You won't make it translate Spanish
887 parallel translation
You will make it fast as you can, won't you Mr Horan?
¿ Podría ser rápido? Ya llego tarde a la cena.
Heideneck, you know... You tell me any name, any name at all, doesn't have to be the right name, I won't make any inquiries whether it's true or not.
Heideneck, usted sabe... puede decirme cualquier nombre, cualquiera, no tiene que ser el verdadero, no haré preguntas.
Don't you fret about how I make my money... and I won't worry about how you spend it.
Note preocupes por cómo gano el dinero y no me inquietaré por cómo lo gastas.
That'll make you kind of a big shot, won't it?
Te apuntarás una buena con eso, ¿ no?
Read it tonight when you're through working. It won't make any difference then.
Léala esta noche, entonces no importará.
Might make you feel better, and it won't make me feel any worse.
Quizá te sientas mejor y yo no me sentiré peor.
But it won't make much difference how you look'cause there won't be... anybody lookin'at you, except a lot of so-called students.
Pero dará igual cómo te veas, porque... nadie se fijará en ti excepto tus supuestos alumnos.
You won't make it difficult for me to leave?
¿ No vas a hacerme la despedida más difícil...?
Make sure you have the bath drawn by twelve although I won't use it ;
- ¿ Cual cambio? - Pues cuasi nada está se pegando el patrón. - ¿ Ah, sí?
It won't hurt you, and we can make the city edition.
Así saldría en la primera edición.
If it won't, I'll make you carry them back.
Si no caben, te obligo a traerlos de regreso.
If it'll make you happy, I won't sing out loud but on the inside.
- Maestro Agostino, aquí me tiene.
And the kind of a guy I am, I won't make you pick it up off the floor.
Y yo no le obligaré a recogerlos del suelo.
You won't make me regret it, right?
No va a hacer que me arrepienta, ¿ verdad?
Make a prayer that you won't have to do it in such a heat as this.
Reza para que eso no ocurra con un calor como éste.
- Peyton, you won't make her do it.
¡ Peyton, no la obligues a hacerlo!
You won't make it better by lying.
Será mejor que no mientas.
I trust it won't make you a hopelessly reformed character.
Confío en que no te convierta en un hombre completamente distinto.
Because you won't have to make it.
Pues no tendrás que hacerlo.
I'm sorry i can't give you a choice of food, steve, but it won't make much difference.
Lamento que no puedas elegir la comida. Pero eso no hará mucha diferencia.
You won't budge me. Once I make a decision, it's final.
No me convence, una vez que tomo una decisión, es definitiva.
It'd make you live finely. Therefore you won't sell it.
Podrías vivir perfectamente de ella, si no la vendes.
If I don't make it, you won't need a card.
Si no lo consigo... supongo que te enteraras.
Are you afraid we won't make it? I can even carry your luggage for you.
¿ Temes que no lo consigamos?
You won't make it, Mr. René.
- Espero que lleguemos a tiempo.
You will make it all right with her, won't you, Dolly?
Hablará con ella para aclararlo, ¿ verdad?
And if you boys are smart... you won't make it any tougher for yourselves than you need to.
Y si tu gente se porta bien, no lo pondrás más difícil de lo necesario.
You can cry from now until the jury comes in... and it won't make you right, and it won't win you that silly case!
Puedes llorar hasta que entre el jurado... ¡ ni te dará la razón ni ganarás ese estúpido caso!
- Okay, I won't make it tough on you.
- No se lo pondré difícil.
But it won't make any difference if you do.
Pero eso no cambiaría las cosas.
The money won't buy you anything. It will only make you miserable and unhappy.
Ese dinero sólo te traerá tristeza e infelicidad.
If you don't succeed with an ad like that, you won't make it.
Si con una publicidad así no tienes éxito, no volverás a levantarte.
And you won't make it!
Y no lo lograrás.
You have very good sentiments and it's stupendous. But even if Caroline is alone for a while, it won't make her worse.
Tienes muy buenos sentimientos y es estupendo, pero aunque Caroline esté sola un rato, no se agravará.
It's knowing that you won't even try to make a break as long as I'm here.
Es saber que no intentará escapar si yo estoy aquí con usted.
If it'll make you feel any better, then I... I won't take him with me tomorrow.
Si te sientes mejor, entonces no lo llevaré mañana conmigo.
It just so happens that what I'm afraid of is you don't really wanna marry me... and that I won't make you a good enough wife.
Lo que temo es que no quieras casarte realmente conmigo... y que yo no sea una buena esposa.
You're trying to make me an assassin, but it won't work, because if I hadn't killed my wife, I'd be the one who'd be dead,
Tratan de hacerme pasar por asesino pero eso no va a funcionar. Porque si yo no llego a matar a mi esposa, ella me habría matado a mí.
You know I won't make it.
Tú sabes bien que de esta no salgo.
So, Lars, it shouldn't make any difference if they won't play with you.
No te preocupes si no quieren jugar contigo.
Well... if you're going to stage a swim, why won't you make it a real one?
Bueno, pero... si van a hacer un número con natación, por qué no hacen uno verdadero?
I can't make it in the world, and you... you won't be able to see your family.
Yo no sabré arreglármelas en el mundo, y usted no podrá ver a su familia.
I trust you won't Let it make you unduly nervous.
Confío que... no le haga ponerse excesivamente nervioso.
If you make it, you probably won't get a medal, but you'll save an awful lot of good men.
Si lo consigue, probablemente no gane una medalla, pero habrá salvado a un buen puñado de hombres.
You know me so well... but it won't make a difference.
Que bien me conoces ¿ No? Pero eso no te va servir da nada ¡ Preste acá! ¡ Defiéndete!
But if you're not, it won't make any difference.
Pero si no es así, no cambiará nada.
When you make your break... ... it won't be like a fool nor a boy or a poet, will it?
Cuando se escape no será un imbécil, ni un niño, ni un poeta, ¿ verdad?
It goes without saying that our notary will make sure you won't be able to make wrong use of anything
Nuestro notario se asegurará de que usted no pueda hacer mal uso de ello.
We won't make it, I'm telling you.
No lo conseguiremos, no podemos.
If you help them, won't it make it worse for you?
Si cooperas con ellos, ¿ no será peor para ti?
- Now, that's a trip you ought to make - It won't be hard for you to take
- Es un viaje a / que debes venir
you won't be alone 42
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161