And we'll translate French
37,902 parallel translation
Okay, we'll do one more sweep, and then we'll land.
D'accord, on fait un autre passage, puis on atterrit.
Yeah, well, send a deal memo to my office, and we'll get started.
Envoie-moi le contrat.
Just text my mom the data points, and we'll see you on Sunday.
Envoyez-lui les infos, et à dimanche.
There are no further details, but keep it right here, and we'll continue to bring you the very latest.
Nous n'avons pas plus de détails, mais restez avec nous et nous vous informerons dès que possible.
I'll finish up first and then we can chat.
Je finis ce que j'ai à faire et nous pourrons discuter.
That way we'll all stay at home we'll have the cake. ... and it'll be my gift to you.
De cette façon, nous resterons tous à la maison... et ce sera mon cadeau pour vous.
And we'll Stan something new in 2019.
Et que nous commencerions quelque chose de nouveau en 2019.
And I'll call you, there's something we need to talk about.
Et je vais t'appeler, il y a quelque chose dont il faut qu'on parle.
That there's no risk of a corporate war, and we'll get back on our ship, go on our merry way, and you'll never have to see us again.
Qu'il n'y a aucun risque de guerre des corporations, et on repart sur notre vaisseau, poursuivre notre bonhomme de chemin, et vous ne nous reverrez jamais.
Just let me take these drinks to my ladies and we'll finish up, all right?
I have to do something and if I do it, we'll all be better off.
Je dois faire quelque chose et si je le fais, nous irons tous mieux.
And now we'll take some dicks outta my ass.
Maintenant, on se sort les doigts du cul.
... And we'll pick another winner tonight.
Nous allons avoir un nouveau gagnant ce soir.
We're going to get them both, and all the power that comes with it, and then we'll be able to do whatever the hell we want.
Avec tout le pouvoir qui vient avec. Et on pourra faire tout ce qu'on veut.
We got you away from those- - the other guys, so just... lay here, and I'll get you a glass of water?
On vous a libérée de ces... autres types. Restez allongée là et je vous amène un verre d'eau.
Huh? When we get back in the morning, we'll solve the murder of Patrick Spring, save Lydia, and figure out whatever the hell that thing is.
Quand on rentrera demain, on résoudra le meurtre de Patrick Spring, on sauvera Lydia et on trouvera ce qu'est cette chose.
Finish the day strong and we'll see about badminton tomorrow.
Terminer la journée en bonne forme et on verra pour le badminton demain.
We put this dish on the menu... this is now a Thomas Keller dish and you'll never be able to do it again.
On mets ce plat dans le menu... c'est maintenant un plat Thomas Keller et tu ne pourras plus jamais le faire à nouveau.
And we think that you'll have about a 70 % survival rate. "
Et nous pensons que vous aurez un taux de survie d'à peu près 70 %. "
Well, I understand you're very concerned about Mr. Calchek's well-being, and I can assure you we'll do all we can.
Je comprends votre intérêt pour le bien-être de M. Calchek, et je vous garantis que nous ferons tout.
Get up there and we'll pull you out.
Montez-y et on vous récupérera.
Once we've done the test, we'll come back and pick you up.
Dès qu'on aura fait le test, on reviendra te chercher.
We'll find Delaney, give her the antitoxin, and explain what's going on.
Nous trouverons Delaney, lui donnerons l'antitoxine, et nous expliquerons ce qu'il se passe.
We'll call a press conference. You'll explain that you had no knowledge about it and that there will be sanctions against her.
- On va convoquer une conférence de presse, pis vous allez expliquer que vous étiez au courant de rien, pis qu'il va y avoir des sanctions contre elle.
At 0830 tomorrow... today... we'll hand off the antimatter to the arriving team leader and our first mission will be complete.
Demain à 08 h 30... aujourd'hui nous allons confisquer l'antimatière à ce commandant et notre première mission sera accomplie.
Well, it's just that if the scan was accurate, you'd barely even be able to communicate with me right now, but it's no big deal, we just need to do it again, and I'll put a rush on this one for you.
Si le scan était exact, vous pourriez à peine communiquer. Il faut le refaire. Je vais activer les choses.
We'll sing a folk song and leave
Nous allons chanter du folk et partir
Well, Cadmus thinks that we are above the rest of the world, that we'll retreat alone to our own cities, just wait for them to come and get us.
