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You get away from me translate Spanish

1,074 parallel translation
Don't you get away from me.
No te desaparezcas.
I couldn't risk letting you get away from me, so I came after you.
No podía permitir que te alejaras de mi lado, así que te he seguido.
You get away from me, I tell ya. Plumb away from me.
Te digo que te alejes.
You get away from me, Mae!
¡ Aléjate de mí, Mae!
I can't let you get away from me.
No dejaré que te alejes de mí.
Will you get away from me, please.
¿ Quieres alejarte de mí, por favor?
Then believe me, it's very important to me and to you that I get away from here.
Entonces créeme, es muy importante para nosotros... que yo me aleje de aquí.
You ain't a-gonna get away from me this time, Wi-i-i-ilbert!
¡ Esta vez no podrás escaparte de mí, Wilbert!
Get away from me, you farmhand!
¡ Vete, mozo de cuadra!
You've got to help me get her away from here.
Tiene que ayudarme a sacarla de aquí
Get away from me, you're insane!
Aléjate de mí. ¡ Estás enfermo!
Get away from me, all of you.
Marchaos los dos de aquí.
You'll never get away from me! I'll never let you go!
¡ No, no puedes dejarme, no dejaré que te vayas!
You will get me a seat at the back. Far away from the ring, near an exit door. - Fine, Madam.
Consígueme una al fondo, lejos del ring, cerca de alguna salida.
Now do I get the gun or do I have to take it away from you?
¿ Me das tu arma o tengo que quitártela?
You'd never get away from me.
Nunca podrías escapar de mí.
That's it, isn't it? You want to get away from me because I'm all washed up.
¿ Por eso te marchas con él?
- Get away from me, will you?
- Aléjate de mí, ¿ quieres?
You'd better get away from me while you can.
Que te alejases de mí mientras pudieras.
Whatever I am, and I know what I am you can't get away from me.
Sea lo que sea, sé bien lo que soy no puedes huir de mí.
You know it's funny, wives usually employ me to get them away from their husbands.
Normalmente me contratan para librarse de sus maridos.
Even if you could take this away from me, you'd never get out of the hotel.
Aunque pudiese quitarme esto, no saldría jamás del hotel.
You know, all I wanted to do was get away from them fields of cotton, but they don't look so bad now.
Yo solo quería irme de los campos de algodón, pero ahora no me parecen tan malos.
Get away from me you druken fool!
¡ Déjame, borracho asqueroso!
- You see... - You get away from here. - All right.
Si me necesitas me tienes a tu entera disposición.
You needn't think you'll get away from me by going to cover a war.
No creas que te librarás de mí por ir a cubrir una guerra.
Oh, get away from me, you mule!
¡ Estate quieta, bastarda!
I told you, get away from me or I'll scream!
¡ Aléjese de mí o gritaré!
I just wanted to get away from you, get drunk, get the taste out of me mouth.
Solo quería alejarme de aquí, beber, quitarme el sabor de boca.
" You'll never get away from me
Tú nunca te alejarás de mí
"How you're gonna not at all " Get away from me "
Cómo no te vas, en absoluto, a alejarte de mí
I was thinking that you want to get away from your wife.
Me parecía que quería escapar de su mujer.
Get away from me, you repulsive creature!
¡ Aléjate de mí, criatura repulsiva!
You'll never get away from me.
- ¡ Nunca te librarás de mí! - Claro que lo haré.
You must get away from me - from this house.
Debes alejarte de mí, de esta casa.
If you love me, get away from here.
Si me quieres, aléjate de aquí.
You thought you could get away from me.
Creíste que podías escapar de mi.
You won't get away from me!
¡ No os alejéis de mí!
You're never gonna get away from me
De mí nunca alejarte podrás
Then get away from me and you won't see me.
Aléjate de mí, así no me verás.
Why do you think I got married? To get away from her.
Me casé para no vivir con ella.
Get away from it. Do you hear me?
Aléjense de ahí.
But you can't get away from it, and you have to reckon with it, you can believe me.
Pero no puedes simplemente ignorarlo, ya que tienes que contar con eso, puedes creerme.
You shan't get away from me!
Usted no deberá alejarse de mí!
I realise, of course, that I am no match for the Daleks so if I hand it over, will you help me and my friends to get away from this planet?
Soy consciente, por supuesto, que no soy rival para los Dalek así que si se lo entrego, usted me ayudará y a mis amigos a salir de este planeta?
Bubber, let Jake walk forward and if he's all right I'll give you my car and see that you get away from here without anybody bothering you.
Bubber, deja que Jake salga y si està bien te daré mi coche y me aseguraré de que puedas irte sin que nadie te moleste.
And I guarantee you, this two-bit Mexican won't get away from me! - I've my own method, Brockston.
- Pero no con sus métodos.
Me, if you don't get away from the window.
Yo, si no sales de esa ventana
Get away from me, you fiends!
¡ Entren en razón, insensatos!
Get away from me, you get away.
Apártese. No se acerque.
The world is too small for you to get far enough away from me.
El mundo es demasiado pequeño para que consigas irte lo suficientemente lejos de mí.

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