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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You would do that for me

You would do that for me translate Spanish

477 parallel translation
You would do that for me?
¿ Harías eso por mí?
You would do that for me after... everything?
¿ Lo haría por mí, después de... todo?
I cannot believe you would do that for me.
No puedo creer que harías eso por mí.
Oh, you would do that for me?
Oh, ¿ harías eso por mí?
- You would do that for me?
Tú harías eso por mi?
Um, you would do that for me?
¿ Haría eso por mí?
You... would do that for me?
Tu... harías eso por mí?
Yeah, after that last lot of rotten hooch you got for me. That stuff would make me do anything.
Después del pésimo licor de contrabando que me diste, no me debes nada.
colonel, it would be a shame for the whole army shut up you can do with me what you will, but I will not tolerate that a harmless woman...
¡ Coronel, sería una vergüenza para todo el ejército! ¡ Cierra el pico! Haga Ud. conmigo lo que quiera, no voy a permitir que una mujer indefensa...
It would be of no use for me to swear to you on the honour of the profession we both respect that I had nothing to do with the death of Mr Lincoln?
¿ No serviría de nada que le jurase por el honor de la profesión que los dos respetamos, que no tuve nada que ver con la muerte del Sr. Lincoln?
You would.. you would do that to me just for dusting you across the mouth?
¿ Me harías eso por un puñetazo?
Do you mean to stand there and tell me that your friendship for Millie... would mean more to you than your love for me?
¿ Me estás diciendo que tu amistad con Millie... significa más para ti que tu amor por mí?
Would you do that much for me, Keyes?
¿ Harías eso por mí, Keyes?
Would you still like me to do that for you?
¿ Le gustaría que hiciera todo eso para usted?
However, to return to our muttons... you asked me to keep an eye on your wife... and I assure you that had it been possible for me to do so, I would gladly have done so.
Volviendo al tema, me pediste que vigilara a tu mujer y de haber podido lo hubiera hecho.
Would you do that for me? - But, darling, I have closets full of...
Pero si tengo cajones llenos.
Would you do that for me?
¿ Lo hará?
Would you do that for me?
¿ Haría eso por mí, por favor?
Would you do that for me, Bill?
¿ Lo harías por mí, Bill?
Do you think that I, a woman, would quarrel with you for sacrificing to a woman nod like Diana... if Diana meant to you what Christ means to me?
¿ Crees que yo me pelearía contigo por no sacrificar ante una diosa como Diana si Diana fuera para ti lo que Cristo es para mí?
... darling, would you do all that for me if I said I'd marry you?
... cariño, ¿ harías todo eso por mi si acepto casarme contigo?
- Would you really do that for me, Bendrix?
- ¿ De verdad haría eso por mí?
You said that you would do anything for me.
Dijiste que harías cualquier cosa por mí.
Would you do that for me?
- ¿ Lo haría por mí?
I would want you not to go wrong but in all that you say only one thing is certain, your faith, and if with it should came the light in your eyes and you should see me you would understand that for once I do not lie,
Quisiera que no te equivocaras mas en todo lo que has dicho sólo hay una cosa cierta, tu fe, y si con ella viniera la luz a tus ojos y me vieras comprenderías que por una vez no miento,
Why would you ever do that? After all, I've always been there for you.
En el fondo siempre me tienes a tu disposición.
Do you think I would have waited for you endlessly, knowing that you would be taken from me again after a few brief years?
Crees que te había esperado tantos años sabiendo, que volvería a perderte cuando pasaran unos pocos.
And I had a nightmare of a ride, and I'm... I'm facing a responsibility that... a responsibility for the company that I do not want and I cannot for the life of me see how I'm going to chuck it, and would you please just get off my back?
Y tuvimos un accidente, y me cae encima una responsabilidad hacia la compañía que no deseo y no sé cómo quitármela de encima.
Would you really do that for me?
¿ De verdad haría eso por mí?
