You like them translate Spanish
10,335 parallel translation
Square sausage and a buttery, black pudding, fried eggs, just the way you like them.
Salchichas y mantequilla, pudín negro, huevos fritos, justo como te gustan.
And you like them fiery. Someone kind of hard to get, maybe a little complicated. You want to have to put in some work.
Y te gustan fuego Alguien un poco difícil de conseguir, tal vez un poco complicado Usted quiere tener que poner en algún trabajo
Oh, you like them? Oh, yeah.
¿ Te gustan?
Never let them know you like them.
Nunca les digas que te gustan.
And they wanted you to like them.
Y querían gustarte.
You'd like them to come here to thebes.
Te gustaría que vinieran a Tebas.
You think like them.
Piensas como ellos.
You're just like them.
Eres igual a ellos.
And you know all about them, It is not like this?
Y sabes todo al respecto de ellos, ¿ no es así?
Don't you like any of them?
¿ No te gusta ninguna?
You can disagree like adults instead of throwing them out.
Podríais discutir como adultos en vez de echarlos.
Right, like Avery predicted, and if you toggle between them, the fake ad is masking the legitimate ad.
- Correcto. - Como Avery predijo. Y si alternas entre ellos, el anuncio falso está ocultando el anuncio legítimo.
You mean, you were worried about those around me, like if I killed them.
Quieres decir, estaban preocupados por los que estaban cerca de mí, como por si los mataba.
See them in front of you as puzzle pieces you can move and delete... just as you like.
Velos frente a ti como piezas de un rompecabezas que puedes mover y quitar... exactamente como desees.
You can talk to them if you'd like.
Si quiere, hable con ellos.
Like you said, it could be any of them.
Como has dicho, podría ser cualquiera de ellos.
And, like anything, you can find the clichés if you're looking for them.
Y, como en todo, puedes encontrar los clichés si los estás buscando.
Bet you wish you would have changed them batteries like I told you to.
Si hubieras cambiado las pilas como te dije...
There'd be plenty of them willing to take an African woman who talks fancy like you.
Está lleno de ellos dispuestos a llevarse a una africana que habla tan elegantemente como tú.
When he was given boring, traditional recipes, you can't change them because the recipe says like this.
Cuando se le asignaba recetas tradicionales, aburridas, no podía cambiarlas porque la receta se debía hacer exacta.
And I mean this when I say that you could be in those, like, hella dramatic commercials where they try and get people to adopt dogs before they murder them.
Y créeme cuando te digo que podrías salir en esos, anuncios dramáticos de cojones en los que intentan que la gente adopte perros antes de que los sacrifiquen.
Some of them are born that way, and others, like Vincent, became that way because of the very government that you work for.
Algunas de ellas nacen de esa manera y otros, como Vincent, se convirtieron de esa manera debido al mismo gobierno para el que ustedes trabajan.
To them, showing emotion is like showing weakness, you know?
Para ellos, mostrar emociones es como mostrar debilidad, ¿ sabes?
That you can go, like, to write to these numbers, I have to solve the Hellraiser puzzle and I have to... There's two guys with the keys in the opposite room that turn them at the same moment and there's a warning.
Que tengas que resolver el cubilete de Hellraiser, o haya dos tipos que tengan que girar dos llaves al mismo tiempo.
You put almonds in my sundae, knowing that I do not like them, because even though the sundae's not perfect, I'll love it anyway.
Pusiste almendras en mi helado, sabiendo que no me gustan, porque aunque el helado no es perfecto, me gusta de todos modos.
Yeah, because you connect with them emotionally, something we did not do because I'm a higher level of being, like Her from the movie "Her."
Claro, porque conectas con ellas emocionalmente, algo que nosotros no hicimos porque soy un ser superior, como Her de la película "Her".
- What if we do it in the briefing room, like you're assigning them a case?
¿ Y si lo hacemos en la sala de reuniones, como si estuvieras asignándoles un caso?
