You don't know everything translate Spanish
1,204 parallel translation
Still can't admit you don't know everything.
No admites desconocer algo.
You don't know everything about my dad.
No lo sabes todo de mi padre.
Taya, I don't know where your mother is. But I promise you I'm going to do everything I can to find her and bring her back to you.
Taya, no sé dónde está tu madre pero te prometo que voy a hacer todo lo que pueda para encontrarla y traerla de vuelta contigo.
You know these doctors you know they don't know everything.
Los médicos no saben tanto como creen.
Don't you know I know everything?
¿ No sabías que yo lo sé todo?
I don't know why you have to give me such a hard time about everything.
No sé por qué me haces todo dificil.
You know, I don't know why everything is so glum with ya at first.
Sabes, no sé por qué todo es tan negro contigo al principio.
I don't know why, but I thought that you'd be older, running a big studio and everything.
No sé por qué, pero pensé que sería más adulto... estando a cargo de un estudio y todo eso.
Hey, yo, I don't know how you know me but... everything is everything, I ain't seen nothing.
Amigo, no sé de qué me conoces, pero... Lo pasado, pasado está, yo no he visto una mierda.
You know, you don't always have to do everything they tell you.
No tienes que hacer todo lo que te digan.
You know, you don't have to worry, because I'm gonna tell them everything.
No se preocupe. Les voy a decir todo.
Why don't you tell me everything you know about the Russians?
¿ Por qué no me cuenta todo lo que sabe de los rusos?
If you don't let us help you, in a couple of hours you'll be dead and everything we know will be gone.
Si no deja que lo ayudemos, en un par de horas estará muerto, y todo lo que conocemos dejará de existir.
You don't know everything about me.
¿ De dónde lo conoces?
You know, I don't fuck everything that's dead.
Sabes, no me cojo a todo lo que se muere.
You just know everything, don't you?
Tú lo sabes todo, no?
Everything seems set, but I don't know how to find you.
Todo parece dispuesto, pero no sé cómo encontrarte.
You have... everything sorted out, double glass, and you know, you're heating and everything like Brazil, but you don't have space!
Tienes... todo solucionado, doble cristas, y ya sabes, estás caliente y todo como Brasil, ¡ pero no tienes espacio!
You know, they don't get it here, they'll get it someplace else, but this is everything to me.
Si lo entran aquí, entraran en otro lugar, Pero esto es todo para mí.
I promise you, I... I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I will do everything I can to help you.
Te lo prometo, todavía no sé qué voy a hacer... pero haré todo lo posible para ayudarte.
Look, Quinn, I know you're trying to help this kid, but everything happens for a reason, even if we don't understand.
Sé que intentas ayudarlo, pero todo pasa por algo... aunque no lo entendamos.
I don't know much about your world... but I do know that my people are being held for a crime they didn't commit and I'm going to do everything in my power to get them out. Do you understand that?
No sé mucho de su planeta, pero han apresado a mis hombres por un crimen que no han cometido y voy a liberarlos.
Linda, you don't know everything about me.
Linda, no lo sabes todo de mí.
Listen, if you know everything that's gonna happen in my life... for the next two years, why don't you let me know... so I can plan my vacations and know when to put my house on the market.
Escucha, si sabes todo lo que me va a ocurrir en mi vida... en los próximos dos años, por qué no me lo dices... así puedo planificar mis vacaciones y saber cuándo tengo que vender mi casa.
- I said I don't know why we don't just get a coffin... and put everything in that. - I can't hear you.
No te oigo.
- Seems like everything... you know, work, these women... feel like they're getting out of balance, don't they?
- Parece que todo ya sabes, el trabajo, las mujeres se están desequilibrando, ¿ no?
You fucking waltz in here, and you think you know everything, don't you?
Me cago en la puta, llegas aquí y crees que lo sabes todo, ¿ no?
You think you know everything, but you don't.
¿ Tu piensas que sabes todo, pero no.
Find a perfect place, light a candle, put on some music... I don't know, maybe some Bessie Smith... or the soundtrack to Viva Las Vegas... and then, when everything was perfect, then you would savor it as if it was the last thing you would ever eat.
