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You just don't get it translate Spanish

1,292 parallel translation
You just don't get it.
En verdad eres pesada.
- Now don't give me any lip.-It's just a quarter, and look how much more you get.
¡ No me contestes! - Mire todo lo que le damos por 25c.
- Don't you just get sick of it sometimes?
- ¿ No te cansa a veces?
You just don't get it.
Ud. No lo entiende.
You don't get it. Her jet-set lifestyle was just was a bluff.
nunca la entendiste todos esos años llevando una gran vida era sólo una farsa
You just don't get it, do you?
Aún no te das por vencida?
I didn't write it then, it's just about that time... when my mother had cancer, and she's okay now... but it was weird to be that age, taking care of yourself, your mom... and, "Mom sleeps all the time, why?" You don't get it.
No había escrito hasta entonces, es que fue justo cuando... mi madre tuvo cáncer, y hoy está recuperada... pero fue extraño a esa edad cuidar de tu propia madre... y, "Mami duerme todo el tiempo, ¿ por qué?" No entiendes nada.
Why don't you just let him get on with it?
¿ Porque no le dejais en paz?
Why don't you just call me a whore and get it over with?
¿ Por qué no me llamas puta y lo dejamos de una vez?
You just don't get it, do you?
¿ No lo entiendes, verdad?
You just don't get it.
Tú no lo entiendes.
It's just, don't you ever get lonely?
Es sólo que, ¿ nunca te sientes solo?
Why don't you just get it yourself, Niles?
¿ por qué no vas tú por él?
You just don't get it, do you?
No entiende, ¿ no?
¿ No lo coges, verdad?
Don't get me wrong. I know it's totally pointless. Just somehow, teaching you makes it seem more interesting.
Sé que no tiene sentido pero enseñarte a ti lo hace interesante.
You just don't want to get your ass out of whatever chair it's in.
- No quieres mover el trasero.
You just don't get it, do you?
No se da cuenta, ¿ no?
You know, you two just don't get it, do you?
Ustedes saben, ustedes dos simplemente no lo entienden, no?
Well, why don't you just, you know, get over it?
Bueno, porque no solo, tu sabes, lo superas?
So just make sure that you don't doubt your heart and your mind at all today, and I think that's what will get us through it.
porque es lo que nos hará ganar.
Just don't get her started on her guru, you'll be on her knees before you know it.
Ni bien haya comenzado vas tener un gurú a tus rodillas antes de que te des cuenta.
Why don't I just get my whole head replaced... because you've got a picture of some person, Mom... and it isn't me.
Por qué solo no consigo que mí cabeza entera sea reemplazada... porque tienes una foto de alguna persona, mamá... y no soy yo.
You just don't get it!
No entienden que la psicología femenina es distinta.
I don't even get that, It's like, they're just selling you back to yourself,
No lo necesito. Es como si... te vendieran a tí mismo.
It was--they didn't--you know,'cause he's forty today, and I was just gonna get him some, I don't know, this- -
Era--Ellos no sabían--sabes. porque tiene 40 hoy... Y sólo le iba a comprar algo, alguna cosa, esto- ¿ Estás bien?
- I know it's not easy to get... someone assigned to you who you don't know and have never seen before, but believe me, this is just as hard for me as it is for you.
Sí, sé que no es fácil que te impongan a alguien al que no conoces y a quien no has visto nunca. Pero, creerme, para mí es tan difícil como para vosotros.
You just don't get it.
No has entendido nada de nada.
Why don't you just say skinny blonds and get it over with?
¿ Por qué no dices mejor rubias esqueléticas no más?
as a writer, as a fan, as a guy who just listens to music a lot... you know, if you don't get it... you know, I just think that's kind of too bad.
como un escritor, como un fan como un tipo que sólo escucha demasiada música sabes, si no lo entiendes sabes, sólo pienso que eso es muy malo.
Why don't you just knock us all out and get it over with?
- ¿ Y ia culpa es mía? ¡ Lógico!
If you can retain soberness and get along with routine, with rules, even if you don't believe in them... it's because lucidity makes you see life is just futile.
Si usted puede retener la sobriedad y se lleva bien con la rutina, con las reglas, aun cuando usted no crea en ellos... es porque las hechuras de lucidez usted ve que la vida simplemente es fútil.
You just don't get it, do you?
No lo coges ¿ eh?
It's not that I don't believe you. I just don't get why it matters.
No es que no te crea, es que no entiendo su importancia.
One, you don't give us the codes, we got the tech to get in anyway. It'll just take a while.
Una : no nos das los códigos y los desciframos igualmente, aunque tardemos más.
Boy, you just don't get it, do you?
Vaya, ¿ no lo entiendes, verdad?
You just don't get it, do you?
- No lo entienden, ¿ no?
But I don't let you get away from me that easily so I follow Just wait Then it gets physical I push in into that door Which flies open when I grab the handle No!
espera luego tienen un forcejeo te empujo hacia esa puerta la que se abre cuando me apoyo
You just don't get it, do you?
No lo entiendes, ¿ verdad?
You just don't get it, do you?
No lo entiende, ¿ No es cierto?
I guess I'm not gonna get over it, so why don't you just go be with him?
Supongo que no, ¿ así que por qué no vas con él?
You just don't get it, do you, Walter?
No lo entiendes Walter, ¿ verdad? Terminó.
You just don't get it.
No lo entienden.
It's just, you don't wanna get on his bad side, you know?
Es simplemente, tú no vas a querer ver su lado malo, ¿ sabes?
It seems like when you get an attitude about some guy, boy, you just don't want to hear anything else, and I don't work that way.
Parece que cuando te ocurre algo sobre algún hombre, ya no quieres oír nada más, y yo no trabajo de ese modo.
Sean, you don't understand how hard it was for me just to get to this point.
Sean, no entiendes lo difícil que fue para mí sólo llegar a este punto.
It's not just you, I don't want to get married.
No eres la única, yo no quiero casarme.
Ah, you just don't get it.
¡ Ah, que acaba de No lo entiendo.
You just don't get it, do you?
No lo entiendes, ¿ de veras?
Well, I just want to tell you If you don't put it back into the bamboo tube it'll soon get rotten and become useless
Bien, yo solo te digo que si no lo vuelves a meter en el estuche de bambú, se pudrirá enseguida y se volverá inútil.
Sol, you just don't get it.
Sol, tú no lo entiendes.

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