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You have to stop it translate Spanish

535 parallel translation
You have to stop it with this sc-sc-scientific!
- Eh, pelagatos. ¿ Sabéis que os digo? Iros a cagar los tres.
We'd better get a beaver at once because when the wound opens you have to stop it with beaver's fat and the sickness will leave him
Si la herida de tu tío se abre, la taparemos con la grasa. - Enseguida se curará.
- You have to stop it!
- ¡ Tienes que dejarlo!
You have to stop it.
Hay que parar.
So, if it seems like I'm doing it wrong, you have to get on my case and if I try to deviate from it, you have to stop me.
Así que si lo hago mal, tienes que guiarme... y si me desvío, detenme.
I'll stop you if I have to tie you up to do it. You hear me?
Lo impediré, aunque tenga que atarte. ¿ Escuchaste?
Well, you must have wanted him to stop it, or...
Bueno, querrías que él lo detuviera, o...
You have it in your power to stop me from leaving, Brother Perrie.
Usted tiene el poder de evitar que me vaya, Hermano Perrie.
Have you done anything to stop it? No, you haven't.
¿ Ha hecho algo para detenerla?
- But it's true because if you stop breathing you're dead and you don't have to feel anymore but when they stop your love you're alive and you keep on feeling.
- Es verdad porque si dejas de respirar te mueres y ya no sientes pero cuando dejan de amarte continúas con vida y sigues sintiendo.
Try to stop me, I'll let you have it.
Si intenta detenerme, le dispararé.
Stop it or I'll have to jail you both.
¡ O se acaban las rencillas, o los llevo a la cárcel!
What have you done to stop it?
¿ Qué ha hecho para callarla?
You know, I don't seem to have had time for a really good look at it since I got back. - Oh, stop it.
No he podido fijarme bien desde que volví.
We would have made it, if you didn't stop to pick up your gent.
Perdimos tiempo recogiendo a su amigo.
Stop your whining... or I'll have to gag you, and it doesn't taste very good.
Deje de lamentarse... o tendré que amordazarla, y eso no la gustaría.
Just because I'm getting m... It's still no reason why I have to stop trying to make a human being out of you.
Sólo por que me caso... no es razón para dejar de tratar de sacar al ser humano que hay en ti.
But if you'd cut yourself and were bleeding I would have done anything to stop the bleeding even if it was cruel.
Pero, si te cortaras y empezaras a sangrar haría lo que fuera por cortar la hemorragia, incluso siendo cruel.
Stop your engines, but be ready to give me all the power you have the instant I ask for it.
Pare los motores, pero esté listo para dar máxima velocidad en cuanto se lo pida.
You're going to have to stop it right now.
Tendrás que terminarlo ahora mismo.
I think you`ll have to stop it, sir.
Tendrá que intervenir, capitán.
I still think you`ll have to stop it, sir.
Sigo pensando que tendrá que intervenir.
You couldn't let the old lady see her son again because he would have put a stop to it.
Buen negocio eh... La vieja no debía volver a ver a su hijo, porque lo habría descubierto todo.
Stop it! Why did you have to stop me?
- ¿ Por qué me quieres parar?
You have my word that no matter what it takes, I will stop Slovak and put an end to his reign of terror.
Tine mi palabra de que no importa lo que haya que hacer detendré a Slovak y acabaré con su reino de terror.
Have something to eat, Madam. You must stop rejecting your meals. Take it away.
Aquí comienza el segundo acto de esta película... aquí es donde el film cambia el ritmo... y realmente comienza a tomar velocidad.
You have to stop giving it to them.
Tenéis que dejar de seguir regalándosela a la prensa
- You think we have a chance to stop it?
- ¿ Crees que podemos detenerlos?
Gavin, you've got to stop him. I have proof it's not Hardy.
Tengo pruebas de que no es Hardy.
The mission, should you decide to accept it, is to recover the millions which Hagar and his wife have stolen from the needy and put a stop to their charity racket for good.
La misión, si la acepta, consiste en recuperar los millones que Hagar y su mujer han robado a los necesitados y poner fin a su estafa de la beneficencia.
Well, why don't you stop making jokes and say it so that I can say I have to think it over, or ask my mother, or turn you down.
¿ Quieres no hacerme rabiar? Dilo para que te diga que tengo que preguntar a mamá, o negarme.
I am still your superior officer, and I will stop you if I have to go to the Kaiser to do it.
Aún soy su superior, y le detendré, aunque tenga que pedírselo al mismo Kaiser.
Stop thinking about it. To live, you have to forget.
Hay que olvidar... para seguir viviendo.
"But you have to cross it very quickly therefore you cannot stop" where peace reigns ".
Pero atravesadlo raudo ya que no podéis parar... donde reina la paz.
You dont have to pull the rope so tightly, and if this doesn't stop, I'll end up hanging from it! Kill each other as much you want but you should respect the prices, no?
Es todo un truco que arrastrar tu culo de vuelta aquí desde Canarias.
I know just how long I have to make it in and I intend to make it good while I can. So let's you and me stop wasting each other's precious time.
Sé cuánto tiempo tengo para hacerlo y mi intención es ser la mejor, así que dejemos de perder nuestro valioso tiempo.
We always have to attract attention. Will you stop it, stop it.
Siempre acabamos llamando la atención... ¿ Queréis dejarlo?
No, but it doesn't mean you have to stop looking. - You can go through the whole house. - No.
Seguidamente hicimos "Confesiones de un Comisario..."
I couldn't have had time to stop the car and bury it, you know that.
No pude tener tiempo para parar el coche y enterrarla, usted lo sabe.
And this is just not on... And we're putting a stop to this and we're are doing, you know, it's almost dried up eh... things have gone...
Pero eso no va así, y lo estamos parando.
the only way you can stop it is to have its source removed :
que el único modo de quitarlo es desde la raíz :
Other partners have done it. But first, you'll have to stop using Powell as a punching bag.
Pero tienes que para de usar a Powell como saco de boxeo.
But if it isn't me, then we have to make a deal, you and I, to accept that fact and find a way to stop it, OK?
Pero si no soy yo, tenemos que hacer un trato para aceptarlo y encontrar la forma de detenerlo.
Stop it. Or I'll have to punish you.
Ya basta, o tendré que castigarte.
I'm waiting for you to say what's behind it, so I don't have to stop recpecting you.
Espero que me digas que hay detrás... para no perderte el respeto.
You're gonna have to stop it.
- Vas a detenerlo.
Marcie, I only want your happiness, preferably at your own house, because, you see, now I have healthy kids, a happy husband, and it has just got to stop.
Marcie, Solo quiero tu felicidad, preferiblemente en tu propia casa, porque, como veras, ahora hijos sanos, un esposo feliz, y esto tiene que parar.
No, stop it! - you have fear of slaps? Once I say to you.. - you have fear of slaps?
- ¡ No, detente!
- You go on doing what you want, - and I have to stop and bring it up.
Seguirás haciendo tus cosas, y yo tendré que parar y educarlo.
- You have to make it stop!
¡ Haz que se detenga!
When I was to have the curse for the first time you took me to the mountains to stop it somehow
Cuando tuve la regla por primera vez, me llevaste a las montañas, para evitarlo

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