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You weren't the only one translate Spanish

121 parallel translation
- I guess you weren't the only one.
- Creo que no fuiste la única.
You know... You weren't the only one that crashed.
Creía que yo era el único que sabía mentir.
As a matter of fact, he's the only one who said you weren't ready... the only one who tried to stop it, but he was overruled.
Él fue el único que dijo que no estabas lista. Trató de impedirlo, pero rechazaron su objeción.
You weren't the only one who was taken for a walk past that toy window.
No fuiste la única que lo llevó a dar un paseo a esa juguetería la semana pasada.
He was the only one who knew you weren't Malcolm.
Fue el único que adivinó que no eras Malcolm.
I called you back because, well, because you weren't the only one who let his personal feelings get the better of his service training today.
Te llamé de nuevo porque... bueno, porque no fuiste el único que dejó que sus sentimientos personales interfirieran con su entrenamiento de servicio el día de hoy.
You weren't the only one who was told not to get emotionally involved.
No fuiste el único al que le dijeron que no se involucrara emocionalmente.
You go to jail, and there'll be nobody around to bear witness that you weren't the only one who dreamed up the robbery.
Vas a ir a la cárcel. Y no habrá nadie para declarar que no fuiste tú el que planeó el robo.
Yeah, well, you weren't the only one.
Sí, bien, tú no eres el único.
Wyatt Earp, looks like you weren't the only one who was set up.
Wyatt Earp, parece que no es el único al que engañan.
You weren't the only one whose life wasn't satisfying.
No eras el único cuya vida era insatisfecha.
[Mattingly] Throughout the flight, the times when one could sit back... and really appreciate what an amazing adventure this was... was only during those little periods of time... when you had a chance to stop and do the things you weren't programmed to do.
[Mattingly] Durante el vuelo, el tiempo cuando uno puede sentarse... y realmente apreciar que fue una asombrosa aventura... solo durante esos cortos períodos de tiempo... cuando tienes la oportunidad de detenerte y hacer las cosas que no fueron programdas.
You weren't the only one.
No fuiste el único.
You weren't the only one, Daddy.
No fuiste el único, papá.
Guess you weren't the only one with an escape plan, huh, Batman?
No eras el único con un plan de escape, ¿ verdad, Batman?
Apparently, you weren't the only one.
Al parecer, no fuiste la única.
I guess you weren't the only one who went to school today.
No fuiste el único en aprender hoy.
¿ No estabas en la foto de la fiesta de Navidad?
But you weren't the only one who went though it.
Pero no era el único que fue aunque.
You weren't the only one who was kidding
No eras el único que bromeaba
You weren't the only one who wanted him in the alliance.
Usted no era la única que lo quería en la alianza.
Well, you certainly weren't the only one.
Bueno, no ha sido usted el único.
You weren't the only one, were you? No.
- No fuiste la única, ¿ verdad?
Finding you weren't the only one.
Saber que no eras la única.
Tú no eras la única.
Well, you weren't the only one, Phil.
Tú no fuiste el único, Phil.
I always knew you weren't a Fascist, you were the only one who didn't.
Siempre he sabido que no eras fascista, solo que tú no lo sabías.
You weren't the only one.
No has sido la única.
This means you weren't the only one there.
De lo que se deduce que usted no trabajó solo.
You weren't the only one.
Jefe Alguacil.
You weren't the only one who was attacked.
Tú no fuiste el único que fue atacado.
Yeah, you weren't the only one running away to Charleston.
Sí, tu no fuiste el único que se marchó corriendo a Charleston.
Because if you don't - if you weren't talking about the guy I think that you're talking about, well, you have me mistaken for somebody else, because in my mind there is only one Bond.
Si no es así, si no hablabas del tipo que yo pensaba entonces me confundes con otro, porque en mi mente sólo hay un Bond.
You weren't the only one.
Usted no fue la única.
Looks like you weren't the only one in the dark.
Parece que no era usted el único que estaba a oscuras.
Charlie, you weren't the only one to spend time in prison.
Charlie no fuiste el único que estuvo en prisión.
You weren't the only one!
No fuiste el único!
I always knew you weren't a Fascist, you were the only one who didn't.
Sabía que no eras un fascista. Eras tú el que no lo sabías.
Even though you knew you weren't the only one, even though you knew he was gonna end badly...
Y nunca quiso a Jacko como quisimos a Bob.
That telephone line you had for Mrs. Luthor you weren't the only one dialing it.
¿ Esa línea telefónica que tienes de la Sra. Luthor? Resulta que no fuiste el único que llamó allí.
Looks like you weren't the only one looking for the Turk.
Parece como que tú no eres la única que busca a El Turco.
You know, you weren't the only agent investigating the Venezuelans, but you were the only one that concluded that they were not involved in the attack on the President.
No eres la única agente que investiga a los Venezolanos, pero fuiste la única que determinó que no estaban involucrados en el ataque al Presidente.
- Eras la única que la buscaba... teníamos poco tiempo para averiguar qué hacer.
Weren't you the one way back when that said that telling Charles would only hurt him?
No eres tu la que habia dicho que eso solo iba a herirle?
If it is a bit of consolation. You weren't the only one.
Si sirve de consuelo no has sido la única.
YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE... I hope you weren't gonna do what I know you were just about to do.
¿ ibas a hacer lo que creo que ibas a hacer?
You were the only one with a weapon, weren't you?
Era el único con un arma, ¿ cierto?
Did you ever think, maybe you weren't the only one that needed to believe there was something more?
¿ Alguna vez pensaste que quizá no eras la única que necesitaba creer que había algo más?
You might convince me more if you weren't the only one who knew about the problem.
Podrías convencerme más si tu no fueras la única que sabía del problema.
You weren't the only one who lost a brother.
No eres la única que perdió un hermano.
You weren't the only one getting shot at.
No eres el único que recibió un disparo.

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