Pacifica, I'm sorry about what I said earlier, but just because you're your parents'daughter doesn't mean you have to be like them.
Pacifica, perdón por lo que dije antes. Pero solo por ser su hija no significa que serás como ellos.
You don't have to pretend like you care about them.
No tienes que fingir que te preocupan.
'Cause anytime I like, I can whisper in a reporter's ear... tell them how rough you like it, what filthy names get you off, and how loudly you moan.
Porque cuando quiera, puedo susurrar en la oreja de un periodista... contarle lo duro que te gusta, qué palabras guarras te ponen, y cómo de fuerte gimes.
Well, looks like you won them over,
Bueno, parece que te los ganaste,
You know, one time we were talking about boobs and how much I love them, and he was like,
Sabes, en una ocasión estábamos hablando sobre tetas y sobre cuánto me gustan, y él estaba como,
Plus, you girls have the best cooking facilities on campus, although it doesn't look like you ever use them.
Además, vosotras tenéis la mejor cocina del campus, aunque parezca que no la usáis.
You know, like celebrities, when they say something offensive, they just go on TV and apologize, and everybody forgives them, even though they don't mean it at all.
Ya sabéis, como los famosos, cuando dicen algo ofensivo, van a la televisión y se disculpan, y todo el mundo los perdona, incluso cuando no lo sienten en absoluto.
I never thought that you wouldn't represent somebody just because you didn't like them.
No creí que no representaría a alguien solo porque no te cae bien.
- You free them, just like us!
- ¡ Liberadlos ahora mismo!
And deep down, I know you're not anything like them.
Y en el fondo, sé que tú no eres como ellos.
The strong, like me and you and Pam, who will naturally prey on the weak, like the rest of them.
- Los fuertes, como yo, tu y Pam, que naturalmente se aprovechan de los débiles, como ellos.
It's not like ADHD or fibromyalgia, which are kind of like up to you if have them or not. It's a...
No es como el déficit de atención o una fibromialgia, que depende un poco de ti si los tienes o no.
I know raccoons always like shiny objects, but you're not getting them.
Sé que a los mapaches siempre les gustan los objetos brillantes, pero no vamos a dárselas.
They're gonna love you. I'm worried you're not gonna like them.
Me preocupa que no te caigan bien a ti.
No, it's just that m-my boss and his wife, they fight all the time, and I'm trying to get them to be more like you guys are...
No, es sólo que m-mi jefe y su esposa, se pelean todo el tiempo, y estoy tratando de conseguir que a ser más como ustedes son...
I wanted to tell the truth, like you did, so I fired them.
Yo quería hacer lo correcto, al igual que usted, así que renuncié.
Do you have anything that you'd like to say to them?
¿ Le gustaría decirles algo?
I told them I required the celebrity Photoshop package, you know, like they have at the Beverly Hills DMV.
Les dije que requería el paquete de Photoshop de las celebridades... ya saben, como tienen en dirección de tránsito de Beverly Hills.
With you, it's like... you're the one with all the injuries, but it's them that feel the pain.
Contigo, es en plan... eres la que tiene todas las heridas, pero ellos son los que sienten el dolor.
I can assure you we like them very much indeed.
Les puedo asegurar que nos gusta ellos muchísimo.
You'll like them.
Te gustarán.
I found them in an extermination camp... In a stadium, like the one you were in.
Los encontré en un campo de exterminación... en un estadio, como en el tú estabas.
That's like you dropping your fries and putting them back on the plate.
Es como si te cayeran las papas al suelo y las pusieras en el plato.
You raised them... like livestock. It's you.
Las criaste... Eres tú.
you like it rough 18
you like that one 27
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like music 30
you like it 795
you liked it 124
you like him 175
you like that one 27
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like music 30
you like it 795
you liked it 124
you like him 175
you like 225
you liked that 20
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like those 17
you like that 642
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
like them 61
you liked that 20
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like those 17
you like that 642
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
like them 61
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16