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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You should come with us

You should come with us translate Spanish

260 parallel translation
It was the whim of Ali that you should come with us.
Fue Alí quien quiso traerte.
No, no, no, think you should come with us.
No, debes venir con nosotros.
You should come with us.
Deberías venir.
You should come with us, sir.
Debe acompañarnos, señor.
You should come with us.
Vendrán con nosotros.
All right. You should come with us to the Orbit, Mr. Walker.
¿ Por qué no viene con nosotros, Sr. Walker?
You should come with us to our cave before Baron Tempos returns with troops. She's right.
Venga a nuestra cueva antes que el Barón regrese con tropas.
You should come with us, Delenn.
Deberías venir con nosotros, Delenn.
You should come with us and watch Rory perform.
Deberías acompañarnos a ver a Rory actuar.
Eh, te tendrías que venir con nosotros.
raquel and I are taking a trip to l.a. I think both of you should come with us.
raquel y yo estamos hablando de un viaje a L.A. y pienso que los dos deberian ir conmigo.
Half price. You should come with us.
Baseball, ¿ qué necesita?
Maybe you should come along with us oftener and forget it.
Quizás deberías venir con nosotros más seguido y olvidarlo.
You should have come with us, Aunt Birdie.
Debiste haber venido con nosotros, tía Birdie.
Now, Clifford, I should think you'd want to spend the evening with us when we've come all the way from New York.
Creí que pasarías la noche con nosotros después de venir desde Nueva York.
Very well, I will pipe down, as you put it, but it should be perfectly obvious that with your income gone there's only one course for you to follow, and that is to come home now, with us.
Muy bien, cerraré el pico, como tú dices... pero es perfectamente obvio que sin tus ingresos... sólo te queda un camino : regresar a casa con nosotras.
You should have come with us, george.
Deberías haber venido con nosotros, George.
But I must say, inspector, that it seems an extraordinary coincidence that my husband, and as you tell us, Sheila, should both have come in contact with this girl.
Es una extraordinaria coincidencia que tanto mi marido como mi hija Sheila conociesen a esa muchacha.
We think you should come over to discuss it with us.
Pensamos que deberías venir a discutirlo con nosotros.
- Do you think we should let him come with us?
- Crees que deberíamos dejarlo venir con nosotras?
You should have come with us.
Debería haber venido con nosotros.
- You really should have come with us.
Ha hecho mal en no venir con nosotros, profesor.
You should have come with us to London.
Deberías haber venido a Londres,
You should come back with us and enjoy the glory of that success.
Debería volver y disfrutar la gloria - por sus logros.
Listen, I think you should come to the dance with us.
Escucha, creo que deberías venir al baile con nosotros.
You should've come with us.
¡ Debiste haber venido, papá! ¡ Fue genial!
You should come in with us.
Asociate con nosotros.
You should hear him talking about Jack Kelly, the strike leader who occasionally takes his meals with us.
debes oirlo hablar de Jack Kelly, líder de la huelga que de vez en cuando come con nosotros.
The lost sheep! You should have come with us.
Es la oveja descarriada.
You guys should come with us.
Ustedes deverian venir con nosotros.
Anyways nigga, I said you should come up to Kansas with us.
De todos modos negros, te dije que debes venir a Kansas con nosotros.
Come with us, you should see someone else.
Venga con nosotros, debe ver a alguien mas.
You should come down with us.
Deberías venir con nosotros.
- You should have come with us.
- Deberías venir con nosotros.
You should get up on stage with us sometime. Can I come back into this?
Deberías subir al escenario con nosotros en algún momento. ¿ Puedo volver acá?
You should come and have lunch with us before you go.
Deberías venirte a comer con nosotros antes de irte.
Well, you should come one time with us.
- Deberías venir con nosotros.
Hey Julie, you should've come with us at Lourdes, It was awesome.
Julie, debiste acompañarnos a Lourdes. ¡ Estuvo de pelos!
You should all come to the Rutherford rinse with us.
Ven con nosotros en la sala de lavandería.
Deberían salir con nosotros esta noche.
You should come to the match with us this afternoon.
Puedes venir con nosotros al torneo de esta tarde.
You should come to New York with us... and make your big comeback.
Deberías venir a Nueva York con nosotros... y tener tu gran regreso.
You should've come with us when we came out.
Tendrás que venir con nosotros cuando salgamos.
Your gran's very old and your father and I have been talking and, if you agree, we've decided she should come and live with us.
Mira, la abuela está muy mayor y vuestro padre y yo hemos estado hablando, y hemos decidido si a ambos os parece bien, hemos decidido que la abuela se venga a vivir con nosotros.
Captain, don't you think Simon should come with us?
- Sí. Capitán. ¿ no cree que Simón debería acompañarnos?
If you are gonna be in town for the day, you should just come with us...
Si vas a estar por aquí ese día, podrías venir con nosotras...
Devon, I mean? You know, you should come down and spend a weekend with us.
- Pasen un fin de semana con nosotros.
- Gotcha. You and Jess should come with us to the game tonight.
Tú y Jess, deberían venir con nosotros al partido esta tarde, será divertido.
You guys should have come to the arboretum with us.
Usted debe haber sido nos de los Jardines Botánicos.
You should come out with us.
Deberías venir con nosotros.
You should've come home with us.
Deberías haber venido a casa con nosotros.

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