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You had to do it translate Spanish

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That you had to do it... had to shoot the town drunk.
¿ Que tuviste que dispararle al condenado ebrio?
But you had To do it in the manner of Pete Nelson!
¡ Pero tenías que hacerlo a la manera de Pete Nelson!
Seeing how determined he was, you had to do it
Al ver cómo determinó que era, tenía que hacerlo
- You had to do it.
- Había que hacerlo.
And if it had happened in your casino that Leonard Jackson had too much to drink and wound up owing the Florentine $ 6 million, what would you do?
Y si hubiera ocurrido en su casino... que Leonard Jackson hubiera... bebido demasiado y hubiera acabado debiendo al Florentine... seis millones, ¿ qué hubiera hecho?
You know, it was just a thing I had to do.
Era sólo lo que tenía que hacer.
Are you saying you think David had something to do with it?
¿ Está diciendo que cree que David tuvo algo que ver con esto?
Yeah, and it had nothing to do with you.
Sí, y no tenía nada que ver contigo.
I feel on top of the world right now. I knew if it was anything physically that had to do with my hands, I would do okay, because when you're fighting a dog trying to go their toenails you've got to have a real good grip so I'm really happy right now.
Sabía que si era algo físico que tenía que ver con mis manos me iría bien porque cuando estás luchando contra un perro tratando de cortarles las uñas tienes que tener un muy bien agarre, por eso ahora estoy muy feliz.
Queen Kong, all you had to do was not get chucked out and ruin it.
Queen Kong, todo lo que tenías que hacer era no abandonar todo y no arruinarlo.
It would be so much easier to help people in the Catholic religion... 'Cause you know what a family's like. ... if they had a family of their own, and he used to say he couldn't do that.
Los televidentes no tuvieron noción del nivel de sufrimiento de la gente común.
Correct. Do you think that's because it didn't happen, or do you think that's because, either to deal with the trauma yourself, or to justify it or deal with guilt, whatever the malady you had was,
Y han hecho las cosas más extraordinarias y brutales... que incluyen actos sexuales, etc.
Do you think if a child molestation allegation had been levied, Your Eminence, while you were there acting as an official of the diocese and it came to your attention, that would be something you would forget?
Le haríamos la vida más difícil. Pero hay una relación privada y sutil entre ellos que es básicamente de favoritismo.
And I think it had a lot to do with the actual creation of the things, you know, that we were singing, being involved with.
Y creo que tuvo mucho que ver con la creación real de las cosas, tu sabes, lo que cantábamos, estábamos involucrados.
So, you're not going to do it? No. You wouldn't be sitting here asking me about your husband's Alzheimer's if you had. Mrs. Tyler.
- Ya puede venir a casa.
So you had nothing to do with it.
- ¿ Importaría si ese fuera el caso?
You only had one thing to do and you screwed it up.
Te pedí una sola cosa y nos fallaste.
It's like the hardest thing I've ever had to say to anyone, okay, because you know that I would do anything for you, Kassie.
Es lo más duro que he tenido que decirle a alguien. Porque sabes que haría lo que fuera por ti, Kassie.
But when I asked you if you thought that Tracy had- - uh, Alice, had anything to do with it, you avoided the question.
Pero cuando te pregunté si creías que Tracy había... que Alice había tenido algo que ver, evadiste la pregunta.
Do you think she had anything to do with it?
¿ Crees que ella ha tenido algo que ver?
It had nothing to do with you, I just...
No tiene nada que ver contigo.
And we were talking about what a miracle it is, what you did, and he had the idea to do a special service in your honor.
Y estábamos hablando del milagro que es lo que hiciste y se le ocurrió hacer una misa especial en tu honor.
Thank you, but we had nothing to do with it.
Gracias. Pero en realidad, no tuvimos nada que ver.
You had time to go see him, but you didn't do it.
Ud. tuvo tiempo de ir a verlo, pero no lo hizo
Suppose all you had to do was ask. Would you do it?
Suponga que todo lo que tiene que hacer es pedirlo ¿ Lo haría?