- Would you do that for me?
- ¿ Me hace ese favor?
But I would like to get that nurse out of the way first... Do you think that you can manage it for me?
Pero me gustaría conseguir que la enfermera de la primera manera... ¿ Crees que puedes manejar esto para mí?
It's not fair! And at last that would be a great chance for me to do something. And so you could promote me.
no es justo y esto seria una ultima oportunidad para mi para hacer algo. y tu podrias ascenderme.
If I begged you, for the sake of that friendship, to do something for me, would you do it?
Si te ruego que hagas algo en nombre de esa a mistad, ¿ lo harás?
Perhaps this is an absurd supposition and I hope you'll forgive me for that, would you be so good as to leave a short but thorough note, just two lines, two lines will do, that's all.
Claro que es una suposición ridícula, perdóneme. Si es así, deje antes una pequeña nota detallada, aunque sean dos líneas, dos pequeñas líneas.
You know, I'II go out with you... or I'll stay in with you... or I'll do anything that you'd like for me to do... if you would tell me that you love me.
Puedo salir contigo... o puedo quedarme contigo... o hacer cualquier cosa que tú quieras que haga por ti... si tan sólo me dices que me amas.
"Sir, I do hope you will not be annoyed if I remind you... "... that you once promised me that when you had your next command... "... you would try to find a place for me. "
"Señor, espero que no le moleste que le recuerde que una vez me prometió que cuando obtuviese el próximo mando trataría de encontrar un lugar para mí."
I want you to talk to him. Would you do that for me, please, as a personal favor? Today?
Quiero que hable con él. ¿ Puede hacerlo como un favor personal?
I wouldn't like to suspend it for two hours on the stage, cause I think it would take something away from it. Although I'm sure I could do two hours without it, I just feel that I'd missed a lot of important emphases if I didn't, uh, have access to the whole language, you know?
Me gustaría suprimirlas durante dos horas en escena, pero creo que se echaría algo en falta aunque estoy seguro de que podría pasar dos horas sin ellas, creo que echaría en falta mucho énfasis importante si no tuviera acceso a todas las posibilidades del idioma, ¿ sabes?
Well, there ain't much of this left, but there is one final story that I would like to wind up with, folks, and I do thank you for that Visine, but I didn't smoke at half-time, so if they're red, it's just natural eyeball blood pressure, or whatever you call that shit.
Bueno, no queda mucho de esto, pero hay una teoría final con la que me gustaría concluir, amigos, y les agradezco por ese Visine, pero yo no fumé en el descanso, entonces si están rojos, es sólo la presión sanguínea natural del globo ocular,
Would you run that back for me? I want to do it again, have another shot at it.
¿ Puedes rebobinar la cinta por favor?
Would you do that for me?
¿ Haría eso por mí?
You would do that for me?
¿ Lo harías por mí?
Um, it would be hard for me... if we're talking about schools, to go along with you. I - Any other adult thing that you do - the decorator, the hairdresser, whom I love, whom I have -
... sería duro para mí... si estamos hablando de las escuelas, estar de acuerdo con usted, yo... cualquier otra cosa de adultos que hacen, el decorador, el peluquero, a quienes adoro, a quien tendría... lo llevaría a todas las vacaciones, si lo tuviera.
Would you do that for me?
¿ Lo harías por mí?
Do you know anybody That would kindly put me up for the night?
¿ Conoces a alguien generoso que me de albergue esta noche?
Would you do that for me?
¿ Harás eso por mí?
- Would you do that for me?
- ¿ Lo haría por mí?
That depends on what you would do for me.
Eso depende de lo que hagas tú por mí.
Which do you think would be best for fighting the dangers that lurk inside a hostile jungle environment?
Cuál me recomiendas para luchar... con los peligros de la selva?
- You would really do that for me?
¿ De verdad harías eso por mi?
Would you do that for me, please?
¿ Harías eso por mí, por favor?

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