Cadmus croit qu'on est supérieurs au reste du monde, qu'on va se retirer seuls, dans nos propres villes, à attendre qu'ils nous y cueillent.
Gladys, the goddess of fruits and grains, will smite our land and we'll endure 100 years of hunger and sadness!
Gladys, la déesse des fruits et des céréales, frappera notre terre et nous subirons 100 années de faim et de désolation.
Don't worry, Maurice. We'll find King Julien and bring him home.
Maurice, on va trouver le roi Julian et le ramener.
And we'll never have to interact with these... ugh... normal lemurs again.
Et nous en aurons fini avec ces... lémurs normaux, finalement.
[laughs] Old sport, if this is about the little soaps and shampoo bottles and the robes and the selection of mixed nuts we took from the room, I'll have you know we believed those were gifts.
Mon vieux, si c'est à propos des savonnettes, des serviettes et des noix que nous avons pris, nous étions convaincus que c'était des cadeaux.
Now, all we have to do is find where she stashed them, set them free, and they'll be convinced to leave forever and- - [groaning]
On doit juste trouver où elle les a cachés, les libérer et ils seront convaincus de partir pour toujours...
♪ [all cheering ] [ feedback ] [ playing rock music] ♪ We'll give'em dirty looks And call'em bad names ♪
On les regardera de travers On les traitera
♪ ♪ We'll insult their moms And yell at'em some more ♪
On insultera leurs mères On leur criera dessus
♪ And punch'em in the face And then we'll scratch their eyes out!
Et on les giflera Et on les griffera
They'll be back. And we better be ready.
Ils reviendront et il faudra être prêts.
[squeaking ] [ laughs] Uh... Hmm? Okay so, we're having some technical difficulties here, just go back to your normal lemur lives and we'll bring you some more doodles a bit later.
Bon, on a quelques difficultés techniques, reprenez vos vies normales de lémurs, et on vous amènera d'autres Choco-Popotins plus tard.
We'll go sleep on it and- -
La nuit porte conseil...
[shouts] Pay! We'll go to this crazy death match thingie and drag her home by force.
On va aller à ce match insensé et la traîner jusqu'à la maison.
You know, we'll get the crib out and you can take it for a test-drive.
On va sortir le lit et tu pourras l'essayer.
I truly believe, one day we'll stand in front of our kids and tell them where we were when the President stood up for all individuals'rights.
Je pense vraiment qu'un jour on racontera à nos enfants qu'on était là quand la Présidente a défendu les droits individuels de tous.
And that's where we'll find our alien John Doe.
Et c'est là qu'on vas trouver notre alien John Doe
We'll just lay low on the Internet and move on to phase two.
On va se faire rare sur Internet et passer à l'étape deux.
And we'll light the fire after.
On mettra le feu après.
Okay, I'll come over later and we can spend the whole day together doing magic.
Je peux passer la journée chez toi à faire de la magie.
Uh, uh, and we'll figure out a routine, and then... then this.
On créera un numéro et après...
As soon as we know the director's back online, we'll be safe and we can turn off the defenses.
Dès qu'il se reconnectera, on pourra désactiver le système de défense.
And we'll make sure that no one else comes here again.
Et on s'assurera que personne ne revienne ici.
And then we'll free Hiro.
Puis nous libérerons Hiro.
Why don't you stick around and we'll discuss stitching patterns over tea?
Pourquoi ne resteriez-vous pas plus longtemps pour parler couture autour d'une tasse de thé?
and we'll talk 51
and we'll go 28
and we'll call it even 21
and we'll be fine 21
and we'll be on our way 23
and we'll talk about it 17
and we'll take it from there 17
we'll be back soon 49
we'll do 19
we'll be right back 266
and we'll go 28
and we'll call it even 21
and we'll be fine 21
and we'll be on our way 23
and we'll talk about it 17
and we'll take it from there 17
we'll be back soon 49
we'll do 19
we'll be right back 266
we'll do it tomorrow 27
we'll be in touch 367
we'll be back 167
we'll see 1739
we'll 584
we'll talk soon 56
we'll go together 86
we'll be together again 17
we'll be okay 108
we'll see you tomorrow 58
we'll be in touch 367
we'll be back 167
we'll see 1739
we'll 584
we'll talk soon 56
we'll go together 86
we'll be together again 17
we'll be okay 108
we'll see you tomorrow 58