Everything became organic, and all you had to do was separate the people from the way money worked and top-down control, explain to them, you grow it where you eat it, and you're gonna make it,
Todo era orgánico y todo lo que tenías que hacer era separar a la gente de la forma en que funcionaba el dinero y del totalitarismo ; ... les explicas que cultivan donde comen y así lo lograrán ;
- If there was a German in 1 932, 1 933, who had the foresight to look ahead and to see what the inevitable end result of the Third Reich would be, if there was somebody who had seen that coming, do you honestly think that they could in good conscience turn around and walk away from it and pretend it wasn't there?
Si hubiera habido un alemán en 1932, 1933 que hubiera tenido la previsión de mirar en el futuro y ver cuál sería el inevitable resultado final del Tercer Reich si alguien lo hubiera visto venir ¿ honestamente crees que podrían darse la vuelta, alejarse y pretender que no estaba ahí?
You might have had something to do with it. Everyone wants to be a rock star, right?
Y para decirte la verdad, puede que hayas tenido algo que ver con eso.
Do not minimize it, you who I had to rush to the emergency room... that time you fell out of your clogs.
No lo minimices, era yo quien tenía que correr a urgencias cada vez que te caías de tus zuecos.
You got one of those old-timey photos I always wanted to take as a family but nobody has had the patience to do it.
Se tomaron esas fotos que parecen antiguas, siempre quise una de todos... pero nadie parecía tener la paciencia para hacerla.
If you had a chance to do it all over again... your whole life... what would you do?
Si tuvieras la oportunidad de hacerlo todo de nuevo... tu vida entera... ¿ Qué harías?
Yeah, well, it's kind of like nursing a P.O.W. back to health so he's at his strongest when you torture him to death. ( groans ) All right, Will, you had your chance to do this the easy way.
Si, entonces, es una clase de enfermeria un P.O.W. a la salud entonces es más fuerte cuando lo torturas hasta la muerte Está bien Will, tuviste tu oportunidad de hacer esto de la manera fácil.
You think I had something to do with it?
¿ Creen que tuve algo que ver en ello?
You just wish you had the balls to do it yourself.
Deseas haber tenido las agallas para hacerlo tú.
I can't believe you're selling it, but I had nothing to do with this bar.
¡ No puedo creer que lo vendas, pero no tengo nada que ver con este bar.
And, you know, third, if you'd agreed to help, I wouldn't have had to do it.
Y, ya sabes, tercero, si hubieras aceptado ayudarnos, no habría tenido que hacerlo.
You don't think Julia had anything to do with it?
¿ No crees que Julia tuvo algo que ver en ello?
Do you cut your losses when there's nothing to gain? Like Christ on a cross taking all the pain You thought you had forever but it wound up the same
Yo me quedaría ahí.
You know I had to do it.
Sabes que tenia que hacerlo.
Seriously... It's too bad you had to watch so much "lowest common denominator" television to do it, but...
Es una pena que para lograrlo, hayas tenido que ver mucha televisión de "espectadores mediocres", pero...
Had to do it, when you don't have anything to eat
Tenía que hacerlo, cuando no tienen nada que comer
Said he lied about everything, that he was the one that killed Helen, and that you coerced him into implicating Dickie. Says the Bennetts had nothing to do with it.
Dijo que mintió en todo, que él solo mató a Helen y que lo obligaste a implicar a Dickie dice que los Bennett no tienen nada que ver con esto.
She had to do it, make them think you're really dead.
Tenía que hacerlo, hacerles creer que estás muerto de verdad.
- We've had a busy morning so anything that you could do to speed it up would be great.
- Hemos tenido una mañana ocupada. así que lo que puedas hacer para acelerarlo estaría genial.
That's all you had to do was go down there and check it out.
Todo lo que tenías que hacer era ir allí y verificarlo.
Whatever it is you had to do with my brother's killers, I don't wanna know.
Sea lo que sea que tengas que ver con los asesinos de mi hermano no quiero saber.
I just hope you understand... I had to do it.
Sólo espero que entiendas... que tuve que hacerlo.
And here I thought you had what it takes to do this job.
Y yo pensando que tenías lo necesario para este trabajo.
Well, do you think he had something to do with it?
¿ Crees que él tuvo algo que ver?
Do you know how hard I had to work just to wear it?
¿ Sabes lo duro que tuve que trabajar para poder llevarlo?
You asked me if it had anything to do with Dust Devil.
Me preguntaste si tenía algo que ver con Dust Devil.

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