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You scared me to death translate Spanish

292 parallel translation
Oh! Marilyn, you scared me to death. Come here, darling.
¡ Marilyn, qué susto me has dado!
Gee... Gee, you scared me to death!
¡ Me diste un susto de muerte!
You scared me to death.
Me diste un susto de muerte.
You scared me to death.
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
- You scared me to death!
- ¡ Casi me matas del susto!
You scared me to death.
Me mataste de miedo.
- Why didn't you say anything? You scared me to death.
¿ Por qué no contestabas?
You scared me to death.
Me mataste del susto.
Come on! You scared me to death!
¡ Me asustaste a morir!
- You scared me to death.
- Kendall.
- You scared me to death.
- Me has asustado. - ¿ Qué te ocurre?
- You scared me to death.
- Casi me matas del susto.
You scared me to death.
Me asustaste a morir.
Terry, you scared me to death!
Terry, me diste un susto de muerte.
I had to fight to get away from you. I was scared to death.
No querías dejarme Me asustaste.
- Don't tell me you're afraid. - I'm scared to death.
Estoy aterrada.
Believe me, Chick, when I tell you I was scared to death.
Créeme, casi me muero del susto.
I'm just scared to death... to sing for such a talented composer as you are.
Me da un miedo terrible... cantarle a un compositor tan talentoso como usted.
To tell you the truth, I'm scared to death.
A decir verdad, me muero de miedo.
I've been scared to death of you... and scared to death of every last kid in the chorus.
Usted me asusta... y me asusta todo el cuerpo de baile.
Man, you've got me scared to death.
Me tienes muerto de miedo.
You've never guessed this, I know, but ever since school, I've always been scared to death of women.
Nunca lo dirías, lo sé, pero ya desde la escuela... siempre me han aterrorizado las mujeres.
Gee, Mr. Gannon, you had me half scared to death.
Vaya, Sr. Gannon, me tenía medio asustado.
Like to scared me to death. You must be half Injun.
me asustaste.
I'm scared to death of you city people.
Me aterra la gente de ciudad.
Those hoodlums scared you half to death, and they almost killed me.
Esos vándalos te mataron del susto y casi me asesinan a mí.
You almost scared me to death.
Casi me matas del susto.
All the time, scared to death at what she might find. Now... let me impress on you, any relatives of a Mongol... are usually as normal as you or I. If they're not, it has nothing to do with Mongolism.
Ahora les diré que las personas con síndrome de Down son absolutamente normales como tú y yo, pero... nosotros no les podemos ayudar.
- You almost scared me to death.
- Qué susto me has dado.
You scared me half to death.
Casi me matas del susto.
You almost scared me to death
Uy, casi me matas de un susto
Larry, you scared me half to death :
Larry, casi me matas del susto.
You scared me half to death.
¡ Buh! , - ¡ me mata casi del terror!
And besides, if you hadn't, you might've been stuck with me for good, and that idea scared you to death.
Y además, si no lo hacías, tendrías que haberte quedado exclusivamente conmigo y esa idea te aterrorizaba por completo.
You scared me half to death.
Casi me mata del susto.
You scared me half to death.
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
You almost scared me to death
Casi me matas del susto!
I'm scared to death of going to jail, but if I tell you, then you'll have to do something about it and someone else will be hurt.
Me muero de miedo al pensar en la cárcel pero si se lo digo tendrá que hacer algo y alguien más resultará herido.
- You scared me half to death.
- Casi me matas del susto.
You scared me to death.
Que alivio.
That wasn't even funny. - You could've scared me to death. - Oh, dear.
No tiene gracia, me has dado un buen susto.
You've scared me to death.
¡ Qué susto me has dado!
You got me scared to death.
Me muero de miedo.
Thank you, he had me scared to death.
Gracias, tenía miedo.
I'm a fearless man, but I'm scared to death of you.
No tengo miedo de nada, pero tú me das panico.
I guess I am scared to death of not seeing you again.
Me mataba el miedo de no verte otra vez.
"We're on our way into action for the first time... " and I don't mind telling you, I'm scared to death, " but I'm with a great bunch of guys, and I know my friends and I will see each other through all this.
Por primera vez vamos camino a la acción y no me importa decirles que me muero de miedo pero voy con unos chicos fantásticos y sé que mis amigos y yo nos apoyaremos.
You scared me half to death!
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
You scared me half to death
Me asustas de muerte.
- You had me scared to death.
- Me has asustado mucho.
You know, um, no matter how many times I see you do that trick I'm always scared to death.
No importa cuántas veces te vea haciendo ese truco... siempre me muero de miedo.

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