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But he didn't do it translate French

192 parallel translation
She deserved to be killed, but he didn't do it.
Elle méritait d'être tuée, mais il ne l'a pas fait.
But he didn't do it!
- Mais il n'a rien fait!
But he's been in the hospital before and it didn't seem to do any good.
Il a déjà été à l'hôpital et cela n'a rien changé.
But he didn't mean to do it.
Mais ce n'était pas intentionnel.
He told me to put something in your drinks but I didn't do it.
Je n'ai pas mis la drogue dans vos verres.
They each knew that he didn't do it... therefore, each thought the other did it. And their mother - she saw the knife in Matt's hand... but she couldn't say so without puttin'the rope around his neck.
Leur mère a vu le couteau dans la main de Matt, mais a eu peur de le perdre en témoignant.
- But he didn't do it. I know he didn't.
- Je vous dis que non!
But he didn't do it, Gus.
- Mais il est innocent, Gus.
I didn't know it, but he says I do.
Je ne le savais pas, mais s'il le dit...
But he didn't do it.
Mais ce n'était pas lui.
But he didn't do it!
Mais il est innocent!
I'm supposed to mark it down whether they put it back together or not and there ain't supposed to be but one way of doing it and he didn't do it.
Je suis censé écrire s'ils les ont assemblées ou non, mais il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le faire, et il a fait autrement.
He didn't do it so good, but I tell what. I'll give you 25 quid for him.
Il a pas fait une super course, mais je t'en offre 25 livres.
But I told him the truth that I didn't like it. Did he give the name? I do not remember.
Je ne savais pas exactement quoi répondre... alors j'ai dit la vérité, que ça me déplaisait.
But he couldn't do it. And we knew it, didn't we?
Mais on ne s'est pas fait avoir!
But he didn't do it, he had pity on me and abandoned me in the forest... where I could survive myself.
grandissant libre et fort comme un lynx.
- But he didn't do it. - I know, I know.
Mais ce n'est pas lui qui l'a commis.
But, Alan, he didn't do it. No!
- Mais il ne l'a pas fait, Alan.
But he didn't do it, Alan. He didn't do it!
Mais il ne l'a pas fait, Alan!
CATRIONA : But he didn't do it, Alan.
Mais il ne l'a pas fait, Alan.
The murderer could've taken it, but he didn't do that.
Le meurtrier aurait pu la prendre, mais il ne l'a pas fait.
But he didn't do it.
Il n'a pas tué.
He didn't see me do it, of course, but Mr. Lang went to the bank and got that check himself this afternoon and then he came back and locked it in a desk drawer.
- Un chèque. - Il ne m'a pas vue, mais M. Lang est allé le chercher à la banque en personne et l'a mis sous clé dans son bureau.
His body functions might've done it, but he himself, he didn't do it!
Son corps peut-être. Mais lui, lui-même, sûrement pas.
I didn't wanna do it, but he took me by the hand and made me do it.
Je ne voulais pas, mais il m'a pris la main et m'a conduite devant la glace.
But I suppose that this is really the story of my father, and that strange, leaf-whispery autumn, when his heart was suddenly too old and tired and too full of yearning and regrets, and he didn't know what to do about it.
Mais je suppose que cette histoire est avant tout celle de mon père, et de cet étrange automne aux feuilles bruissantes, au cours duquel son coeur devint soudainement trop vieux et se retrouva encombré d'aspirations et de regrets dont il ne savait que faire.
But he said he didn't think it would do harm if I wanted to drive you out to your place... as long as you felt well enough to go.
Il a dit qu'il ne pensait pas que de vous conduire à votre maison vous ferait du mal, tant que vous vous sentiez en état d'y aller.
I didn't mean to do it, but I loved him and... he left me for another woman!
Je ne voulais pas faire ça, mais je l'aimais et... il m'a quittée pour une autre femme!
I know he stole it, but she really didn't do anything.
Je sais qu'il m'a volée, mais elle n'y est pour rien.
I didn't want to have anything to do with it, but he said if I didn't pose for those patty-cake pictures, Roger would never work in this town again.
Je ne voulais pas m'en mêler mais il a dit que si je ne faisais pas ces photos, Roger n'aurait plus de travail.
Charlie had the motive, but he didn't have the wit to do it.
Charlie avait le motif, mais pas le cerveau pour concrétiser.
He won't let me forget it. But I didn't do it, MacGyver.
Mais ce n'est pas moi.
- He was there, but he didn't do it?
- Et il n'a rien fait?
I've known Joe since I was a kid, but I can't say he didn't do it.
J'ai connu Joe, j'étais tout gosse. Je peux pas dire qu'il y est pour rien.
I'm sure he didn't know it was going to be okay... but it was just sort of the human kind of thing to do.
Je suis sûr qu'il ne savait pas que tout irait bien... mais c'était juste une chose humaine à faire.
But God was there first and he didn't need solar batteries and a fusion reactor to do it.
Mais Dieu n'a pas eu besoin de la technologie.
But that boy you mentioned, if he was there I bet he didn't mean to do it.
Mais le gars dont vous avez parlé, s'il était là je suis sûr qu'il ne l'a pas fait délibérément.
He says, `'But, sir, I didn`t do it.`'
Il m'a dit : "Mais je ne suis pas coupable."
But then he didn't do it because he decided that he liked us too much.
Mais il ne l'a pas fait parce qu'il nous aimait trop.
But he also just didn't want to do it.
Mais il ne voulait aussi tout simplement pas en faire.
Her husband, Mr. John Knightley... he is not so bad, but Isabella said it didn't do him justice.
Son mari, M. John Knightley il n'est pas si mal mais Isabella dit, que je ne lui rend pas justice
Because I didn't That's why somebody like Allen Klein had the opportunity to say he could do it, but so did a lot of other people
C'est ainsi qu'Allen Klein a pu se porter volontaire, comme l'on fait beaucoup d'autres
He's only gonna go for the homicide...'cause he's sick and the world's such a sad place, but that he really didn't do it.
Il a avoué le crime parce qu'il est dégoûté de la vie, mais ce n'est pas lui.
But he just didn't do it in front of me.
Mais jamais devant moi.
I mean, he should have been watching where he was going, but I realized that he didn't do it on purpose so I shook it off and I left.
Il aurait dû regarder où il allait. Mais il ne l'avait pas fait exprès. Alors, j'ai laissé tomber et je suis partie.
- but he didn't do very well at it.
- mais il n'était pas très doué.
But he didn't jump ship to do it not even for a second
Mais il n'a pas quitté le navire un seul instant.
And he says he's gonna do it again. He didn't actually say it, but he implied he was going to do it again.
Il ne l'a pas vraiment dit, il l'a impliqué.
But my Grandpa said it was what he didn't do that worried him.
Selon mon grand-père, c'est ce qu'il n'avait pas fait qui le travaillait.
But he didn't do it.
Mais il ne l'a pas fait.
But if he didn't do it, that means... Chris Keller is innocent.
Mais si c'était pas lui, ça veut dire... que Chris Keller est innocent.

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