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You want to see something translate Spanish

783 parallel translation
[machine stalling] Oh, my God. Do you want to see something completely insane?
Hacia algo que nos de un toque real.
Here, take a look at this if you want to see something.
Echa un vistazo a esto si quieres ver algo.
You want to see something interesting?
¿ Quiere ver algo interesante?
If you want to see something worthwhile, come with me.
Si quieres ver algo que vale la pena, ven conmigo
If you want to see something that really is efficient, this way.
Si quiere ver algo realmente eficiente, venga por aquí.
You want to see something?
¿ Queréis ver algo?
If you want to see something really miserable...
Si quiere ver algo realmente patético...
Are you here because of the bistro or do you want to see something?
¿ Ha venido por el bar o quiere ver algo?
I think they just want to see one time where you show them something different.
Siempre, estoy cansada.
- The thing is, they have seen this look from you, so I think they want to see something else you can do with a higher arch brow- -
Lo que ellos ya vieron es tu look, Entonces, creo que ellos quieren ver que mas puedes hacer.
Oh, Miss Trent. I want you to see something wonderful. It's just come.
Srta. Trent, quiero que vea algo maravilloso que acaba de llegar.
See, I want to talk to you about something.
Quiero comentarte una cosa.
Tengo algo aquí que quiero enseñarle.
Well, you see, we've been kind of rough on you, and we didn't want you to be off without a little something to let you know what we really think of you.
Bueno, verás, Hemos sido bastante duros contigo, y no queremos que te vayas sin un pequeño regalo para que sepas lo que pensamos en realidad de ti.
Belle, I want to see him marry you... have a home and children, get something real out of life.
Belle, quiero que se case contigo... que tenga un hogar e hijos, que tenga lo que importa en la vida.
- There's something I want you to see.
- Hay algo que quiero que veas.
You see, I use my eyes when it comes to something I want very badly.
Uso los ojos cuando quiero algo desesperadamente.
If you really want to see something good, catch me in this next number.
Si quieres ver algo bueno, no te pierdas el próximo número.
If you want to see Johnnie at his very best... just say something about chairs.
Si quiere ver cómo se luce... comente algo de esas sillas.
¿ No ve, Sr. Gibbon, que quiero estar seguro de que no voy a pagar por algo que ya poseo?
- Something you want to see me about?
- ¿ Querías verme para algo?
Nada. Venga aquí.
I just want to set you right about something you couldn't see... because it was smack up against your nose.
Sólo quiero dejar en claro algo que no viste... porque estaba en tus narices.
Is there something you don't want me to see?
¿ Hay algo que no quieren que vea? ¿ Qué tipo de juicio es éste?
You see, when you want to do something and you're scared to, he just whistles in your ear, and...
Verá, cuando quieres hacer algo pero tienes miedo de hacerlo, él te silba al oído, y...
There's something I want to see you about.
Tengo algo que decirle.
Did you want to see me about something?
¿ Querías hablarme de algo?
I want to see you. I've got something for you.
Quiero verte, tengo algo para ti.
You think those monkeys are something? You want to see men in cages.
¡ Si esos monos le impresionan, debería ver hombres enjaulados!
Do you want to see me about something special Or do you just like to sit in my chair?
¿ Querías verme por algo en especial o sólo querías sentarte en mi silla?
- Pete, I want you to see something.
Pete... Pete, quiero mostrarles algo.
I want you to see something.
Quiero que vean una cosa.
- I figured you'd see things my way. Now I want to do something for you, Dan.
- Ahora que ya lo he conseguido, haré algo por ti, Dan.
Is there something you don't want me to see?
¿ Hay algo que no quieres que vea?
Mother, come here. There's something I want you to see.
Mamá, ven, te mostraré algo.
You want to see me about something?
¿ Querías algo?
Now, I want you to get yourself something to eat, and I'll go and see what I can do for you with Mr. Corvier.
Ahora quiero que comas algo. Voy a ver si el señor Corvier puede hacer algo por ti.
I know I've been living in a dream, just like a little girl... without seeing what I didn't want to see... but you want to know something, Marc?
Sé... sé que he estado viviendo en un sueño, como una niña pequeña,... sin ver lo que no quería ver. Pero, ¿ quieres que te diga algo, Marc?
I got something I want you to see.
Hay algo que quiero que veas.
Mr Baron, what did you want to see us about, is something wrong?
Sr. Baron, ¿ para qué quería vernos? ¿ pasa algo?
You're the kind of a guy, you see something you want very badly you say to yourself, " Well, how badly do I want it?
Tú eres la clase de tipo que desea mucho algo y se pregunta : " ¿ Què tanto lo deseo?
I'm quite prepared to see you go off and make a home for your own and... all because i want... i want something... something from that girl which i... i know in my heart she's incapable of giving.
Estoy listo para verte partir y que formes un hogar todo porque quiero algo de una chica que sé, muy adentro, no es capaz de dar.
I want you to see something.
Quiero que veas algo.
Seems there's something in there you don't want me to see.
¿ Hay algo ahí que no quiere que vea?
Is there something that you wouldn't want him to see?
¿ Hay algo que no querías que él viera?
He doesn't want to see you. Why should I force myself to do something you couldn't do fifteen years ago?
No te quiere ver. ¿ Por qué forzarme a hacer algo que no puedes desde hace 15 años?
If you do not want to see me again, and if you want me to let you alone you must do something for me.
Si no quieres volver a verme, y si quieres que te deje en paz tienes que hacer una cosa por mí.
Did you want to see Cathy about something?
¿ Quiere ver a Cathy por algo en particular?
Do you want to see references or something like that?
¿ Necesita referencias o algo así?
You want to see if we can find something else?
Quieres ver si podemos encontrar otra cosa?
Come, I want you to see something.
Ven, quisiera que vieras algo.

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