré daño con el gancho y los cuchillos y los tubos de goma.
Well, you better get used to it, darling, because that's what a damn marriage...
Más vale que te acostumbres, porque un matrimonio...
It's everywhere, so you better get used to it.
Están en todas partes, acostúmbrate.
Well, you better get used to it.
You better get used to it.
Y tendréis que hacerlo.
Sam, you better get used to it.
- Sam, más vale que te acostumbres.
You better get used to it. We'll have to eat out as long as Cândida is sick.
Por el momento es así, mientras Cândida esté enferma, comeremos en el restaurante.
We're going to have to live together, so you better get used to it.
Tendremos que vivir juntos, asi que mejor te acostumbras.
And you better get used to it.
Espero que te acostumbres.
I'm trying to let him know right now you gonna get hit, get knocked down... you gonna get banged around, so you better get used to it now.
Estoy tratando de hacerle saber ahora vas a ser golpeado, derribado... te van a pegar, así que mejor acostumbrarse ahora.
You better get used to it, Brando.
Es mejor que te acostumbres, Brando.
If you're going to be a med student, you better get used to it.
Si vas a estudiar medicina, más vale que te acostumbres.
Better get used to it, if you're staying.
Todos tenemos uno. Si te quedas...
I just don't like accepting handouts when we're broke. Well, you'd better get used to it.
Pero no me gusta aceptar limosnas.
You'd better start to get used to it.
- ¡ Está bien que lo vayáis pensando!
In one, we don't sit on the floor. You'd better get used to it right now.
En el 1 no nos sentamos en el piso.
Better get used to it if you're figuring on staying awhile.
Vete acostumbrándote si planeas quedarte un tiempo.
You'd better get used to it, Es.
Será mejor que te acostumbres, Es.
You'd better get used to it, kid.
Pues acostúmbrate, chico.
Once you get used to it, you feel the better for it
Cuando te acostumbras, te gusta.
You'd better get used to it.
Más vale que se acostumbre.
- You just better get used to it.
Mejor que te acostumbres a eso
But you'd better get used to it.
Pero debe acostumbrarse un poco.
You don't get much fun, better get used to it.
No hubo mucha diversión. Mejor que hagamos todo lo que podamos.
Well, you'd better get used to it, because one day soon, that's what I'll be.
Escucha lo que te digo : lo quieras o no un día seremos hermanos.
You better get used to it.
- If you want to do this job you'd better get used to it.
Si quiere hacer este trabajo, debe acostumbrarse rápidamente.
You'd better get used to it, Colonel.
Será mejor que te acostumbres.
You'll soon forget aboutyour fears. Get used to it. Better not scream till you think you're safe.
Después de que nos hayamos ido, podrás gritar todo lo que quieras.
Oh, you'd better get used to it, young fellow.
Es mejor que te acostumbres, muchacho...
You had better get used to it.
Mejor será que te acostumbres.
You'd better get used to it.
Deberías acostumbrarte.
It's all a part of life's rich pattern, Brenda... and you better fuckin'get used to it.
Forma parte del dulce tejido de la vida, Brenda... y más vale que te vayas acostumbrando, carajo.
So you'd better get used to it.
Así que acostumbrate.
Y ou better watch it, since I could get used to all this attention, you know.
You'd better get used to it, because it won't be long before there are motorized trolleys that don't even need tracks.
- Mejor acostúmbrese. Porque los trolebuses a motor llegarán pronto... y no necesitarán de vías.
And you damn well better grow up and get used to it!
¡ Ya puedes madurar un poco y hacerte a la idea!
You'd better get used to it.
Acostúmbrate a ello.
It'll be better, and you'll get used to it.
Sera mejor, y usted se acostumbrará a ello.
You'd better get used to it.
Será mejor que te acostumbres.
Well, Professor, you'd better get used to it.
Bueno, Profesor, será mejor que se acostumbre.
Guys, you'd better get used to it.
Amigos, mejor se acostumbran.
- You'd better get used to it!
- ¡ Mejor que te acostumbres!

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