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You have to stop her translate Spanish

151 parallel translation
You have to stop her.
Tienes que detenerla.
- You have to stop her.
Tiene que detenerla.
You have to stop her.
Debes detenerla.
If the mother has returned to the village you have to stop her from causing any more evil than she already has.
Si su madre ha regresado al pueblo deben detenerla para evitar que cause más mal del que ya hizo.
Okay, well you have to stop her.
Tendréis que detenerla.
Well, you have to go after her. You have to stop her.
Tiene que ir atrás de ella y detenerla.
Tonight you have to stop her murder.
- ¿ Y la mala noticia? - Que era una broma.
- You have to stop her.
Tienes que detenerla.
You have to stop her, okay?
Necesitas detenerla, ¿ De acuerdo?
You have to stop her.
- Necesitas detenerla.
Not that I'm complaining, but if you don't stop being careless and breaking china, there won't be much chance for her to have the clothes every girl ought to.
No me quejo, querido. Pero si no tienes más cuidado con la porcelana, tu hija no tendrá la ropa que se merece una chica.
You're going back to town with me tonight. In the morning, you'll take the first train out. Kay will have the marriage annulled and if you try to stop her, or show up in this part of the country again, you'll be jailed!
Me acompañará a la ciudad, cogerá el primer tren, Kay anulará el matrimonio y, si vuelve a aparecer por aquí, lo encerrarán.
You should have gone after her, shouted for her to stop.
Debería haber ido detrás de ella, y haber gritado para que parase.
If you want to keep seeing her, you have to stop seeing me.
Si quieres continuar viéndola, debes renunciar a mí.
You couldn't let the old lady see her son again because he would have put a stop to it.
Buen negocio eh... La vieja no debía volver a ver a su hijo, porque lo habría descubierto todo.
I'll make you so funny, your only problem will be to get her to stop laughing long enough to have babies.
Haré que sea tan gracioso, que su único problema será que ella deje de reírse para poder tener hijos.
Did you really tell her to stop trying to have a baby?
¿ De verdad le dijiste que dejara de intentar tener un niño?
You'll have to go round and stop her. Huh?
- ¡ Vaya por detrás y deténgala!
You'll have to go round and stop her.
- ¿ Qué? ¡ Vaya por detrás y deténgala!
Lock her in the car if you have to, but stop her.
Enciérrala si hace falta, pero apártala de él.
Well, you just saw her. I have to order her to stop.
Bueno usted la vió, tuve que ordenarle que parara.
You just have to stop thinking about her for a while.
Sólo tienes que dejar de pensar en ella durante un tiempo.
- You have to ask her to stop humming.
- Debes pedirle que pare de tatarear.
You'll have to stop seeing her for a while.
Esto no te va a gustar. Pero no podrás verla por un tiempo.
I wanted you to stop Unit 02. Otherwise, it would have survived with her.
Quería que detuvieras al número 2... porque sino habría tenido que vivir eternamente con él.
But she's real and we have to figure out - how to stop her before she gets you.
Pero es real y tenemos que encontrar el modo de pararla antes de que te coja.
You have got to stop calling her.
Tienes que dejar de llamarla.
John would never have you just walk into a room... and decide that, out of love and desperation... to stop this woman from descending into madness... you were gonna go up and whack her.
John nunca habría escrito que entrase en el cuarto y por amor y desesperación, para detener la locura de esa mujer la golpease.
- You don't have to stop, you know looking out for her.
- Puedes detenerte, sabes buscandola.
You wouldn't have tried to stop her?
¿ Alguna vez intentaste detenerla?
But you have to stop looking for her.
Pero debes dejar de buscarla.
But you have to stop looking for her.
Pero tiene que dejar de buscarla.
You should have asked her to stop. You shot her without a word!
Si le hubiera dicho que no tocara más, lo hubiera hecho.
In a few hours, I'll be drunk. I'll want to call her. You'll have to stop me.
Verás, dentro de un rato estaré muy borracho y querré llamar a Kathy ¡ y ustedes tendran que detenerme!
Andy, would you tell her that I don ´ t have to stop living in order to stay alive?
Andy, dile que no debo dejar de vivir para mantenerme vivo.
There. All we have to do is go to the party, keep an eye on Mark... and if the ex shows up, you and I will be there to stop her.
Ahora sólo tenemos que ir a la fiesta, vigilar a Mark, y si la ex aparece, estaremos los dos para pararla.
He was freaking out because he couldn't stop Gigi from crawling out of her crib, and you know, I do have to hand it to him, he gets extra points for the very original duct taping of the diaper move.
Estaba loco porque no podía impedir que Gigi saliera de su cuna, y sabes, debo darle créditos y puntos extras por la forma original en que le pegó el pañal.
If you stop blaming her I'll have to do the same.
Si dejas de culparla, yo tendre que hacer lo mismo.
Whatever you have done to anger her, you'd be wise to stop, now!
Lo que sea que haz hecho para enfurecerIa es mejor que te detengas ahora.
Each and everyone of you would have killed Cora Gallaccio to stop her revealing your murder of Richard Abernethie.
Todos y cada uno de Uds. Podrían haber matado a Cora Gallaccio para impedir que revelara quién era el asesino de Richard Abernethie.
I would have thought, out of deference to me, out of some sort of consideration for the fact that we're all going to have to look at this for the next 50 years, that maybe, maybe you could stop indulging her eccentricities and take a stand!
Hubiese pensado, fuera de la diferencia conmigo, fuera de toda consideración el hecho de que discutiremos sobre esto por los próximos 50 años que quizá, ¡ podrías dejar de perdonar sus excentricidades y ser más estricta!
Dude, you have got to stop thinking about her as the person you were meant to be with.
Amigo, debes dejar de pensar en ella como la persona que estaba predestinada para ti.
Stop this. You have to let her go.
Detén esto, tienes que dejarla ir.
But, you know, if you really want to have a honest relationship with Lana you should stop testing her.
Pero si quieres una relación sincera con Lana, debes dejar de ponerla a prueba.
I'm trying to stop my daughter from having these nightmares, not encourage her to have more specific ones so that you can analyze them.
Intento que las pesadillas de mi hija se terminen no fomentarlas para obtener más detalles de modo que ustedes puedan analizarlos.
You have to stop and shock her now.
Tenemos que detenerlo y darle una descarga.
Stop ringing her, or you'll have me to deal with.
Deja de llamarla, imbécil. - Déjame hablar.
Money's always been tight, so when Katie decided that she wanted to be Julia Roberts, who was I to stop her? Do you have a number for your daughter?
El dinero siempre escaseaba, así que cuando Katie decidió que quería ser Julia Roberts, ¿ quién era yo para detenerla? ¿ Tiene el número de su hija?
You have got to stop complaining about me to her.
Tienes que dejar de quejarte sobre mí con ella.
* lilly comes when you stop to call her * you know, we don't have to go through this to see each other.
lilly llega cuando la dejas de llamar ustedes saben, no tenemos que pasar por esto para vernos.
You bet but, dude, listen, I don't know if I can control myself around her, so you have to promise that you'll stop me from being sucked into hurricane Mira again.
Pero tío, escucha, no sé si podre controlarme cuando estemos con ella, Tienes que prometerme que me detendrás Para que no sea absorbido por el Huracán Mira otra vez.

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