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You shouldn't be doing this translate Spanish

112 parallel translation
You know, Dinah, we really shouldn't... um- - be doing this.
Ya sabes, Dinah, en realidad no deberíamos estar haciendo esto
You shouldn't be doing this.
No deberías estar bebiendo.
You know, I really shouldn't be doing this.
No debería hacer esto.
Course, really I shouldn't be doing this, you know, Staff.
Por supuesto, en realidad yo no debería estar haciendo esto, usted sabe, oficial.
We shouldn't be doing this. You know that.
¿ Eso no está bien, saben?
You shouldn't be doing this.
- No deberías hacer esto.
You shouldn't be doing this.
No deberías hacer esto.
You shouldn't be doing this sort of thing.
No deberias estar haciendo esto.
Hey, you guys shouldn't be doing this!
¡ No deberían estar haciendo esto!
Ellis, you shouldn't be doing this.
Ellis, no debiste meterte en esto.
I know I shouldn't be doing this because you're leaving, but I don't care.
Sé que no debería hacer esto porque te vas manana, pero me da igual.
But you shouldn't be doing this.
Deberías olvidarte de esto.
Lamar, you shouldn't be doing this.
Lamar, no deberías estar haciendo esto.
I shouldn't be doing this to you.
No debo decirte estas cosas.
You shouldn't be doing this to yourself.
No deberías hacerte esto Andy.
You shouldn ´ t be doing this.
No tendrian que estar haciendo esto.
Lady, you shouldn't be doing this.
Lady, no debería hacer esto.
You know, I've been thinking, he shouldn't be doing this.
he estado pensando, él no tendría que estar haciendo esto.
Now, I know that you care for Marcus, but you shouldn't be doing this.
Sé que Marcus te importa, pero no deberías hacer esto.
Before you speak, I have a dozen reasons why I shouldn't be doing this.
Antes de que hable, tengo doce razones por las que no debería hacer esto.
Even this, as far as it's gone. You shouldn't be doing this.
No debías dejar que llegara tan lejos.
You know maybe we shouldn't be doing this.
¿ Sabes? Quizá no debamos hacer esto.
I mean, you can come to the party, I just- - lf this is something you feel you need to hide it's something we shouldn't be doing in the first place.
Si quieres ir a la fiesta... Si es algo que debes ocultar no deberíamos seguir adelante.
Ma, you-you probably shouldn't be doing this.
Ma, probablemente no deberías estar haciendo esto.
What do you mean, we shouldn't be doing this?
¿ Qué quieres decir?
Which means I probably shouldn't be watching you doing this.
O sea que no debería estar viéndote hacer esto.
You shouldn't be doing this!
¡ No deberías hace esto!
- You shouldn't be doing this.
- No debieras hacer esto.
I hate to see you like this, Nina. You shouldn't have to be doing these things, you know?
Detesto verte así, Nina no deberías hacer cosas como éstas...
You know, maybe I shouldn't be doing this.
Sabes, quizá no debería hacer esto.
So THAT'S what you mean... but you kids really shouldn't be doing things like this. Where do you live?
Ah, eso es lo que quieres... pero chicos como ustedes no deberían hacer esto. ¿ Dónde viven?
You shouldn't be doing this now.
No deberías estar haciendo esto ahora.
You shouldn't be doing this without someone to support for you.
No deberías hacer esto sin alguien de apoyo.
You shouldn't be doing anything like this under our roof.
No deberías estar haciendo nada de esto, y especialmente no bajo nuestro techo.
Technically, you shouldn't be doing this here, but the mainframe's not here, right?
Tecnicamente no deberíamos estar haciendo esto aquí, pero...
Look, shouldn't you be doing this? You're the engineer.
Mira, ¿ no deberías estar haciendo eso?
This is dangerous. You shouldn't be doing this.
Esto es peligroso No deberías hacerlo
You shouldn't be doing research of this magnitude in, excuse me, but... In a dump.
No debería estar realizando experimentos de esta magnitud, disculpe en un basurero.
I shouldn't be asking you this, but... what are you doing to make Ellen so happy in there?
No debería preguntártelo, pero ¿ qué haces para hacer tan feliz a Ellen allá adentro?
You know what, I came here this afternoon and told her I thought that, with the quote she shouldn't be doing concerts for groups that are vocal on the opposition, and she didn't care at that moment.
¿ Sabes? , vine aquí esta tarde y le dije que pensaba que con lo que dijo no debería hacer los conciertos con grupos que están en contra, y a ella no le importó en ese momento.
You shouldn't be doing this. The world is filled with people doing things they shouldn't be doing.
El mundo está lleno de gente que hace cosas, que no debería hacer...
- You shouldn't be doing this movie,
- No deberías hacer esta película,
You shouldn't be doing this.
No deberíais estar haciendo esto.
You shouldn't be doing this.
No deberían estar haciendo esto.
Oh, my gosh, you guys shouldn't be doing this!
- Dios mío, no deberían estar haciendo esto.
I shouldn't even be doing this right now. I — It's not fair to you.
No debería hacer esto ahora, no sería justo.
Gwen, you shouldn't be doing this.
Gwen, no deberías estar haciendo esto.
You shouldn't be doing this, trying to run a magazine out of a hospital bedroom, you know?
No deberías hacer esto, intentar controlar la revista desde tu cama de hospital.
- You shouldn't be doing this.
- No deberías hacer esto.
You shouldn't be doing this, should you?
No debería estar haciendo esto ¿ verdad?
If that's why you're doing this, you shouldn't be.
Si lo haces por eso, no deberías.

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