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Translate.vc / English → French / [ 1 ] / 1208

1208 translate French

6 parallel translation
He was converted to Christianity in 1208.
Il se convertit au christianisme en 1208...
The son of a wealthy man, he converted to Christianity in 1208 and turned from his life of pleasure to commit himself to poverty and the life of the gospel. - You should read it.
C'était le fils d'un homme aisé, converti en 1208, il choisit de vivre dans la pauvreté et dans la prière.
He's subletting an office downtown- - 1208 naylor road, suite 630.
Il sous-loue un bureau au centre-ville. 1208, Nailer Road. Suite 630.
PI N 1208.
Code personnel 1208.
And room 1208 is my oasis.
Et la chambre 1208 est mon oasis

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