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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You should have called me

You should have called me translate Spanish

189 parallel translation
- You should have called me.
- ¡ debías haberme llamado!
- You should have called me.
- Debiste llamarme.
You should have called me last night.
Debiste llamarme anoche.
- You should have called me first.
- Debió de haberme llamado primero.
You should have called me.
Debió avisarme.
You should have called me.
Debiste llamarme.
Carl, you shouldn't be up. You should have called me.
No deberías estar levantado, haber llamado.
- Then you should have called me.
- Entonces debió haberme llamado.
You should have called me.
Tendrías que haberme llamado.
You should have called me.
Debiste haberme llamado.
You should have called me.
Tú debías de haberme llamado, mi bebé.
Well, you should have Called me anyway. Hey, come on.
Tenía que haberme llamado de todas formas.
You should have called me.
Deberías haberme llamado.
You should have called me earlier Never mind!
Deberías haberlo hecho antes, pero no es demasiado tarde.
You should have called me.
Podías haberme llamado. ¿ Cómo?
- You should have called me, Mal. - I had enough for a story, but not for you.
Debias haberme llamado, mal, después de poner esta historia en público tenia derecho de hacerlo pero no por ti.
You should have called me.
Me podrías haber llamado.
You should have called me earlier.
Debería haberme llamado antes.
You should have called me. I'd have made you a reservation.
Si lo supiera, te haría una reserva.
The minute that you heard... that Watson was involved with the kidnapping, you should have called me.
Al minuto que oíste que Watson estaba involucrado en el secuestro, debiste llamarme.
You know, you should have called me'cause I would have come over.
Sabes, deberías haberme llamado, podría haberte visitado.
You should have called me earlier, Billy.
Debiste llamarme antes, Billy.
You should have called me.
Deberías haberme llamado a mí.
- You should have called me.
- Me debió haber llamado.
You should have called me sometime!
¡ Me hubieras vuelto a llamar alguna vez!
You should have called me, Joey.
Has debido llamarme, Joey.
You should have called me!
Deberías haberme llamado!
You should have called me! You? !
¡ Debiste llamarme a mí!
- You should have called me.
- ¿ Por qué no me llamaste?
You should have called me.
- Debieron llamarme.
You should have called me.
Haberme llamado, mujer.
You should have called me.
Me debía haber llamado.
You should have called me when you got the news.
Debiste llamarme al enterarte.
Well, you should have called me.
Bueno, debiste llamarme.
You should have called.
¿ Por qué no me llamaste?
You should have called me or written.
Solo tuve una mujer en mi vida
You should have called me.
Debería haberme llamado.
last night, I was scared. - You should have called me.
- Tenías que haberme llamado.
I should have called you and given you the opportunity of saying no.
Debí llamarla y permitirle que me diga que no. -
You should have heard what she called me in there. Beautiful!
Tendría que haber oído lo que me dijo ahí dentro. ¡ Precioso!
You should have waited after you called me.
Telefoneas y no esperas.
You should have called. I would have put something in the oven.
Si me hubieras llamado, habría metido algo al horno.
You should have called the cops on me.
Debiste llamar a la policía.
- You should have called me.
¿ Por qué no me llamaste?
It is Kari! You should have called for a description before you let me in.
No, pero debería haber llamado a la agencia... y pedido mi descripción antes de dejarme entrar.
You should have thought about that before you called me a rhino.
Debería haber pensado en eso antes de llamarme rinoceronte.
Forgive me. I've called you out, and you should have been resting. - I'm fine.
Discúlpeme por llamarlo cuando debería estar descansando.
You should have called me, I would have come to you.
Deberías haberme llamado, Yo hubiera ido a verte.
You should have called me first.
Deberías haberme preguntado antes.
You never should have called me.
No tendrías que haberme llamado.
I should have called you, but I was passing by.
Debería haberte avisado de que me pasaba.

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