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Zft translate Spanish

35 parallel translation
- Or ZFT.
- O ZFT.
Yeah, ZFT fits, what is that?
Sí. ZFT, ¿ qué es eso?
The name on the file, what was written was ZFT.
El nombre que vi en el expediente era ZFT.
- So you think he's ZFT.
- Cree que es ZFT.
So ZFT, what is it?
ZFT, ¿ qué es?
Privately funded with presence in 83 recorded countries. ZFT is among them.
Con fondos privados presentes en 83 países y ZFT es una.
- A local connection to the ZFT.
- Una conexión con ZFT.
You think what? John Scott, he was working with ZFT?
¿ Cree que John Scott trabajaba con ZFT?
I got it... the ZFT book.
Lo tengo... el libro ZFT.
He might as well have the ZFT memorized.
Se debe saber todo el ZFT de memoria.
It translates to destruction by the advancement of technology.
ZFT se traduce en la destrucción por los avances tecnológicos.
He's been quoting the ZFT for that long.
Entonces ya hablaba del ZFT.
You're saying this is ZFT?
Es de ZFT?
We believe ZFT is a terrorist organization responsible for a number of bioattacks in the last year.
Creemos que es una organizacion terrorista responsable por varios ataques biologicos.
How long have you been a follower of ZFT?
Es seguidor de ZFT?
We know about ZFT.
Sabemos de ZFT.
We wanna know more about David Robert Jones about who funds ZFT and why.
Queremos saber mas sobre David Robert Jones sobre quien paga ZFT y por que.
ZFT has your wife?
ZFT tiene a su esposa?
You're telling me ZFT is coercing you to conduct these experiments by threatening to harm your wife?
ZFT lo esta forzando a hacer los experimentos amenazandolo con su esposa?
Getting a handle on ZFT, Jones or more.
De encontrar a ZFT, a Jones o mas.
Doesn't exactly scream ZFT hive of activity.
No parece relacionarse con ZFT.
This could be our chance to get to ZFT.
Podriamos encontrar a ZFT.
That was my punishment for trying to leave ZFT.
Ese fue mi castigo por tratar de dejar ZFT.
Why would ZFT want you to create something like this?
Por que ZFT queria que creara algo asi?
Now, in the time I worked with ZFT I never dealt with anyone of significant rank within the movement.
El tiempo que trabaje con ZFT nunca lidie con nadie de rango importante en el movimiento.
He told us everything he knew about ZFT.
Nos dijo lo que sabia de ZFT.
According to Boone, the man who's funding ZFT is William Bell.
Segun Boone, el hombre que fundo ZFT es William Bell.
For those of you just joining us what you're looking at is the work of ZFT a terrorist organization responsible for at least half a dozen biological attacks.
Para los que sean primerizos lo que están viendo es obra del ZFT organización terrorista responsable de al menos seis ataques biológicos.
Evidence suggests ZFT is funded by an unlikely source and a name I'm sure you've all heard of.
Pruebas recientes sugieren que el ZFT se financia con una insólita fuente y un nombre que seguro han oído.
To provide actionable evidence establishing a link between Bell and ZFT.
Ofrecer pruebas procesables que establezcan un vínculo entre Bell y el ZFT.
That William Bell doesn't just fund ZFT he wrote their manifesto and is responsible for everything?
¿ Que William Bell no solo financia el ZFT sino que escribió su manifiesto y es el responsable de todo?
I know it because I read it in the zft in 1995 When you wrote and published it.
Lo se porque lo leí en la ZFT en 1.995 cuando lo escribió y fue publicado.
the zft.
What would you say if I told you That the zft is a lie Or a half-truth anyway?
¿ Qué diríais si os dijera que la ZFT es una mentira o una media verdad?

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