A encontrar el lugar perfecto, encender una vela, poner algo de música... no sé, tal vez algo de Bessie Smith... o la banda de sonido de Viva Las Vegas... y entonces, cuando todo fuera perfecto,
You know, you don't always have to be against everything.
no tienes que estar siempre en contra de todo.
Hey, as you know, the Watchers don't know everything.
Oye, como ya sabes, los observadores no sabemos todo.
You have to know everything, don't you?
- Debes saberlo todo, ¿ no?
Well, listen, there are those who don't think we can make it because we're just a couple of kids, but, you know, here's the proof, Mr. Feeny, that two kids with everything going against them can take the power of love and make it work.
Bueno, escuche, hay quienes no creen que podamos lograrlo porque... sólo somos un par de chicos, pero, aquí está la prueba, Sr. Feeny, de que dos chicos con todo en contra pueden tomar el poder del amor y hacer que funcione.
Don't you know you are everything in this world to me?
¿ No sabes que tú eres todo en este mundo para mí?
I know that feeling, when it's like everything's slipping away and you don't want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else, but...
Sé como se siente, Cuando todo se te escapa de las manos... no puedes creerlo,
Everything at our house has changed, but you don't know about it. Because you're behaving as though life goes on as usual.
Todo ha cambiado, pero tú no te has dado cuenta porque actúas como si la vida siguiera igual.
Oh, well. Take it from someone... who got their molars very early in life, being in love is a fantastic mystery... that takes a man and a woman- - I don't mean to be jerky when you're trying to be all mushy and everything, but I know what mystery my dad sees in you.
Tómalo de alguien... estar enamorado es un misterio fantástico... eso toma a un hombre y una mujer- - pero veo el misterio que mi papá ve en ti.
You don't know that everything always has to be on his terms.
No sabes que cada cosita tiene que ser como él quiere.
He'll do everything, so you don't need to know. What is there to worry?
Cuanto menos sepas mejor, así tendrás la conciencia tranquila.
Always have to know everything that's going on, don't you?
Siempre quieres saber lo que está pasando, ¿ verdad?
You have to know everything, don't you?
Tienes que saberlo todo, ¿ verdad?
- I'm glad I don't know everything about you because everyday you amaze me.
- Me alegra no saber todo de ti, porque cada día me sorprendes.
You don't know everything about me. Yes, I do.
- ¡ No sabes todo sobre mí!
You know, what I don't understand... is how in hell a brilliant young man, like my Red... could have thrown away everything.
Sabes, lo que no puedo comprender es cómo demonios un hombre joven y brillante como mi Red pudo tirar todo por la borda- -
Look, asshole, I don't know if anyone explained the rules to you... but if you succeed everything gets blinked out of existence, even you.
Mira, cretino, no sé si alguien te explicó las reglas... pero si tienes éxito, se acaba toda la existencia, incluyéndote a ti.
Thank you for... I don't know... everything.
Gracias por... no sé... todo.
I don't know why Felice but since you're here everything makes sense.
No sé por qué, Felice, pero desde que estás, todo tiene sentido.
You mean I don't know everything after all?
¿ Quieres decir que no lo sé todo, después de todo?
Don't get me wrong, I think that Damon kid is doing a great job and everything, and, you know, the other kid's got a decent arm, but high school football is about power. It's about running a goddamn football.
Creo que Damon hace un trabajo tremendo, y el chico tiene buena mano, pero el fútbol es potencia, se trata de correr con la pelota, y siempre ha sido así.
[Sydney ] Jarod, I don't know how to thank you for everything you did... and - [ Chuckles] I'm sorry I hit you.
Jarod, no sé cómo agradecerte por todo lo que hiciste y... perdón por golpearte.
But you don't. Which leads me to believe that everything you think you know about love is questionable.
Eso me lleva a pensar que todo lo que crees saber del amor es cuestionable.
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't trust me 261
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169
you don't know anything about me 176
you don't have to worry about it 35
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't trust me 261
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169
you don't know anything about me 176
you don't have to worry about it 35