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You did it for me translate Spanish

915 parallel translation
You did it for me, but you didn't tell me anything.
Lo hiciste por mí, pero no me dijiste nada.
Oh, you did it for me!
¡ Sr. Kidley, lo hizo por mí!
Why, you did it for me last night. It was beautiful.
Lo practicaron conmigo, y salió maravilloso.
You did it for me.
Lo hiciste por mí.
Kitty, you did it for me to buy me food and medicine. I'd sooner have died.
Kitty, lo has hecho por mí, para comprarme comida y medicinas.
You did it for me? !
¿ Lo hicíste por mí?
Because you did it for me.
Porque si yo no estaría aquí, no habría aceptado.
You did it for me.
Habéis hecho esto por nosotros.
What are you looking for, individually, from me To win, to say, " all right, you did it, man,
¿ Ganar, decir "Hey, lo hiciste eso era lo que quería"?
Good. Did you fix it with him to tell me that I have to go to Honolulu for my nerves?
Bien. ¿ Lo has arreglado todo para que me recete ir a Honolulu?
You think I did you a bad turn and you've got me ruined for it, and you've got my family ruined and if anybody'd told me last year I'd say such a thing I'd call him a dang Iiar.
Piensa que me aproveché de usted y me ha arruinado por eso y ha arruinado a mi familia y si alguien me hubiese contado el año pasado que hoy diría esto lo habría llamado maldito mentiroso.
I know. What did you have me open it for?
- Lo sé. ¿ Para qué me has hecho abrirlo?
Remember, I did make a home for you once, and I'll do it again... only you've got to let me have my fling now... because you're simply rushing at old age, Sam.
Siempre estuve al frente del hogar, y volveré a estarlo pero tienes que darme un poco de libertad. Porque te estás haciendo viejo, Sam...
And if it did, if you knew why it did, would you hate me for it?
Y si así fuera, si supieras la razón, me odiarías por eso.
If I did what you wanted me to, to my property... it would be a calamity for the Coast.
Si hiciera lo que me pides... sería la ruina de la costa.
I can imagine that for a stenotypist your dress is quite elegant did you pay for it yourself or is it the fee for a special service?
Me lo imagino. Para ser mecanógrafa lleva Ud. un vestido bastante elegante. ¿ Lo ha pagado Ud. o o son los honorarios de algún servicio especial?
I dared not speak in the garden but really what did it for you.
No me atreví a decirlo en el jardín, pero en realidad lo hice por ti.
Now, unless you tell me exactly what happened and who did it I'm going to indict you for murder.
Ahora, a menos que me diga exactamente qué pasó y quién lo hizo la voy a acusar de homicidio.
What I did, it wasn't for the dresses and the taxis. It was because we were pleasant together and because I come - Came to care for you.
Lo que hice... no fue por los vestidos y los taxis... sino porque era agradable estar juntos, y llegué... llegué a quererle... sin olvidar la diferencia entre nosotros... y sin querer que me hiciera el amor, sino como... como dos buenos amigos.
Where did you get that dress? - Mr. Pat bought it for me.
- Me lo compró el Sr. Pat.
But even if I did think you werert the worst-looking guy in the world, supposing even I told you you looked like someone I was once dumb enough to go for, what would it get me?
Incluso si no fueras tan feo, incluso si me recordaras a alguien por quien hice una tontería, ¿ qué sacaría?
No wonder you've never gotten married. - Who did it for you, Jeff?
No me extraña que no te hayas casado.
You did it for my dad, you can do it for me.
Lo hiciste para mi padre, podrás hacerlo para mí.
What did you do it for?
¿ Por qué me haces esto?
I did so want you to see it nice and bright for the first time.
Tenemos que buscar una solución. Me hubiese gustado que lo vieses bonito y con luz la primera vez.
I oughta punch you right in the nose for running out on me... but I feel just as proud of you as if I did it myself.
Debería pegarte en la nariz porque me abandonaste... pero estoy tan orgulloso de ti como si yo lo hubiera hecho.
Did you ever see such a storm, and it's been going on for four days?
Me alegro de verte, Doc. Creía que tenía que tirar la puerta.
Then why - - why did you make it so easy for me to marry Barbara?
Entonces, ¿ por qué dejaste que me casara con ella?
That's why I did it, that's why I took the chance, even on a murder rap, because I want you to be beautiful for me.
Por eso lo hice, por eso me arriesgué, hasta un asesinato, porque quería que estuvieras hermosa para mí.
You distinctly told me - i know, but, after all, it is christmas eve, and phil always did play santa claus for flip.
Claramente me dijiste... Lo se, pero despues de todo es Nochebuena y Phil siempre hace de Papá Noel para Flip.
No, it's nothing. I came to like my prison because the time I did, I did for you.
No, me gustaba la prisión, porque estaba cumpliendo tu condena.
Then let me make it up to you For all the selfish, hateful things that I did.
Entonces déjame compensarte por todas las cosas egoístas y odiosas que te hice.
You're doing it for you just like I did what I did for me.
Lo hace por usted mismo igual que yo hice lo que hice por mí.
I'd afraid of letting my love for you do to me what it did... what it did before, when you were taken away from me, when you were deported.
Io que hizo antes, cuando te alejaron de mí. Cuando te deportaron.
It was busy for so long, and I asked you to get it and you did.
Comunicaba continuamente, y le pedí que me lo consiguiera. Y lo hizo.
I know it sounds absurd, but did you have a peculiar feeling... that you were watching me conduct for the last time?
¿ No tuviste la sensación de que me veías por última vez?
- I did it more for you, than for me.
- Lo he hecho por ti. - ¿ Qué has hecho?
Did you buy it for me?
¿ Las compraste pensando en ir conmigo?
I've come to beg you as I did in school to design it for me.
Vine a rogarte, como hacía en la escuela, que lo diseñes por mí.
I'm glad you did it and that it was for him.
Me alegra que lo hayas hecho y que hubiera sido por él.
Heard what you did for me last night, Mr. Ford... and I wanna tell ya it was decent of ya.
Sé lo que hizo por mí anoche... y quiero decir que fue muy decente.
Listen to me, it wasn't your pistol, true you did not move the body down to the creek, true But you try to explain the truth to a mob who has been waiting down there all night for something to kill
Cierto que no era tu arma ni desenterraste el cuerpo, pero explícaselo a todos los que quieren matarte.
You have no idea what I had to do to get here... and I did it for you!
No sabes lo que me ha costado llegar hasta aquí... ¡ Y lo que he hecho por ti!
The least you can do is let me tell you why I did it 50 dollars for me?
Lo menos que puede hacer es dejar que le cuente por qué lo hice.
Then what did you tell me it was Daniel for?
¿ Entonces con que objeto me dijo que era Daniel?
It's lucky for me you figured out what you did.
Tuve suerte de que hubieran pensado en lo que hicieron.
He did tell me what it was for... Thank you, Henry.
Muchas, muchas gracias.
Surely you saw there was every reason for me to be annoyed at his attitude, and so I did my best not to show it.
Seguramente habrá visto que siendo molesta para mi, su actitud hice cuanto pude por no mostrarlo.
- Did you tell'em it was for me at the box office?
- ¿ Les dijiste que era para mí?
- Did you think it was easy for me?
- Y tu crees que fue facil para mi?
That's why I suggest you lay it out for Haruji, just like you did for me.
Por eso sugiero que se lo expongas a Haruji, tal como lo has hecho conmigo.

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