You think i won't translate Spanish
1,191 parallel translation
This is the guy that gave you the tip on your cosmic scoop, and you think I won't believe you?
Ese tipo te dio tu exclusiva, y ¿ piensas que no te creeré? ¡ Mi coche!
And you think I won't believe you.
- Y tú piensas que no voy a creerte.
I won't promise because of my work, but it's almost certain... what do you think of Sardinia, just the two of us?
No puedo garantizartelo por causa de mi trabajo, pero es casi seguro. Querrías pasar unos días en Cerdeña, tú y yo, solos?
I think I got it stopped, But you won't be able to use
Creo que lo he parado.
I think you can take it he won't be joining us.
Creo que no nos acompañará.
They think I'm mad, but you know I'm not... and you still won't listen.
Ellos creen que soy loco, pero tú sabes que no lo soy. Y continúas desoyéndome.
And when you let me go, what makes you think I won't talk?
¿ Y al liberarme cree que no hablaré?
No, I think your frog won't die even if you try to kill it.
A ti no se te muere ni que la maten.
Do you think because you're a girl I won't pop you in the mouth?
¿ Crees que porque eres una mujer no te puedo dar un golpe en la boca?
- But you'll think it's stupid. - No, I won't.
- Van a pensar que es una estupidez.
I think I might just let him pass by. I won't ram Nothung down his gizzard until he's guzzled you down with his drink.
No clavaré Notung en sus entrañas hasta que te haya engullido
Read it and tell me what you think. I won ´ t detain you.
Una comedia, tómese todo el tiempo que necesite para leerla y ya me dirá qué le parece.
My dear Vic, I think I won't entrust my hydrangeas to you!
Querido Vic, creo que ya no podré confiar más en ti.
I hope you won't think me presumptuous, but dark, exotic women like you bring a fever to my blood.
Espero que no piensen me presuntuoso, pero las mujeres oscuras y exóticas como usted bajar la fiebre a mi sangre.
Should I be taking notes, do you think? That won't be necessary. Just turn as if we're about to leave
Vale, entonces puede que en el próximo caso.
You realise that won't be the same for those three colleagues or hers... That's why I think we'll have to hold onto Prof Gretz for the moment for... how shall I put it...
Como no podemos hacer lo mismo para los otros tres profesores, vamos a tener que guardarla un poco más.
To think that until just a short time ago you were thundering away so marvelously... but the instant he gets sick the sound stops... and now you won't play for us no matter how many times I ask.
Pensar que hasta hace muy poco tiempo Ud. sonaba maravillosamente... pero al instante que él se enferma el sonido se detiene... y ahora no quiere tocar para nosotros no importa cuánto se lo pida.
But, since you won't be around to reveal our master plan, I think it only fitting that you behold its brilliance.
Pero porque no estarás vivo para revelar nuestro plan maestro... lo que corresponde es que contemples su esplendor.
I hope you won't think this a rude imposition... if I ask for permissión to join you just for a moment?
Espero que no lo considere una descortesía... si le pido permiso para sentarme con Ud. Un momentito.
I've done something that I hope you won't think is too bold.
He hecho algo que espero no crea demasiado temerario.
Believe me, I'll keep you so busy, you won't have time to think.
Vas a estar tan ocupada que no tendrás tiempo para pensar.
If I tell you boys something, you won't think I've been drinking, will ya?
Creen que estoy borracho ¿ Cierto?
I know I came on kind of like a poozer on the bus tonight and everything. But that's just so my friends won't think, you know, I'm a jerk.
Sé que esta tarde me porté como un tonto en el autobús... pero sólo lo hago para que mis amigos no crean que soy un idiota.
- What do you mean? - So he won't trod upon it. I think it's symptomatic of taking on more than you can, er... er... handle.
Más bien, es un ejemplo de que aceptas tareas... que no puedes cumplir.
I think when he finds himself you'll both be happier and you won't fight.
Se encontrará a sí mismo y acabaréis por entenderos.
What makes you think I won't commit two, huh?
¿ Qué le hace pensar que no cometeré dos?
If you've heard me, this ledge will remain steady as a rock, and that thing coming at me won't be what I think it is.
