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You scared me half to death translate Spanish

94 parallel translation
You scared me half to death.
Casi me matas del susto.
You scared me half to death.
¡ Buh! , - ¡ me mata casi del terror!
You scared me half to death.
Casi me mata del susto.
You scared me half to death.
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
- You scared me half to death.
- Casi me matas del susto.
You scared me half to death!
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
You scared me half to death
Me asustas de muerte.
You scared me half to death!
Me asustaste, casi me muero!
Sweetheart, oh you scared me half to death.
- Cariño, me mataste del susto.
Why did you shout so loudly, you scared me half to death
¿ Por qué gritáis tan alto? ¡ Me habéis dado un susto de muerte!
Julio, man you scared me half to death!
- Julio, me has dado un susto de muerte.
Jesus. You scared me half to death.
Casi me matas del susto.
God, you scared me half to death.
Dios, que miedo le tengo a la muerte.
- Actually, you scared me half to death.
- Casi me matas del susto.
( Southern drawl ) Jesus Christ, you scared me half to death.
Jesucristo, me asustaste carajo.
Jesus, you scared me half to death.
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
Oh, Jennifer, you scared me half to death.
Jen, me asustaste muchísimo.
You scared me half to death!
¡ Qué susto enorme!
God, you scared me half to death.
Que susto me has dado.
You scared me half to death - or more to death.
Casi me muero del susto... aún más.
- You scared me half to death!
- ¡ Casi me matas del susto!
So you scared me half to death because your friend saw not Gwen Stefani?
Así que, ¿ me pegaste un susto, solo porque tu amiga vio a la "no" Gwen Stefani?
Damn it, Tom, you scared me half to death.
Casi me matas del susto.
You scared me half to death.
Me diste un gran susto.
You scared me half to death.
Me asustaste casi de muerte.
- You scared me half to death!
- Casi me matas del susto!
You scared me half to death.
Casi me matan del susto.
Lorelai, you scared me half to death!
Lorelai, ¡ me asustaste hasta la muerte!
You scared me half to death.
Me has asustado de muerte.
Lucio, I... You... You scared me half to death.
Lucio, casi me matas del susto.
You scared me half to death.
Me asustaste mucho, casi me muero.
Mom, you scared me half to death.
Mamá, me has dado un susto de muerte.
I'm taking my chance'cause truth be told, you only get one dance gee, jp, you scared me half to death.
Aprovecharé mi oportunidad por la verdad sea dicha, solo consigues un baile. Dios, J.P., me has asustado.
Adam, What The - You Scared Me Half To Death.
Adam, ¿ Qué demonios... Casi me matas del susto.
- You scared me half to death.
- Me diste un susto de muerte.
I'll tell you what you could have done. You could have stopped trying so hard to control everything that you scared me half to death.
Tu podrias haber dejado de tratar de controlas todo que me asustadte de muetre
You scared me half to death.
Me diste un susto de muerte.
You scared me half to death.
¡ Me diste un susto de muerte!
You scared me half to death!
Me ha dado un susto de muerte.
Gee, Mr. Gannon, you had me half scared to death.
Vaya, Sr. Gannon, me tenía medio asustado.
Like to scared me to death. You must be half Injun.
me asustaste.
Those hoodlums scared you half to death, and they almost killed me.
Esos vándalos te mataron del susto y casi me asesinan a mí.
Larry, you scared me half to death :
Larry, casi me matas del susto.
You half scared me to death.
Me dio un susto.
You almost scared me half to death!
¡ Me has dado un susto de muerte!
That cigarette you're smoking about scared me half to death
El cigarrillo que fumas casi me mata de miedo
Is it completely hypocritical of me to be scared to death of the possibility of your mother living near us... while at the same time calling you at work to say do you think it would be okay if I left her with the kids for a little while... while I go and meet with somebody in about a half an hour?
¿ Es completamente hipócrita de mi parte tener miedo de la posibilidad de que tu madre viva cerca nuestro mientras que al mismo tiempo te llamo a tu trabajo para preguntarte si estaría bien si la dejo con las niñas por un momentito mientras voy a encontrarme con alguien en mas o menos media hora?
You nearly scared me half to death.
Casi me matas del susto.
Stan, you scared me half to death.
Stan, casi me matas del susto.
Por Dios, Bo, me hiciste morir del susto.
Thetan's ghost, you nearly scared me half to death.
¡ El fantasma de Pheaton! Casi me matas del susto.

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