Si me escuchas, esta repisa se quedará firme como una roca y esa cosa que se acerca no será lo que pienso que es.
And I'll hold you so nice and tight, you won't need to think about anything, or pretend anything, and you won't even wanna get away even if you're scared.
Y voy a abrazarte tan fuerte y agradablemente, que no tendrás que pensar en nada, o pretender nada, y nunca vas a querer salirte de esto incluso si estas asustada.
You think I won't? Because you told me so.
- ¿ Crees que no lo haría?
You won't think I'd believe it was like glass!
¡ A poco crees que iba a creer que era como el vidrio!
He won't hurt you, and I think he'll always be faithful.
No te hará daño, y creo que siempre será fiel.
Well, I think you're scared too, but you won't admit that you need help. Professional help to get on with your life.
Creo que estás asustada, pero no admites que necesitas ayuda, ayuda profesional, para seguir con tu vida.
i hope you won't think me presumptuous.
Espero que no me consideres presuntuoso.
Don't even think it, because I won't let you.
No pienses eso, porque no le dejare.
You think I won't understand?
¿ Crees que no te comprendo?
Just so you won't think I don't appreciate all the work you're doin'in the house and how you handle the kids and all that, uh...
No creas que no aprecio el trabajo que estás haciendo en la casa. Y cómo estás manejando a los niños y todo lo demás, eh...
If you tamper with evidence... if I even think you're tampering with evidence... I'm gonna put you so far away... you won't even remember what the streets look like.
Si manipulas la evidencia si te atreves a manipular la evidencia te encerraré por tanto tiempo que no recordarás cómo eran las calles.
And that's OK with me, because we'll be helping Shoop and you won't think I'm a shit. Right?
Pero, por mi no hay problema ¿ porque así ayudaremos al Sr. Shoop, y no pensarás que soy una mierda, verdad?
I hope you won't think I'm bargaining if I ask you to let me write to you.
No dirá que estoy negociando si le pido que me deje escribirle.
I won't let him do it. But if you think he's our man, you go find him.
Si ustedes creen que es el indicado, entonces ustedes búsquenlo.
I, um, hope you won't think me rude, but do you happen to know out of whose bowl you're eating?
Espero no sonar demasiado ruda, ¿ Pero sabias de quien es... El plato, en donde estas comiendo?
I won't soon forget this. Yeah well. You think i'll ever forget
Si, bien. ¿ Crees que yo voy a olvidarte a ti apareciéndote en esa ropa?
You won't think it's funny when I stick that pen up your nose.
No pensarás que es divertido cuándo te clave el lapiz en tu nariz.
I've been trying to set you up with a radio network, but my bosses think you're stuck on acquiring television and won't even listen.
He estado intentando conseguirle una cadena de radio, pero mis jefes creen que está empeñado en adquirir televisión y no les hace caso.
You didn't think so yesterday when I won my trophy.
No te pareció eso ayer, cuando gané mi trofeo.
Do think I like being afraid that you won't come back.
Tú crees que disfruto temiendo que no regreses jamás.
You think I won't shoot you?
¿ Crees que no te dispararé?
In fact, I feel the need to justify myself so you won't think me mad.
De hecho, necesito justificar mi accionar y así usted comprenderá que no estoy loco.
Another couple of years won't kill me. Okay. Do you think I could take your picture?
Hasta ahora, éste ha sido uno de los mejores momentos de mi vida.
I won't tell you who this friend was but if I drop the hint that it was a prominent quantity surveyor I think you'll probably guess.
No te diré quien era este amigo mío pero si dejo la pista de que era un destacado controlador de cantidades pienso que probablemente lo adivinarás.
[Snickers] Well, since you won't help us, I think we should do something incredibly stupid and pointless... to raise our spirits in anticipation of our upcoming massacre.
Pues, ya que no nos ayudarás creo que deberíamos hacer algo increíblemente estúpido y sin sentido para levantarnos el ánimo previendo nuestra masacre próxima.
you think you're better than me 60
you think you know me 62
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think i'm lying 56
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think you know me 62
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think i'm lying 56
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22